Robin x Reader

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This one is a lil short ;-; but dun worry I'll update more soon!! It's almost Le weekend!!!! And I'll also try to get that Rebecca X Male! Child Reader sequel up soon :3
Also dis is GXG..... Kinda lol
Third person pov

Robin was reading silently in the ships library, alone. Sanji already gave her,
her lunch for the day. As she was multitasking someone opened the door to the library. Robin looked up to see Y/n standing there with a flushed face.

"O-oh didn't know you were here Robin...! I'll be go-going now." She laughed nervously. Y/n turned to leave the room, but Robin used her Flower Flower no mi to pull the h/c haired girl over to her.

"There's no need to be shy. Come read with me." Robin smiled angelically.

Y/n gulped down a squeal as she began walking toward Robin, to sit down next to her and read. Robin knew. She always knew Y/n had a major crush on her and even Y/n knew Robin knew about it! Everyone does, which is also the reason why Sanji fanboys over other women with Y/n a little bit. Robin looked at the corner of her eye, she saw Y/n staring lovingly at her. Robin found it cute that Y/n acted like a tsundere, but she'd never brush it off. Y/n would admit it.

"Tell me, Y/n. Why do you find me so interesting to look at?" Robin turned her attention toward the h/c haired girl.

Y/n just smiled,"You're beautiful."

"I do remember Sanji telling me that quite a while ago." Robin chuckles. Y/n giggles along.

"I guess you get it a lot then... Well when it comes to Sanji, I guess." Y/n's e/c eyes shined with comfort and love.

Robin smiled without showing her teeth,"Of course. But I do believe this is the first time you've ever told me that..."

"Oh is it? Then I'll tell you everyday if you'd like. Maybe I'll keep Sanji from flirting with you too much." Both ladies laughed. Their conversations would always start quite awkward and silent, but in just a few seconds it'll be like their already dating or better married!

"That would put be too bad... Please do, Y/n."

Y/n giggled,"I don't know if you're just teasing me or trying to get me to make a move."

Robin put her book down and chuckled,"Why haven't you made a move yet? I know for a fact that you would've wanted to be in a relationship with me."

"You don't seem the type to go too fast and plus, why not get to know each other first." Y/n reached for a book, but then looked back at the ravenett,"You haven't fallen for me yet, so I'll have to wait a little longer before I ask."

"Is that so?"

Y/n looks at the floor, eyes filled with love and joy,"Of course... I'll be waiting for that one day you tell me you love me back..."

Robin's eyes widened with shock, she'll wait? For me? Tears form on her eyes, but she wipes the, away and smiles at the h/c haired girl,"Then I'd like to see what you have in stored for me."

"You'll fall for me soon. Just you wait!" Y/n looks back up into Robin's crystal blue eyes,"I'll make you say 'I love you'!"

Robin smiles,"I can't wait..."

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