Chapter 8 - best friends for life

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I got to school looking for Mel about four minutes of looking around the blacktop I saw him and began walking up to him to see Shane talking to him. I paused for a minute still aware that me and Shane weren't on speaking terms . Mel and him took a while but something caught my eye Shane pushed Mel backwards Mel returned a even harder push causing Shane to almost loose balance I could hear Mel as he yelled out "PRICK DON'T TOUCH ME AGAIN GOT IT !?" I ignored my awkwardness and ran in between them both shouting " HEY QUIT IT BOTH OF YOU!" Shane nearly knocking me over he bolted at Mel pushing me out the way.

He swung at Mel but before he could even get close enough Mel had moved out the way and returned a punch causing shane to stumble sending him into the side of the outside dumpster. People laughing and chanting on there behavior I began to get nervous and started to help up Shane. I put my hand on his shoulder and said in a concerned way "Shane are you ok dude what's going on between to two?!" His nose now showing a small streak of blood running down his lips he began to wipe the blood with his sleeve . Shane pushed me out his way and walked onto the other side of the blacktop I looked down then at Mel. "What the hell happened?" Mel replied
"It's not my fault this prick started it I swear why do we even hang out with him geo WE DONT NEED HIM!" Mel stormed off gripping his book bag I was left alone nobody I knew around me. What could of went wrong I went to Mel's locker but he wasn't there. I had no choice I had to go on with my day I was gonna meet up with him in English anyway . By English I saw him and went up to his desk he had his head down looking in his phone . "Brother!" I smiled and sat next to him he looked at me "why are you so happy?" He replied.

I answered "I don't know actually but I know I gotta cheer you up so...I picked up these from the cafe." With a smirk on my face I pulled out a bag of Doritos. His eyes opened and he damn near snatched the bag out my hand and began eating the chips. He glanced at me and said "you're a good friend but I'm not hanging out with Shane bro." I frowned "what did he do anyway?" I asked . Mel kept eating his bag of chips crumbs now falling all over his sweatshirt "This prick started talking about me and telling Jenny that I liked Kayla but that's not all he said things bro things!" He stoped eating his chips and I can see him slowly started crumbling it I could see him turning red. "Things?.." I asked he looked at me nodding in return to my question. I replied "what things Mel ?" He mumbled "Fifth grade..." I paused and looked down I knew what he was talking about. In fifth grade Mel and I use to get bullied a lot but at one point the day I didn't go to school Mel was cornered by the guys who picked on us and they shoved his head in the toilet he sat in the bathroom for a whole hour no one came for him .He only ever told me or Shane because he was left there I felt so bad it's one thing having it done to you but it's another to have it done to the people you cared about. I sat there in disbelief "...he didn't ..." Mel slowly nodded "He called me a loser bro..he's not our friend I'm telling you." I felt a new hatred for Shane that day I was never so pissed in my life. I looked at him "Don't worry's just you and me then huh?...more sodas for us on brothers day!" I forced myself to smile he let out a light chuckle we sat through class in a silent mood. Every time passing Shane in the halls I wanted to curse him out no I wanted to beat the living crap out of him. He was nothing but a joke in my eyes for that whole day but I couldn't wait for tonight it was the first night the big one.

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