Chapter 3- spring break

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It was the first day of spring break and I was already outside waiting on the Corner of my house .I didn't notice the dark blue car until it pulled up beside me I turned towards it and my dad got out of the car smiling " Hey jovonni ready to go." I said with less excitement " yeah sure when's the party starting ." He laughed it off and grabbed  my bag "here let me take that for you get in the car ." I got in as he put the bags in the trunk I looked around the car there was trash some on the floor some in the cup holders . I chuckled and thought to myself huh I see we're I get it from now my rooms the same way . He got in the car the AC still cooling down the suns heat from the inside he looked at me as he started pulling off " so I was thinking we go see a movie get some take out you in ?" I said with a sour expression " yeah yeah sure no problem  where we gonna go after that ?" I thought in my mind a bank? As I rolled my eyes and looked out the window he said " well we can go home and chill after that you get me?" He smiled making a left after the light turned green . I said "yeeeaah sounds great ." He soon started driving and then gasped " Ah I almost forgot I got you a little something your mom was talking about how you had one and you'd use it when you went camping with your uncle and lost your first one is in the glove compartment ." I looked at him and thought what was he talking bout I lost a lot of things when I went camping . I went into the glove compartment and pulled out a small blue gift wrapped box with a red ribbon . Looking at his face he was so excited I thought maybe it's a new phone which I did end up losing on the camp trip but we found it then screen was cracked but I got a new one. But I didn't honestly want to open it wasn't really that exciting to be hanging out with the guy who was never there for me and now suddenly wants to take me for the week because he misses me . I set the wrapped gift on my lap and said "Thanks dad I'll open it later though ." I kept starring out the window looking as we passed cars by he said with a now less happy tone realizing that I didn't open it " no problem bud." The ride of the rest of the time was silent and the only time we talked was when he asked what movie I wanted to see I said " I think maybe um bout uh mega mind ?" We watched and it was pretty fun after that we got Chinese food and I fell asleep in the car when I got up we were home his house had a Guest room and I slept there . A couple days in threw the week it was a bit bugging but I noticed he works out a lot I ended up working out with him it was pretty cool then on Thursday was probably the worst day possible I found out Mel broke his arm and I called and texted him back and forth. He  was riding his bike when he hit a rock trying to talk to Shane slammed it into the ground if only I knew that day before I went to bed was going to be the worst day no...a nightmare.

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