Chapter 22- brothers...

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I stood in front of rid aid and walked back and forth wondering what I was going to say , how I was going to do it
I needed to let Mel know that I still wanna be friends and I don't wanna keep secrets..and I don't cut myself. While walking back and forth I couldn't help but noticed as I turned to the left of me , two boys from our school I remember them miles and beck I noticed they were pushing over this boy  as miles threw his book bag off to the side and they laughed at him.

"What's wrong not so tough now right ?"

The kid weakly pushed back as he went to grab his book bag but got punched and he retreated back to the ground. I say and watched as they kept toying with him like he was a rag doll , he shouted at them "HEY LEAVE MY BOOK BAG ALONE !" Miles kicked his book bag again "that old ass looking book bag dude it's older then my grandfather bro!" He looked up at the two and blurred out "oh great joke how many Brain cells did it take to come up with that amazing joke ?" I found myself chuckling for a bit you could tell it offended them but what was funny to me wasn't to them miles crouched over the kid " yeah I bet your a real smart ass yourself huh freak...." he pushed the boy back on the ground. The kid now bleeding from his lip looked up and fixed his glasses "it's sad that my Yorkie is more scarier then you..." you could tell it in miles face he was angry he was getting more pissed the more this kid told him off "you're gonna get it now freak..." he raised his hand and swung but I stepped in just at the moment to push his arm away.

"Ok so you done miles?..." I stood in front of the kid blocking them from any contact to him. Miles scoffed "you should probably go geo...don't try being a hero." He got closer to my face we made eye contact and neither one of us would unlock eyes. Beck got closer to and began nudging me "he's right you shouldn't stick your nose were it doesn't belong .." I stood my ground as best as I could , " guys should really go.." they looked at each other and then looked at me while giving off faint burst of laughter on and off.

"No He's right miles should go before something bad happens ." A voice shouted next to me before I knew it me and Mel were standing side by side I never felt so relieved in my life.
Miles grin changed to a serous frown "and what exactly are you guys gonna do huh? really wanna get your asses beat for the freak?" I scoffed and replied "the way we see it there's no freak here just a couple of no life whiny assholes who had a pissed off mood today because daddy didn't give them enough allowance money..." mel nodded and griped his fist "so like we said we could do this the easy way or the hard way.." and before we knew it they scoffed at us and began walking away beck uttered out "we'll be seeing you later freak.."

Mel and I turned around as he crouched down helping the kid up I watched and looked around giving the boy his binder. The boy gently took the binder giving a grateful smile "why'd you guys do that? You know you didn't have to right?" Mel chuckled "don't sweat it ..we hate bullies more then the next guy.." I nodded in agreement and helped him up "what's your name? " I asked softly , he dusted him self off and looked at me "my names...Kain.. " I nodded and gave a warm smile mel gave him his book bag "well Kain...I think the bag looks awesome on you.." he nodded to him gently as he put his arm resting on my shoulder, Kain smiled widely "gee thanks..and not just for the complement...thank you for helping me period." We both nodded in return and he walked off. Mel took a deep sigh and leaned against the wall, I smiled "you know sometimes I think to myself are you the super hero." Mel chuckled "I wish I dont know how that guy does it honestly ...if only people like that was around when we needed them right ?.,." I nodded

"But let's face it ..we wouldn't be half as badasses we are now.." I patted his back lightly .

Mel and I exchanged looks and finally he asked "so why am I hear geo?" I inhaled them exhaled slowly "well I wanna be best bros again...listen mel..I wasn't doing what you thought I was doing that day ." Mel shook his head "then what geo? You can tell me either way know we're bros but I can't help you with whatever you have going on unless you tell me..." I looked down at my shoes my voice retreating back in as I began to choke on my words "look tomorrow way or another'll find out what it is that I've been doing." Mel shook his head "what's that suppose to mean geo why can't you tell me now?" I rested my hand on his shoulder "because's easier to find out tomorrow ...either by me...or by someone else.." I bro hugged him as I found myself fighting tears was extremely harder then I thought we said our goodbyes and parted ways maybe for the last time.

I found my self thinking again that I know what I've done was not the best way it wasn't the most perfect success of victory's ,but I got them done one way or another I was taking down Marco .. "no puedes guardarlos a todos" my Spanish teacher taught us the line it stands for ..."you can't save them all" and in a way some bad guys can't be saved ..some are far gone for redemption but maybe that's not what I need to do...maybe I shouldn't put Marco in jail..all I know I'm doing this my way. Not kats not Owens To shame the justice system you must take your own in to your hands. Natural justice ..this isn't revenge Marco hasn't only stopped at my dads murder there's been family's before me and after revenge is an act without a motive ...this is justice..

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