Kidd x Reader x Law

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I'll be naming some extra characters so don't pay them too much attention :) also I have absolutely no clue on what the heck happened here lol
Reader's pov

I walked around the Sabaody Archipelago with my two most trusted crew members, whom happen to be my childhood friends, Ghost and Riot. As it so happens to be, we are only one of the six? Seven? Pirate crews here. I've heard that we were called the worst generation and it sounds just about right!

"Hey, we should totally buy a slave!" Riot snickered.
Ghost rolled their eyes. "How disgusting you can be."
"Oh come on now! There's literally only five of us in this goddamn crew, a slave could be useful!" Riot licked their lip as they creepily opened their extra two eyes that were below their 'original' pair of eyes.
Ghost clicked their tongue. "A slave would be useless to us."
"Sour puss!" Riot closed their bottom pair of eyes. "Slaves could be used for different things ya know."
"Yes, Riot. I do know." Ghost shakes their head.
"Can you two just shut up? We have enough crew members. The less mates we've got, the less trouble." I interrupted their conversation.
"Tch, whatever you say shorty." Riot pouts.
Ghost giggles. "Such a child you are."

Riot blushed. Are they dating? Yes. Yes they are. Riot decided to take Ghost out on a quick date. Of course I didn't mind. They were a happy couple, that had lots of bickering moments. There was a rumor. A rumor about Mugiwara Luffy and his crew were here. I wasn't very interested in his crew really, but the crews I were interested in were the Kidd pirates and the Heart pirates. Very interesting crews with even more interesting captains, handsome too.

"I do hope I run into them." I grinned deviously.

I wondered around. There wasn't anything interesting, but I did run into some of the other worst generation pirates. I got acquainted with Jewelry Bonnie and met Hawkins... He was a weird one. Hawkins told me I'd run into trouble... Love trouble. He's so annoying! I stomped my way into a pastry shop, my eyes wondered around the shop, annoyed. The people in the shop stared at me with worry or disgust.

"What?" I glared at them. "I'm an ordinary customer!"

They all looked around nervously before hesitantly returning back to what they were doing before I marched into the shop. I made my way up to the front desk and looked at all the pastries that were laid out.

"Ne, can I have (favorite sweet treat)?" I asked calmly.
The lady nodded, "anything else?"
I paused, "Hmm... Maybe a French vanilla latte, medium please."
"Is that all?" She asks.
"Yep, how much do I owe?" I reached behind me and grabbed my f/c wallet.
"Seven fifty three beris." She says nonchalantly.

I dig through my wallet and grab the beris I owed. Handing her the money, I heard whispering from behind me. Fake? I'm not that kind of pirate. It should all be real. I smirked. After a good five minutes the lady finally handed me my latte and (favorite sweet treat). I took it and walked straight out of the shop, I needed to go somewhere else... Maybe look for Trafalgar Law and Captain Kidd. I walked around intently. I had stopped by a few other stores to see if they would be any in there, but I don't think either of them would be in clothing stores... I gulped down the last bit of my sweet treat and began taking bigger sips from my latte. I was getting pretty irritated while looking for only two guys, who probably stood out among the crowd.

"Ah." I mumbled. My e/c eyes landed on a red, tulip shaped hair and an annoyed face. "It's captain Kidd..."
"You piece of shit! Do you think this is a joke? If I tell you I'm the real deal, then I am the real fucking deal! Got it?!" He snarled at the shivering man on the ground. The terrified man hastily nodded his head and crawled off. "If I even see you anywhere near me I'll rip you to shreds!"
I smirked. "Damn, ain't that harsh?"
Kidd turned towards me, he heard me! "You got a problem?"
"Nah." I shrugged nonchalantly. "Your voice is just annoying, keep it down will ya?"
"Tsk, you must have a death wish if you're gonna be insulting me." He grinned deviously.
I smirked, "Actually I do have a death wish, but that shouldn't interest you at all."
"Right. Uninterested on how you live your worthless life!" He cackled.
"Worthless? Now I wouldn't go there, I'm literally one of the richest pirates that ever existed!" I huffed with a quick sneer.
His eyes widened with a harsh smirk, "Oh really? Then you must be Y/n the treasure pirate."
My eyes sparkled, "So you do know me! How sweet, tulip head!"
"Don't call me that you thieving brat." He growled. Kidd walked up to me with his crew staring in surprise someone was talking back to their captain.
I gasped. "Thieving? How rude! I do not steal... I find and claim what is mine."
"I don't see the difference." Kidd spat.
"It's because you're too stupid to see the difference." I rolled my eyes, basically challenging him.
Kidd frowned, "If I were you... I'd run right now."
"Oh! What are you gonna do? Kill me?!" I snickered. "Come and get me bitch."
Kidd grinned. "With pleasure!"

