The end

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There I stood on the roof scanning the area kat on the com helping me through but I honestly couldn't focus on what she was saying, for me all I could think about was my one thought...Marco had to die or did he? This thought crossed my mind more then once, Kats words finally pulled me back to the ground "geo are you listening? Ok I think I can cut the power give you the advantage for a while..but I can only use it once." I made my way downstairs onto the street, while scanning I saw a Saturn all red tinted windows so I did what no other citizen would do I broke in threw the window. "Kat I need to hot wire this car can you Show me how to do it?" I asked as nicely as possible Kat gasped "what do I look like Siri!?" I through my hands up and hit my head on the wheel of frustration " that's not what I said and you know it."
Kat shouted "what am I supose to do?!" I rolled my eyes "I don't know do your job google it for all I care!" Kat replied "ohh I'm sorry sir want me to get you coffee while at it?" I took a deep breathe "really we're doing this now?" I kept playing with the mirror slip and out popped a spear key! I gulped up my pride and interrupted Kat in her rant about how she had to do everything "" I requested "WHAT!" She shouted almost blowing my left ear out "umm...I found the spear.." kats silence scared me most all I heard was heavy breathing which made my heart skip a beat. Kat "geo..go do the job now.." she said nice and calm I turned on the car and floored it towards the open lot, as I drove faster more men began forming a human wall blocking the door. More gunfire began and the windshield forced up into a blurry broken screen , some men started rushing towards me I tried my best not to hit any of them. That was until a burst from the thugs pump action shotgun sent threw the windshield breaking its shielding, I jumped out before he shot again sending the now hole filled Saturn into a fuel tank. That's when everything went flying sent into a ball of hot metal and flames,gun fire stoped and men were scattered around the lot.

One of the thugs got up and reached for his gun but I shot my arrow into his leg then swinging into his head with the knight stick . "I'm gonna be sick..." I took a minute and looked away from the mayhem ..I wanted to throw up but i has a job to finish I went up the fire escape ladder onto the roof of the building. Kat was helping me threw where the deal was being held and through the top window I saw Marco and his men on one side while the Germans were on the right.

Marco began talking "so you got your ARs , m16s, aks , and because you all been such good costumers .." he opened the case to reveal a Barrett M82 sniper rifle, my heart dropped so low it decided to bunk in and roommate with my stomach. "I got you a early Christmas present boys" Marco said smiling the leader of the German mob tried to touch the case but Marco pulled it further away from him. "Now now you gotta pay first...I was promised 1.5 mill ...we made good on our deal now where's yours .." the Germans picked up a case and placed it on the table one them spoke "Mr. velo has made good on deal" they slid the case towards him and and Marco opened it he didn't look to happy his smile slowly formed into a pissed off look. "Coke really YOU FUCKERS GAVE ME COKE!" He slammed his hand on the table the leader spoke he was a very short but built man his blonde hair stood straight up and he smiled ,"1.5..mill ..coke ...good deal.. yes?" He slowly pushed the case closer to Marco you could see the anger slowly burning hotter " velo we agreed on cash.." I gave Kat the signal to cut the lights out and I jumped in .The room went pitch black darkness as the men began shooting all round.

