Chapter 2- like father like son..

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"No not gonna happen jovonni." She said while eating dinner I sat there at the table feeling a little sad knowing I told Mel I could go I picked at my mash potatoes " Why not mom I never really go out just this once please ." She looked at me seeing how bad I wanted to go and explained "Even if I wanted to let you go I can't your father wants to spend time with you during the spring break." I dropped my fork "What no way I don't want to go you know I don't that's not really fair you know that right." My mom sighed putting her napkin down grabbing for her cup of juice "Give him a chance jovonni he loves you and you know that he try's ." As she began siping her juice "Oh very good while I'm at it he can get me let's see oh a uh yeah that's right maybe a book or money maybe he didn't steal from a bank this time !"

My mom said with a blank look on her face "you done yet want me to give you some time ." I stoped drinking from my cup "So what did he get out of jail from this time hmm let's see good behavior or maybe under house arrest." She said " He's been out for two months now jov and he missed you ." I scoffed "HA that almost sounded believable you got me there good job ." She picked up her empty plate bringing it to the kitchen sink and said while walking out the kitchen "He comes in the next couple days ." I thought to myself wow now I actually have to spend spring break with my dad I soon finished up my food and sat in my bed looking around . Just thinking what am I gonna tell Mel ...I laid down in my bed opening up my comic book I picked up from the library the other day and started reading the batman I never was a batman fan I was always more of the punisher kinda guy but it wasn't really batman that made me read this comic this was batman under the red hood I couldn't help but to love Jason Todd he was probably the best robin in my opinion . I read that night and slept thinking about how cool it would be to be a superhero I thought to myself " super geo wouldn't that be the best name huh ." I chuckled and closed my eyes while listening to my playlist on my phone .

I woke up got dressed and walked to school that early Wednesday . Just as I walked to the front gate of the school I saw a couple cop cars and an ambulance I thought hmmm that's weird I saw my principle there talking to the officer I slowly walked by and listened carefully while trying not to be noticed .
" are you sure this is the second one."
"Yes sir it's like the last one found dead by the the back of the school white 5'6 female in her late twenties ."
My principle looked with a disturbed look on his face "how was this caused may I asked ?"

The police officer flipped a page in his notepad "Yes um the victim suffered from multiple stab wounds in the chest." I felt chills all over my body and started walking faster I caught up to my friends "hey jerk wads!" They turned around and started chuckling Shane and I hugged as Shane said "Was wondering when you'd get here !" Mel said with a smile on his face " What your mom say !" We bro fisted each other I said with a sad expression on my face " No sadly my dads coming to pick me up ." Mel frowned "What am I gonna do with the twelve bag of chips I brought for our brother weekend !" I said " save it for our brother day next weekend he's only taking me this week for spring break." Mel said "mmhmm yeah like Ima save all those deritos for us and I rented out call of duty black ops 3 for us bro !" I laughed "Its ok brother we'll get another bro week." Mel crossed his arms"oh you better ."I looked back at the cops and looked at my friends. " hey you guys knew there was two murders by the school ?"Mel shook his head " To be honest I didn't even know there was one murder." Shane said looking from his phone to us " yeah I knew about it haven't you idiots watched the news .last month some chick I think uhh I believe Anna rogers found behind the school she was a teacher here ." My eyes widened with horror " why didn't we know ?!" Mel said in a surprised tone " why wouldn't they tell us ?"
Shane looked at us like he saw us spray paint the word dumbasses on the school wall " you know I actually don't know that's weird I guess not even telling us there was a death ?" I looked around " I guess to not cause panic ?"
Mel said in a disturbed shaking voice "Or maybe to not raise suspicion ."
Shane scoffed and said " Ok worlds greatest detectives enough with watching forensic files and snap back anyway geo josh wants to talk to you ." I looked at Shane in a bit of fear " what?" Shane repeated "Josh green told me to tell you to come talk to him ." I said weakly " o-okay ..." I made my way to him as he started playing basketball with his other friends if you hadn't noticed yet let me describe to you of what josh green looks like he's a GIANT Walking tank I looked at him "Shane told me you called for me ?" His hair getting in the way of his left side of his forehead he was twice my size he put his hand on my shoulder "yes ..yes I did glad you came slim ." His grin alone giving me a reason to bolt but this dude wasn't gonna let that happen he started walking with me I was up to his chest but how was that possible that's the tallest kid in my grade his black short sleeve shirt already soaked from his basketball game he didn't look strong but he was and I already remember what he did to ahseem the foreign kid in our school I said "What do yo-" I was quickly interrupted by him as he said " Let's cut the crap slim I have a social studies project we have to do the revolutionary war ." I said with a chuckle " yeah me to I'm in your class remember-" he interrupted once again saying " yeah I don't care so here's what I need from you I'm not good with history it's not my strong suite right?" I nodded slowly he said with a smile " so your gonna do my project for me that's cool right ." I slowly gained up the power of stupidness and explained " well I actually can't I'm not even done with my project." I thought oh no you dumbass and as I thought I looked up at him to see a blank expression in his face for a moment then it quickly turned to a smirk " Haha that's amazing you thought I gave you a choice your cool man I'll see you after break to get my project ." He smacked my back and walked away I let out a heavy sigh "ow..." I started heading inside when the bell rang just thinking to myself well I have to projects now And I get to spend the time doing it at my old mans house just great .

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