Chapter 14 - the past left behind..

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The whole day I was lost I tried so hard to forget Mel. school was nearly ending I felt weak and alone losing Shane was not a problem he didn't have the bond me and Mel had  I actually was hurt. Broken.. I can still remember how we met ..... I was in fourth grade still I got bullied a lot by a kid named griffin and his group of jerks ....

Griffin pushed me down against the wall "so heard you tried telling the teacher snitch." A sinister smile on his face I looked at him "I didn't my mom did...." I looked down in shame knowing  what was coming next "well you see lil bitch that's not my problem looks like your gonna have to make up for mommy's little fuck ups." I tried making a run for it only to realize that was the dumbest mistake ever . He caught me and threw me back into the wall. "WOW ARE YOU TRYING TO LEAVE IM TALKING TO YOU." I felt his fist as he basically upper cutter me I fell back down defeated blood gushing from my nose . I sat and teared up as the others laughed I sat in a fetal position back against the wall I knew there was no getting out as I watched him raised his fist ready to strike at me I closed my eyes...and prepared..until Mel jumped in the way I saw the size and still took cover. I knew there was no way he was gonna win this. "Stop right there my friend you can't bully I should report you so why don't you just turn around." Mel stood there like he was not afraid I give him credit but then again this was griffin we were talking about. "Ok so I take it you're the new kid right?" Mel nodded looking up at griffin who smiled and slightly said "well here's the rules when I'm taking care of chumps and losers don't be a hero it only makes you join them quicker." He got closer to Mel who smirked "well technically we all know you got left back as a fifth grader more then 14 times. I'm still a fourth grader so if you hit me that's technically child abuse and that's illegal soooo I think you should turn around with all your circle of jerks all circle jerking and leave us the FUC-" he got his ass kicked and I did too unfortunately griffin threw him into the wall "talk shit again shrimp there's more were that came from.." he walked away Mel on the other hand got himself even more beat up because he thought it was smart to say "THANKS FOR THE WARNING PAL BUT I HAPPEN TO LET YOU KNOW MY FATHER HAS TAUGHT ME A VERY SPECIAL SET OF SKILLS THAT CAN HANDLE ABUSIVE BOYFRIENDS AND OVER AGED NO LIFE BULLIES LIKE YOU!" Griffin almost picked him up and forced him against the wall "say something again you degenerate" Mel smiled and said "Oh look who's using big boy words can you spell degenerate and by the way your breath smells like hot ass." And he got his ass kicked again I kid you not by the time they left he had a black eye and bruises everywhere "jeez talk about teachers do they not pay attention to what goes on around here lucky me I got a witness let's say we tell on these pricks." He smiled getting up I kept looking down "you actually are the new kid huh?" He waved "Carmelo reviras the 5th !" I slowly looked up at him "are you on drugs?" He pouted "nope just a dickhead!" I lightly smiled "you know he's gonna be back right?" He put out his hand "well then I guess we don't have much time huh?" I took it and looked at him "my names jovonni.." he smiled "well ready to run for our lives to the principles office?" I slowly nodded "yeah...ok." I wiped the blood off my lip

As I faded back into the present tears rolling down my face "we were idiots...but no one was more  stupid then us...and now it's all gone." tears over flowed as I ran away I tripped and fell by then I broke down my hood up on my knees I felt like I lost another family member I could never win. When I got home eating dinner Jason and my mom both started asking about the bruised knuckles my mom started asking if I was getting into fights I choked up and skipped dinner I locked myself into my room the phone did have this Johnny guy in the contacts they were all times

I soon figured out these where times that either the drugs were dropped off or whether this was the time to come pick it up. I did my best trying to find out were this 245 dead lane was but I got nothing either this prick was lying or this was some street code of the real street. I needed someone to help me bad! I knew exactly who I put on my spring hoodie and jeans I went out to the library last time I checked the tech club doesn't end till 5:30 if I ran maybe I could catch up with kat.

When I got there there she was on her phone waiting on the step I went up to her. "Hey kat how you been funny seeing you here I need a favor but look good girl!" I smiled she looked up at me "hey Giovanni how are you?" I said "no not's friends call me geo but that's as close as it gets with G.." kat put down her phone "so what you up too?" I smiled "I need to borrow that brilliant brain of yours!" She seemed confused "what do you mean?" I showed her the phone again she looked at it "ahh I see did it Lock you out again?" I said "no I quickly changed the setting to no password what I need from you is to find me the last place this text was located!" She nodded "so reconnect the message and locate the last senders drop point?" I looked at her "um...yeah what you said..." she smiled "no problem I'll have it done by tomorrow okay?" I shook my head "I kinda need it done tonight 9:00 sharp the most." She shook her head "I'm not that good Jesus what the hell do I look like rocket raccoon!?" I scratched my head "rocket who?" She said face In the phone "marvel universe guardians of the galaxy..he's a talking small raccoon who like can make almost anything out of scrape .. you know what never mind forget it like I said I can have this done by tomorrow and boom your good." I nodded ok that's fine I guess thanks kat I knew I could count on I you!" She smiled "no problem here I'll give you my number so that way I can call you and text you if you ever need my help deal?" I pulled out my phone "deal!" She looked at my phone "you have two phones?" I looked "oh no the other ones not my phone it's stepdads..I'm trying to see if he's cheating on my mom or if he's a loyal man." She turned her head at me "ok but is your stepdad bisexual? Because this contact you want me to trace is a man named Johnny big boy .unless I guess you can name your daughter Johnny but that's a little weird not that there's nothing wrong with him liking guys. unless your mom is a guy then I mean it makes sense but I don't mean that in a offensive way like my uncle is totally gay." I stoped her from any further "KAT I get it ..jeez just trace it for me please with a cherry on top?" She nodded "yeah sure geo not a problem." We exchanged numbers and I went back home and waited I started working out because I had nothing better to do. Boy it's not how they make it look it the movies but I had to work out I had to prepare because these guys mean business.

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