Buggy x Reader

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Duuuuuude!!!! It's been forever since I've updated XDD dis is about Buggy... As you can tell........ And I didn't edit dis so sorry for moi bad spelling. ^^
Y/n's pov

I laid flat on my back on the deck as everyone wondered around the ship, either arguing or gossiping about the 'Worst Generation'. To be completely honest, those kids sound so fucking badass, getting a name--title of the Worst Generation sounds cool! Too bad I'm not a part of it... Can't believe I'm apart of the most stupidest generation ever... Err well I dunno what generation I'm in really...

"Gaaaow!" I look up behind me and see that random pink maned lion, Richie, staring down at me, as if he were begging to be fed.

I grinned,"Are you being disowned again?"

He nodded in response,"Gaaaaaaaooow!!!!"

"Hehe! I'll go sneak some meat for you, but you gotta keep it a secret from your lousy owner, got it?" Sitting up I turned to face him, giving him a serious--yet playful glare. He sat back on his two hind legs and had one of his front paws salute to me. I giggled. Getting up I raced into the dining area, then into the kitchen--where I saw he chefs snoozing. I grabbed a pan and a spatula, and then began banging the pan--yelling for the chefs to get their lazy asses up and outta the kitchen. "GET OUT YA LIL SHITS!!" They groaned and grumbled their way out of the kitchen. Now that I was finally alone, I began my search for all the meat. Since I really just couldn't make Richie food and have everyone else starve, might as well make an entire feast... Right? That's when the light bulb went off. I'll just make Richie the good food while everyone else gets literal shit! I smirked deviously. Defiantly gonna do this prank! Hopefully Big Sis Alvida won't be mad at me for this!

I have finally finished all the meals, they smell absolutely delish! I walked out and quickly placed everyone's plates down. I left Richie's plate on my head and balanced it out and over to him. Once he saw his food, his long pink tongue rolled out and started to drip saliva everywhere, indicating he was ready to dig in. I see everyone crowding around and watching Richie devour the meal.

"Y'all want your dinner to be cold?" I rolled my eyes as they all raced into the dinning area. Even the captain raced for the dinning area. Alvida stood beside me and watched.

"You made ours taste like shit didn't you?" She says with a sigh of frustration and amuse.

I snickered,"You bet Big Sis!"

"I have some information you'd love to know." Her eyes move to look down at me as she smirks. My ears pricked up.

"And what's that?" I hummed.

She chuckles,"You better not make a fuss, but I've heard from Mohji and Cabaji that Buggy has taken quite a liking to you... And you silly shit tasting pranks."

"Oh-oh! I knew someone would--- wait a minute! You mean captain like like-likes me?? Me? Of all people," I huffed in annoyance, but truth be told I was thrilled.

"Looks like someone's ecstatic about the news."Alvida laughs in amusement. Just in moments notice every crew member comes rushing outta the dining area looking pissed.

"Y/N!!!!!!" They all shouted with anger. I giggled before princess waving my had and racing into the captains office--room. Buggy somehow was shoved into the room along with me... Butterflies everyone I tell you!

"Once again with your shitty pranks, huh?" Buggy grumbles, but has a hint of amusement in his harshful tone.

My cheeks stained with pink dust particles,"Course! What's a fest without my shitty cooking?!"

"And actual fest!" He snaps back.

"Hey, you know you love it when I do my pranks!" I puffed out my cheeks and crossed my arms and pouted. He stiffened. I saw his blush form across his cheeks as I pouted. "Hey captain... I've been apart of the Buggy Pirates for about four years now and well... It seems I've fallen quite hard."

"Fallen? How'd you fall that hard Y/n?" He questions idiotically. I grinned.

"It's not how, but a who." His eyes popped out as he gasps.


My grin widening I walk up to his surprised--shocked body and gently placed my soft pink lips onto his paint covered ones. He stiffens yet again. Pulling away I giggled,"It's you silly!"

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