Sanji x Clumsy! Reader

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Sanji's pov

I happily prepared lunch for my Nami-swan, Robin-chwan, and Y/n-swan! I hummed happily as I placed the finishing touches to the three dishes. As I looked down at my masterpiece I grinned and started to imagine Nami and Robin in bikinis on the beach, alone... With me. I giggled and nearly fainted. I placed all three dishes on a tray and left the kitchen to give the meals to my wonderful ladies!

The First Lady I spot was Robin,"ROBIN-CHWAAAAN!!! I have finished your lunch, milady." I knelt down on one knee and served Robin.

"Thank very much." She giggles as she begins eating her food. I smile and race around the deck looking for Nami. I couldn't find her anywhere so I decided to look for her in her study. I politely knocked on the door and waited for her to respond.

"Come in Sanji!" Her faint angelic voice has called out to me! I opened the door and saw her sketching out a new map.

My eyes became hearts,"I have brought you your lunch, Nami-swaaaaaan!!" She looks up and nods. I quietly walk towards her and hand her, her plate of food. "Enjoy, mademoiselle." Nami took one bite and smiled. Alrighty! Now Y/n-swan needs her lunch!

"SANJI! FOOD!" I hear Luffy yell from Sunny's head.

I walked out of Nami's study and popped a vain,"SHUT UP LUFFY! LADIES GET THEIR LUNCH FIRST!!"

"HAAAAAH?!?!" Luffy starts to complain.

"There's an appetizer for you in the kitchen." I state before walking down to the library. Y/n should be here... Oh there she is. "Y/n-swaaaaaan!! Your lunch is served!" She looks up from her book and smiles. I hand her the plate, but her hand slipped. Luckily I have my reflexes so I caught it. Phew...

"A-ah! I'm sorry Sanji-kun! So clumsy of me!" Y/n started to panic, but I just stare at her with loving eyes(heart eyes). I placed her plate on a near by mini table and embraced her... And basically squealing.

"Y/N-SWAAAAAAN!!!!! YOU'RE SO CUUUUUTE!!!" I lovingly rubbed our cheeks together, also showing her my affection.

"S-Sanji-kuuuuun! To-too tight!" She pats my arm repeatedly. I pout, but let her go anyways.

I smile,"Well you better eat your lunch or it'll get cold!"

"Ah! Right!" She giggles before taking the plate and eating her food. I turned around to leave the room, but something was... Urging me to stay and watch her. (Creepy) I turn to look over my shoulder to see Y/n not eating, but staring at me with a dazed look. Is she okay?

"Y/n-swan? Are you feeling okay?" I turn fully around waiting for an answer. She snaps out of her daze and blushes like crazy.

"Ah! Yeah, yeah! I'm okay, no worries Sanji-kun!" She waves her hands as if she were hiding something. Liar.

I sigh and scratch the back of my neck,"Well... If you say so Y/n..." I turned to leave the library, but when I tried to open the door... It was locked! "Hah... HAAAAAAAAAH?!?!?!?!"

Y/n raced over to see the commotion,"Wh-what's wrong Sanji-kun?!" I slowly turn to face her with a stoic expression.

"It's locked."

"Huh?" She was silent.


"EEEEEEEEEHHHHHHH?!?!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!!?- Sanji-kun... Break the door with your kicks." She suggests.

"I can't! I don't want to damage the boat! Frankly gave it to us and it's a masterpiece!" I protested. She looked up at me with a pouty face.


I blushed. I tried looking away, but... My nose bleed caught me. "SANJI?!" I fell forward only to be caught by Y/n. Again.... That face... Pout again Y/n-swan... Y/n dragged me over to the sofa and laid me down. She ran around grabbing tissues for me. Once I got everything I needed to stop the bleeding I sat up and saw Y/n looking scared on the floor. Why so scared?


"Eh? Sanji-kun? Do you have a cold? I'll try to get Chopper if you need him." She crawled forward and looked up at me once she was sitting below me. My eyes became hearts again,"DWAAAAAAAAA Y/N-SWAAAAAN IS WORRYING ABOUT MOIIII!!!"

Y/n blushed and started to scurry around the small room. I stood up and was about to stop her, but then she tripped over her own feet. She fell forward... And tumbled into me. She ended on top of me, but it's not like I didn't like it... I loved it. Y/n sat up and was sitting on my waist. I THINK IM GOING TO LOOSE MORE BLOOD!!!!!!!

"HAAAAAH!!! IM SO SORRY SANJI-KUN!!" She started waving her hands around and was about to get up, but only ended up tumbling into a wall. "Ouchie!" She sat down and rubbed her forehead. I chuckled. Getting up I walked up to her, knelt down and took a look at the bruise.

"You should be more careful Y/n-swan." I say in a hushed voice. She blushed and puffs out her cheeks, but only nods in response. I smiled. I leaned up and kissed her forehead gently. SHES SO CUTE!!!!!! Y/n looks up at me with surprise, but then with awe. I smile at her and got ready to stand back up... But the thing is... I couldn't. Y/n grabbed my tie and gently placed her lips onto mine.





I felt her shiver as I cupped her cheeks and pulled her closer. She let go of my tie and instead wrapped the around my neck with her hands playing with my blonde hair. I pulled out of the kiss and stared down at Y/n. Her face showed an expression I've always wanted my girl to look like after out first kiss. Saddened that the kiss is over, yet happy that it happened.

"S-San-Sanji...kun..." She squeaks out. I hummed and looked into her e/c eyes. ", I-love y-y-your cooking...?" Joy struck. "Ah! I-didn't-"

I pecked her lips,"I love you too..."

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