Chapter 4 - Questions.

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Mandi's P.O.V.

"Yes." He spoke, confidently. He sounded like he had no regrets. My head shot up when I heard his response, I looked at him, in utter disbelief, and so did both of our families. I'm sure they were all expecting the two of us to say no. What happened to that deal we made, Virat? Why did you do that, Virat? Why?

"Mandi?" Virat called my name, and brought me back to reality.

"We thought we'd lost you then!" My dad laughed, and the atmosphere in the room felt less awkward when everyone else started laughing. "But, Mandip, would you like Virat as your husband? We are not forcing you or anything, but you know you would make me and your mother the happiest parents in the whole world!"

Aaand here was the start of the emotional blackmail. I couldn't say no to them, but I couldn't say no to marrying Virat. Or could I? Would I find happiness with him? Was I ready to leave my home, and spend the rest of my life with him?

I had only just realised that what I was meant to be thinking of all day, I had only started thinking about now. Because he had distracted my from my thoughts. He had an effect on me. I couldn't stop staring, thinking about him. They were all looking at me, expecting an answer off me.


My dad jumped up, and pulled my mom into a huge hug, and both our parents did the same. The smile on their faces were priceless.

Oh, Mandi, what have you done?

I looked over at my brothers and sister in laws, and they all had a smug smirk plastered on their faces. Everyone apart from Esha. Wasn't this what she wanted for me? I said yes, and now she wasn't happy with me? Shrugging off the thoughts, I sat still in my chair, not saying a word.

My family were still over the moon, and constantly talking about when the engagement will be, that none of them realised that neither Virat or I had spoken yet. I got up from the sofa, and walked out of the room, to the kitchen. I gulped down a glass of water. I closed my eyes, and wished this was all a dream.

"Mandi..." A voice called out from behind me. I quickly turned around after wiping my tears away, to see my one and only future husband.

"What do you want, Virat?" I tried so hard not to show any emotion in my voice whatsoever.

"Are you okay?" He asked.
"You've fucking ruined my life, Virat." I scoffed. I walked towards the door, ready to go to the stairs, but as I was going past him, he grabbed my wrists, and pulled my right up to his chest.

"Why did you say yes? You had the choice to say no, yet you didn't." He bought his face closer to mine.

I still didn't say anything, but I tried to get out of his grip. It didn't work, first the grip was just getting tighter, but he soon moved his hands to my waist. I tried to get out of his grip, but the grip his hands had on my waist kept getting tighter.

"Please, Mandi, tell me. You know you can trust me right? I'm going to be by your side for the rest of your life now. Don't you think I deserve to know if you're okay or not? Trust me, please."

This time, I couldn't keep in my emotions. I burst out into tears, and he cupped my cheeks in his hands.

"Please don't cry. That will make me look like a bad boyfriend." He chuckled, and as a joke, I lightly punched him in the stomach before wiping my tears away.

"Who said that you're my boyfriend, dickhead?" I asked, and he laughed.

"Just saying though, I'd love to be your boyfriend." He winked at me. When he saw that there were still tears, he moved his hands to my face again and wiped my tears away, and pulled me into a hug. To be honest, I never wanted to come out of this hug. When I said I wanted to get married to the right guy, and even though I've only known him a day, I think this guy was the right one. Already, he has made me feel things that no other guy in the world has.

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