Chapter 13 - secrets and friends

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I woke up late today tired I got dressed and left to school still trying to figure out this damn cell phone five times I already disabled it again! I was at the point where I was gonna break this phone. Mel caught up to me "Sup bro!" He smiled I said "nothing much you?" Grinning back "oh nothing much just bout to ask Kayla to the last end years dance!" He smirked I took a deep breath "bro do you actually mean it or you gonna chicken out this time." His face became serious "BRO you know she broke up with her boyfriend I can't just slide into her dms like this!" He snapped his fingers I replied "dude they broke up 3 months Ago honestly!" Mel sighed "that doesn't matter to yesterday she touched my shoulder!" His smile giving me chills I told him "really while he's  at it why not have her give you your manhood back!" I laughed Mel said now pissed "bro you wish you could get a girl!" I said "sucks for you I don't need one!" Which deep down inside I knew I did but I was more focused on this whole hero thing.

I sat down back against the wall trying to figure out this phone quick while Mel went into the cafe to go get his breakfast. I tried 666 and even 420 both wrong I yelled "I CANT GET IN THIS THING UGH!" I tried one more time it locked me out again this time for a minute . I heard a soft voice speak in front of me "you have trouble with your phone?" I looked up I knew who she was her blondish hair blowing gently in the breeze as she fixed her glasses. I answered "yeah but I tried a couple times it won't let me in worthless junk." She giggled "recode the processor program a G lock virus and boom you can get with in seconds with out the password!" She explained I looked at her like if she just told me I was retarded in a nerdy language! With no expression on my face I said "you're talking to the guy who failed math by one point wanna dumb that down for me!?" She laughed and grabbed the phone "here I'll do it for you." She spent a short time on it took out her phone and she yelled out " DONE!" Smiling I looked the screen was open it was a wall paper of this dude and a woman. "HOW YOU DID THAT!?" I said complete surprised she smiled "I'm on the tech team for the tech club." I gasped "whoa wait you mean they actually teach you good useful stuff in tech club!?!" My face in shock she laughed and explained "well actually my dad works for the police department as a tech." I chuckled "that's so cool!!" She smiled I'm Kate but my friends call me kat." I smiled "yeah I knew that we have like two classes together remember." Her face turned to a quick frown "OH MY GOD I REMEMBER YOU'RE JASON RIGHT?" My smile turned upside down real quick . "No...I'm jovonni.." thinking to myself I'm not that much of a loser damn I frowned a little. She smiled "I'm so sorry it's just we don't talk much!" I laughed it off and said "It's cool really." Mel had came back eating a bagel I looked at her "thanks for the help anyway and you gotta teach me how to do that." She fixed her glasses and said "nerds gotta stick together right?" She smiled and walked away to her friends. I didn't know what to be more offended with that she called me a nerd or she knows deep down inside I'm not that smart she just witnessed me trying to figure technology first hand! Mel smirked "so you got a life huh brother?" I looked at him yeah my guy still will be better then yours!" I smirked he smiled and replied "that's why you can't get a girlfriend right?" I sniffed a little and took a bite outta his bagel "MMMM SO GOOD SO GOOD BRO" he nodded "that's what she said!" He patted my back I looked at him up and down "I doubt she ever said that to you!" He said "wow why did I have a feeling you were gonna do that!?"

He looked down at me I didn't know what he was looking at I asked "Something on me?" He gave me a weird look . I chuckled "what bro?" He grabbed my wrist and showed me my knuckles which were black and blue my skin tone was out of touch. I looked at him "bro I punched the wall rage quitting on clash!" I chuckled nervously . He stood there and said "lift up your sleeves now...." I scoffed "bro calm down you're starting to sound like my mom." He seemed really pissed "I didn't want to think it at first with the cut by your wrist but now always look drained." My smile stoped quickly "what's that suppose to mean jackass!" Mel grabbed my wrist again "Are you cutting or harming yourself!" My mouth dropped "WHAT!? NO Mel it's not like that!" He kept trying to show me my wrist "THEN ENLIGHTEN ME BRO!!what the hell are these?!" He removed my bandage revealing my half now healed cut that guy gave me during the fight. I could see how he thought this the cut was close enough but the fact that he thought this. "Really after everything we've done you think I cut myself!?" Mel raised his voice "what are you doing to yourself geo!" Us both getting more angrier I grabbed his arm the one he had my wrist held and twisted it ."I WOULDN'T DO THAT YOU DUMBASS!" he pushed me off loosening the grip I had on him he shouted "GIVE ME A GOOD REASON BESIDES I ACCIDENTALLY CUT MYSELF BRO!!" I pushed him back "DONT TOUCH ME MEL !" His face now red as we both looked around to certain people looking at us he looked back my way "I know your dad died but cutting yourself is not the answer you know my sister ended up slitting her wrist don't you remember the pain I went threw after the funeral!" I grabbed him "HEY SHUT UP YOU DONT GET TO PLAY THAT CARD IM DOING  THIS FOR HIM BECAUSE OF HIM!!" He pushed me more aggressively now "THAT CARD SO YOU CUT BECAUSE HES DEAD HOW DOES THAT BRING HIM BACK!?" I shouted "I DONT CUT!!" He pushed me " DUMBASS RETHINK YOU JUST SAID YOU CUT FOR HIM BECAUSE OF HIM!" I began getting so pissed "THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT I DONT CUT!!" I punched the brick wall as hard as I could it hurt me so I yelled in pain groaning. Mel started Walking away "Mel...Mel wait HOLD UP" I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around he shoved me sending me backwards a couple inches  "tell me ...what did you do to my best friend ..." he began walking away I tried  speaking but just ended up choking on my words I wanted to tell him but all I could do was stay in silence fighting back tears. My best friend...gone...and this time it was my fault everything I wanted to protect I destroyed...with a touch of my finger..

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