Chapter 14 - The Engagement (1).

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Mandi's P.O.V.

Monday 5th June, 2017, 3:37pm.

This was the day I had been waiting for since the past week. And it had finally arrived. I wasn't scared, but I was nervous. Today on wards, I would be Virat Kohli's fiance. Today on wards, there was no turning back. I was getting married to him in a month. A guy that I barely knew last week, I had fallen for. I just prayed he felt the same way about me, and I just wasn't one of his flings, and I'd just be his wife, with no meaning. Just waking up in the same bed as him everyday. But I knew he wouldn't do that. I didn't fall in love with that. I fell in love with a caring, loving, sweet guy, who was possessive over me, and didn't want to loose me. I guess my dream of marrying the right one was finally coming true.

"Mandi?" I heard Esha knock on the door, and I told her to come in.

"Okay, oh my god my baby sister is getting engaged today!" She squealed and hugged me. "I bet you're going to die when you see him all dressed up." She winked, and I laughed.

"More like he's going to die when he sees me." I dramatically flipped my hair behind my head.

"True." She giggled. "It's half past three, we seriously need to be getting you ready." She said, and I agreed. My work obsessed ass was editing pictures all day on the day of my own engagement. We only had 3 hours to get ready before we had to leave. "Have you showered?" She asked and I nodded.

"Great!" She exclaimed. "Now wait here and me and Manpreet will bring your lengha. You'll get changed first, I will do your hair, and she will do your makeup. NO peeking until we're finished!" She exclaimed and smiled. As excited as I was, I still rolled my eyes at my sister in laws bossy-ness.

"Sure, boss, anything else?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Yeah." She nodded. "When you get there, you remind Virat that you are the only girl in this damn world that he can look at." She chuckled.

"I think he's done that himself already, no?" I asked and she laughed and nodded. She left the room, and I pulled up my phone for the first time today.

Hazelnut missed call (3)

Virat missed call (8)

Virat sent you a text message (24)


I looked at his text messages, and they literally all said, 'call me', or 'I miss you', or 'why aren't you answering your damn phone?', and 'i'm not talking to you at our engagement.'

I laughed at his childish behaviour, and then called him. When he answered the call, he stayed silent.

"Viraaaat?" I sweetly called. "I know you're there, why aren't you speaking?"

"You've been igoring me since the morning!" He groaned, and I chuckled, making him groan again.

"I haven't been ignoring you, I've been doing work." I spoke the truth.

"Liar. Why would you do work on our engagement?"

"Virat, for me, that's like saying why are you watching TV on our engagement?" I laughed, and he mumbled in response, probably agreeing.

"I can't wait to see you tonight." I smiled even though he couldn't see me.

"I can't either, Mandi. You're gonna look so beautiful."

"Let's see if you can control yourself when you see me." I laughed, and he chuckled.

"Control myself? When you see me in my suit and bow tie, you'll be begging for me." I could bet you he was smirking.

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