Corazon x Pianist! Reader

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Corazon's pov

I remember that day, that one day when I first met Y/n... It feels like it was just yesterday, but it's been years since I've seen her... Even after that incident I can still remember her piano tunes, and that lovely smile of hers...
I was walking through the empty halls of one of the marine bases I was assigned to for three months, just to make sure everything was going okay. I've recently became a full fledged marine last year and now I'm finally assigned to a base!! I do hope that I'll find Doffy before he goes on a rampage someday. I stopped walking when I heard a sweet tone playing, a piano? I didn't know we had one here on the base... My curiosity got the best of me because I ended up walking around the base looking for the room the music was coming from. I swore every time I thought I had gotten closer to the sound I just end up farther than before! I grumbled in frustration.

"What's up with you today, man?" Turning around I see one of my senior marine comrade cocking a brow at me. I chuckle nervously and told him it was nothing, and that I was fine.

"Sure, whatever you say." He turns to leave, but stops in his tracks,"also there's some piano music playing around here, mind checking it out? The supposedly secret music room is a few doors down, should have the numbers three, seven, and nine imprinted on it."

"Really? Thanks, I'll see what the source is then." I gave him a nod before walking down the hall, looking for the specific numbers the senior gave me. Three, seven, nine.... There it is! Sighing in relief I gently knocked on the door, waiting for a response.

A faint voice came from the other side,"Come in."

I cracked open the door only to see a h/c haired lady sitting in front of the piano.

Music papers scattered around the room and a Mozart music piece on the resting stand on top of the piano. "Um... Is everything okay?"

I asked worriedly. She only looked at me as if I were the crazy one. "Yes of course everything is fine..."

"Then why are music sheets scattered around the room?" She only cocks a brow and sighs.

"Because I can't choose which piece I want to play... So I scattered them and randomly choosing." She says with a proud grin.

I rolled my eyes,"But it's a mess in here, haven't you ever thought of cleaning once you're done in here?"

She froze. She never thought of it has she?

"I totally thought of that!" She huffs out air in a sassy matter.

I clicked my tongue,"Sure, or so you say."

"Wha--oh shut up newbie! If you're really upset about this mess why don't you clean it up?" The lady says as she puffs out her cheeks and pouts.

"Sure, but I was not the one who made it in the first place." She groans.

"Whatever! If you clean this up, I'll... Um--I'll..." She pauses for a moment."I'll got on a secret date with you!"

My eyes widened,"A what?!"

"A secret date!" She smiles childishly. What a terrible idea! I don't even know you! "My names Y/n, Bulls Eye Y/n!"

"Huh? Bulls Eye... Y/n?" I furrow my eyebrows, where have I heard that name before? Ding! "Aren't you the pirate captain of the Seven Heartedly Pirates?"

"Yes indeed I am!" She stands up and bows. "But not anymore, I'm a marine sharp shooter, and also the pianist around here."

Her smile doesn't seem as if she'd ever be a pirate captain, let alone the captain of the Seven Heartedly Pirates... Those thieving bastards!

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