I unloaded almost every arrow I had once the lights turned on and I jumped down shooting one of the Germans while their back was turned with the arrow , that's when I saw him and he saw me we both locked eyes and his group traded gun fire with the Germans,but before I could do anything velo grabbed me by the hoodie "LITTLE SHIT!" He slammed me twice into the table I took out my knight stick and smacked him but it didn't phase him, he began throwing me back and forth I was lucky to form a arm bar and I used my body to break his arm. He hollered on in pain and retreated behind the crate I used and arrow and shot him in the side and the leg I rushed after Marco he had grabbed the case of coke and bolted. I followed him into the other side of the building I screamed to the top of my lungs "MARCO!!!" He turned around and I drew my last arrow but before I could think he pulled out a desert eagle we both shot. A force pulled me backwards hitting the hard cold ground , when I looked Marco was on the ground pulling the arrow out of his upper thigh I could tell he was screaming but it was silent nothing but the familiar ringing in my ears I rolled over on my side and felt a warm thick sticky puddle I looked at my shoulder and realized I was shot and that's when the pain came in slowly and more worst, but it wasn't stoping I screamed out in pain that's when I heard again the own sound of my agony. Marco got up and kicked me in the face which sent my vision into a blurry like state. I felt my face and only felt my warm aching face I looked across from me to see my mask on the ground blood leaking from my mouth , "had to go and be a hero didn't you .." before I knew it I felt a pressure forced into my back pinning me down. He turned me over into my side and took a pause , " fucking way!" He started to laugh holding onto to his stomach "you little shit! You don't know when to die huh I thought it was some fucker with a grudge and I see Jared's boy.." I coughed as I got up to my knees only to be kicked back down onto the ground. He began saying as he stomped onto my stomach and chest "You costed me my deal! got my men killed! And you fucking tried to kill me!?" He kept kicking again each blow and stomp causing a white flash and shortness of each breath.

I grabbed onto my knife and I swiped at him slashing into his stomach, he growled and I drilled the knife into his shoulder screaming out of anger as we both fell to the ground. I struggled off the ground and grabbed the pistol I yelled "STAY DOWN ITS OVER !" But it was too late he lounged at me and I rushed the trigger with my good arm and I got sent back on my ass as Marco fell in pain... he laid there holding onto his stomach now gushing blood groaning, I got up holding the gun aiming down the sights "grr..go head ..DO IT I AINT SCARED TO DIE NOT NOW NOT EVER!" He said choking on blood I began shooting at his leg and got him again every minute I thought of my dad I pulled the trigger but I kept missing tears blinding me. As I looked at him now screaming I could hear police sirens in the distance I looked at him "dying is too easy ..rotting in a cell, now that's something to look forward to ..." I picked up my mask and began to walk out. "You don't know what you did fucked with the most dangerous gangs and mobs in maple ...everyone of them will gun for you !" He kept holding his wound most of his body twitching and shaking as he struggled to keep his cool, I sighed and put on the mask "then you can tell them...I'll be waiting.." Marco began to laugh to himself as he shouted "ILL TELL THEM WHO YOU ARE ILL TELL EVERYONE!" I slowly shrugged "while you're at it..tell them you lost to a 13 year old..sounds legit right?" I quickly made my way to my bike bruised, sore, and losing blood but it was over...

After that night Kat was able to stitch up and clean my wound ,she didn't do a good job but who would do the best after only reading an online instructions for emergency care. The whole couple of weeks I stood in bed trying my best to dodge my mom, school was already out and she saw the bruises last thing I needed her to see was a half ass tender bullet wound. I went over to Mel's today I had to He was blowing up my phone but I never got to answer, as I walked up his mom let me in there he was sitting down in his basement playing call of duty "so two player still an option or no?" He got up putting his controller down "you know when someone says they'll talk to me tomorrow I don't expect them to come two weeks later" I nodded "fair point I can admit"

"So what geo why are you here?"

I threw my backpack on his couch and slowly sat still in pain "look inside.." I said looking at him, mel starred me down as he slowly opened the bag and pulled out the now broken and torn red hockey mask"ok so you on the hockey team or something ?" He said confused

I chuckled lightly "might wanna take another look Bro.." and so he did this time pulling out the hoodie Mel's eyes opened wide he kept glaring at it in disbelief "you're shitting right? Like your taking a piss Right now ?" I shook my head and slowly moved my neck of the shirt aside a little to reveal my wound "mel...." he looked like he was gonna puke , scream, and piss himself all at once I said softly and slowly  "Mel..I'm killer x" ...

KILLER X -book 1 (finished )Where stories live. Discover now