Chapter 18 - "framed"..

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When  Friday came along I was pretty relieved. I sat in my second period class when , Mrs. Brandi asked me if I had the text book to return I said it was in my locker so she sent me to get it. By the time I grabbed it Shane put his hand on my shoulder,"sup amigo!" He smiled widely. "Oh hey sup what you need?" He chuckled and began following me "well actually I need you to help me with something." The look on my face changed from plain to curious , "what do you have in mind?" I kept walking. He stopped me and turned me we then met face to face "I need you to help us prank melo." My awareness became openly exposed as I focused all attention on Shane "prank? What do you mean prank?" He chuckled "well kayla's friend Ella told us that Mel's been talking to her about asking her out , so we're gonna make him meet up at a certain place and have him ask her but before he does , Matt and Andrea are gonna egg him while I record it!"

He began laughing I got chills almost as I looked how he was enjoying it "dude..what the fuck?.. that's a little too far don't you think?.." Shane's laughter weakened "bro are you kidding me he deserves it after everything he did to us , remember he was the reason why we had to each lunch in the back all year of fifth grade he's a poison." I felt a cold chill again "but that's not a prank dude that's basically humiliating him.." Shane looked a little annoyed his face froze "come on can you get him to come or not?" I shook my head "I'm not letting that happen dude." I answered ."ok whatever then just be a pussy I'll see if john wants to do it." I disagreed "no you won't dude that's freaking harsh even for that do it and I'm telling him." He sighed hard " your not telling him jack shit jovonni." I looked at him "try don't scare Shane.." he began walking pushing me into the wall in the process "be careful remember I've fought you before I don't mind putting you down again." He kept walking off I felt my face turn as my temper began to increase I walked straight to Mel's math class. Once knocking on the door Mr.barnes opened the door "what's up jovonni?" I smiled and exclaimed "we need Mel to come get his case the instruments were collected , and our band teacher Mrs. Reilly wants him to grab his case." I marched over to Mel and pulled him out as quickly as possible. I pulled him into the hall in the stairway next to the window. "What do you want geo?" I shook him "Mel Shane's gonna prank you using Kayla cause he knows your gonna ask her out!" His eyes widened "what!?" I took a deep breath "Shane's going to prank you by egging you when you ask out Kayla, Ella told him everything!" He sighed sadly "she's in on it?.." I slowly nodded "I think so they were gonna record it and everything..." he yelled in anger "FUCK" and in return punched the wall
"It's ok we'll get him he won't get away with this.." Mel shrugged and leaned back against the wall "I fucking hate him.."

I looked out the window as Mel sighed. And I saw something strange , three men were making their way to the door that's when I seen the man loading a CBJ-MS .I read about that same gun they walked into the side entrance.  I grabbed Mel and began running "geo what's going on!!?" He shouted I pulled him around the corner "we gotta get out of here!" Mel started panting "what's wrong?!" I looked around the corner and whispered back "I just seen a couple of guys holding guns and I'm gonna assume their not here for the lunch ladies taco boat Tuesdays!" We both began to look around before making a run for it .I made him run ahead of me when I was sure He couldn't see me I bolted To my locker. It felt like forever trying to get my lock open but I grabbed my bag and ducked into the boys bathroom. Thankfully the hall I was in was the one without a working camera made my life a little easier. I put on the suite and grabbed out the baton and blade. Of course there wasn't my bow or arrows in my book bag but the baton and knife could work. The sound of foot steps echoed through the hall, my heart became heavy as the sound got louder almost like they were approaching the door I was hiding behind. Once it got loud enough I opened the door and rushed through there I saw the man standing almost completely 6 foot, my skin crawled as he faced me looking down onto me. I took out the baton and smacked him before he could make a move and before I could strike another stinging blow ,he picked me up and slammed me onto the floor . With no other choice I switched to my knife and tried stabbing him but ,before I could he drove his knee into my face I flew backwards back onto the ground. "Stupid mother-" he quickly was silenced by my blade entering his stomach, with a swift motion he used his arm and drove me against the wall. Holding back this man my memory suddenly struck me , EVERYONES STILL IN THIS SCHOOL!

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