He lifted his fist into the air and swung down, attempting to hit me. Easily enough, I hopped back just in time. His fist was jammed in the ground, a crater surrounding his fist. Kidd roughly jerked his hand back and stood up. His eyes showing full on interest in me as he rushed forward. I ducked out of the way as he swung his fists at me again. Just as I was dodging, Kidd suddenly turned around and grabbed a hold of my waist. His left hand held firmly on my waist as his right was holding my hands above my head.

"I got you, you little bitch." He snickered.
I tried holding back a blush by grinning. "What a lewd act you are attempting! And in public!"
"What? I don't know what--" he blinked his eyes questionably at me. Then suddenly his eyes snapped open. "WHY THE HELL WOULD I ATTEMPT THAT HERE?!"
I leaned back, teasingly, and smirked. "Because I'm irresistible."
He shoved me away with an embarrassed glare. "Whatever! I'm leaving, you're just wasting my time!"
"Aw man! I was having fun!" I playfully pouted. "Maybe next time?"
"SHUT THE HELL UP!" He hollers before storming away back to his confused crew.

I giggled. Well, that went well. I threw my hands behind my head and casually walked away.

<someplace else>

Ghost had called. They wanted me to meet up with Riot and them at the auctioning house in an hour. It seems the two were finally getting annoyed with their sudden date in Sabaody Archipelago. It has already been about an two hours and a half since my encounter with Kidd. At the moment, I was trying to find Law, but I wasn't having much luck. Did I jinx it yet? I grumbled as my eyes darted around, hoping to see Law and his crew somewhere. This was getting really annoying. Then I ran into someone.

"Ah--" I was caught before I fell on my ass. "Oh, thaaaAAnks!"
It was Law! I knew I jinxed it! "Oya? Aren't you Y/n?"
I cleared my throat and stood up straight. "Yeah, why?"
"Nothing really, I just thought you would at least be with your crew." He commented with a grin.
"Well I'm not afraid to walk around alone. Plus, my crew can be too much of a hassle." I shrugged.
He chuckled, "I understand."
"Oi! We aren't a hassle!" It was a polar bear mink, also named Bepo.
Law shrugged, "Well Penguin is."
"Ah!" Penguin gaps. "Rude!"
I giggled, "Seems like a lively crew."
"You envious?" Law smirks.
"Maybe, maybe not?" I snickered. "We probably won't ever know."
Law shakes his head, "But I want to know. Jealousy is a big deal you know."
I smirked. "Oh yes, I do know jealousy is a big deal... It's just that..."
"Just... What?" Law takes a step closer and leans to where our noses were only an inch apart, "please do continue."
"It's just that it is absolutely none of your business, you nosy pirate." I pinched both this cheeks and giggle at his annoyed expression.
He smacks my hands away from his face. "Quite a tease you are."
"I am a tease, but a simple topic like that is really none of your business." I gave him a sly smile and lightly tapped his right cheeks. "Don't be so upset about it, you can always try to learn something more interesting about me."
Law huffs. "I might do exactly that."
"A date then?" My e/c eyes sparkled.
"A date?!" Bepo shrieks. "Captain!!"
Law's brow twitched, "Maybe not."
"Aww, is your pride on the line?" I gasped. "Or have you never been on a date with a lady!"
"Shut up! That's not important, especially to you!" Law snaps.
I crossed my arms with a grin, "Ah--I made him mad."
"Tch, I'll be taking my leave." Law angrily pushes past me, his crew following behind him.
"Awe, alright." I pouted, "make sure to tell me when you want that date!"
He freezes. "SHUT THE HELL UP!"

I snickered and ran off. Met them both... Looks like I have to meet up with the love birds now. I happily skipped my way to the auction house.

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