Corazon x Reader

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Corazon was currently... Resting. He was with his brother, Doflamingo, in the Donquixonte ship's captains office. They had just recruited two new members, a kid and a girl. Law seemed to have an incurable sickness while the girl... It was too hard to tell what she was doing. One moment she's gazing out peacefully into the ocean and the next she's either have an insult battle with Diamanté or arguing about something childish with Doflamingo. She was an interesting one.

There was a knock on the door, "It better not be you, ya lil' shit."
A snicker could be heard from the other side of the door. The door creaked open revealing, Y/n L/n. "Yes, it is I."
"The hell do you want?" Doflamingo growled.
She shrugged, "Nothing actually. I was just told to tell the both of you that there is an island spotted east from here, probably about a week to get there."
"That's it?" Doflamingo cocked his head toward the side. "Good, now get the hell outta here--and take Corazon too."
Corazon's eyes widened. "Whatever you say Ming-Ming."
"Do you wanna die, fatso?" Doflamingo grinned deviously.
"But aren't I a valuable crew member?" Y/n pouts. "Surely I've proven that over the last few weeks I've been here, I even watched those brats."
Doflamingo shrugs, "But did I care? No. Now leave with this mute fuck."
"Tch." Y/n walked over to Corazon and grabbed his arm. She dragged him out of the room and out onto the deck, where everyone was... Playing Go Fish,
"What the hell?!" Y/n exclaimed letting Corazon go, "you're playing without me?!"
Diamanté grinned, "Couldn't wait any longer, small tits."
"This is Go Fish we are talking about, no-dick!" Y/n snapped back. "Ya should've waited!"

Corazon took his cigar from his mouth and blew out a puff of smoke. He looked around and saw the new kid, Trafalgar Law, glaring at him with daggers. Corazon grumbled and began walking away from the small crowd. He went down a floor from the deck, it was where storage and the hammocks were placed. Corazon knew he was being followed.

"Why didn't you tell everyone?" It was Law's voice. "Why didn't you tell anyone that I was the one that stabbed you that day? What does the letter D mean in my name?!"
Corazon looked around before speaking. "I have my reasons."
Law took this offensively, "Then tell me those reasons!"
"Shut it kid, you're annoying me."
Law clicked his tongue, "Fine! Whatever! Just don't give yourself third degree burns, you damn bastard."
Corazon looked at his left shoulder and saw that it was in flames. "WUAAH!"
Law watched as the fall male tried putti out the flames with his bare hand. But what the both didn't know what that there was another person in the room. "Ho, ho?"
They both freeze, "Who's there?"
"I didn't know number two could speak! Weren't you supposed to be mute?" It was Y/n!
Corazon grumbled in annoyance, "Don't tell Doffy..."
"Ming-Ming?" Her e/c eyes glew. "Psh, as if I'd tell him about this. It's not important enough."
"Huh?" Law furrowed his brows in confusion.
Y/n eyes sparkled, "Why are you like the only child here that's really adorable?!"
She rushed up to Law and swiftly picked him up. He was in her arms for about ten minutes before he had bitten her and hid behind a crate. "Creepy old hag."
"The hell you just call me?!" Her eyes flared up in anger.
"What do you want, Y/n?" Corazon asked seriously.
She shrugged. "Nothing really, Cora-chiin."
"Ne, ne! I think there's a devil fruit that might help Law over there." Law's eyes widened.
Y/n smiled. "Yes, but I'm gonna need yours and Cora-chiin's help."
Law's eyes narrowed, "Why?"
"Because... I think Cora knows where to look for it."
Corazon swear dropped, "A-h... No--no I don't."
"Lier." Both Y/n and Law say in unison.
"It's the truth!" He whined back. "We can search for it, but there's no guarantee that we'll find it..."
"But we'll find it anyways." Y/n grinned with excitement.

Cora watched as the h/c haired lady picked up Law and gave him a big bear hug. It would seem she was muttering something in Law's ear that made him blush deep red.

Y/n frowned, "That's so rude! I'm not even that old!"
Law squirmed in her grasp, "Let me down already!"
"Hai, hai!" Y/n cheerfully grinned. "Cora-chiin... We leave once we get to the next island. Okay?"
Corazon nodded in response before walking back upon to the deck.

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