Chapter 1 -the begining of the end ...

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        You know I'd rather just call myself more of a emo but that's kind of the wrong term .I'd say I'm more of a moody teen that doesn't have many friends and doesn't really like to have much fun . BANG  I jumped up faster then ever my teacher said with a angry growl in his tone "I told you to wake up jovonni!" As soon as realized I thought to myself ...crap idiot you fell asleep again Mr. D gave me a a heavy sigh and said "you fall asleep in my class again and I'll make you wish you we're in Mrs. Ryan's math class got that ." I nodded in replying to his question I then thought to myself ahh good old mrs. Ryan she was the meanest teacher of all sixth grade dang mr .D must of been pretty pissed . Before I thought any further the bell rang which meant the class was over I never been so happy to get out of a room so fast . I dashed for my locker thinking to myself it's lunch time a smile slowly stretching from cheek to cheek and before I knew it he slammed my locker door closed striking a dumb and yet cringed pose he said letting off a grin "you ready for lunch bro. " I never laughed so hard in my life he was wearing shades ahh how could I forget my best friend in the whole world Mel I chuckled and said "you bet I am." we both chuckled and made our way down to the cafe joking and laughing When we got there we sat next to our other friend Shane he was funny but some times cared to much about trying to be popular I said " hey bro guess what we're gonna do." I grinned while sitting down Mel looked at me saying "what?"I put my arm around him saying" we're gonna have bro weekend!"I chuckled and smiled hoping his reaction would be near the same tone he smiled in excitement "REALLY!? "I laughed yeah I just gotta ask my mom and we're gold he looked like he found out he just had got to personally meet the one and only batman "GEO THATS FREAKING AWESOME!!"his smile getting even more wide with every sentence. I said "calm down bro ."I chuckled and got up and followed the rest of my table to the lunch line. I ended up eating my food after Mel stoped talking about how good Kayla looked today aka his crush Shane said in a annoyed way "bro just ask her already!" he kept picking at his salad . Mel looked at him and said "screw you your just mad cause no one asked you yet to the dance . "Shane began raising his voice "well at least I got the balls to do it right geo . "They both looked at me while I slowly finished my apple juice I mumbled under my breathe "what .... "Mel replied again "do u think Shane can get a date faster then me bro. "Again trading me looks from them both I said "umm .. gotta go pee ."I chuckled patted Mel's back and kept walking towards the bathroom were I sat for a couple minutes hoping when i get out they would of forgot about the topic . I didn't like being in those types of situations because last time I put in my opinion we all stoped talking for a week and that was the worst choice ever so now I try not to get into there little debates so that that way if they do argue again at least it won't be on my mind making me feel like I wasn't the reason it happened at least I looked in the mirror and gave a little smile feeling my cheek I reminded myself the end of the day was here I just had to pull threw soon later after me and Mel walked home I went inside said goodbye and did my home getting ready to pop the question my mom wasn't always friendly with Mel or letting me out the house although Mel lived down the street I always had a fear of rejection wether or not it was asking a girl out or plain asking if I could go over to a friends house . But here I was looking like a man who was getting ready to ask his girlfriend if she would marry him let's hope what the results are .

KILLER X -book 1 (finished )Where stories live. Discover now