one (sorry wattpad is messing with my stories)

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Colby POV.

Sam was talking to me but all I could think about was what they had said earlier, or what i overheard them say.

"God, gay people suck," -corey
"I know right," -sam.
"Yeah they get all this special treatment for their rights," -corey.
"Yeah and its actually kind of gross," -sam
"Exactly my point they are disgusting," -corey

Sam pulled me out of my train of thought by snapping in front of my face.
"Are you even listening to me,"
"Ok good, now as i was saying Im going out with Katrina later so I was wondering if you could edit the video today,"
"Yeah yeah sure,"
"Thanks thats great," he smiled. "I have to go get ready see you later,"
"See ya,"
I walked up to my room and jumped on my bed to get ready for a night of editing. As i got everything set up my thoughts slowly started to get louder.

Youre such a fucking fag. Why cant you be normal like everyone else.
You cant do anything right and youre useless. Nobody likes you and youll never get a boyfriend.
People think your a freak and nobody wants you here.
Youre parents think youre a disapointment hell you are a disapointment youre also worthless.
I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes, until Sam opened my door.
I wiped my eyes and stared at my laptop pretending i had been editing this whole time.
"Oh great youre already editing," Sam said as he stepped into my room.
"Yeah, might as well get it done," i said trying to sound happier.
"Ok, well im going now see you maybe tomorrow," he was walking out of my room.
"Yup, bye," he closed my door and i waited until i heard the front door close before checking if anyone else was home.

I got no responses and all their keys were gone so i ran back up to my room to try editing.

My thoughts started to get louder and louder as i started editing.
I tried ignoring them, but it was getting harder and harder.
Worthless. Useless. Dumbass. Disapointment. Ugly. Fat.
I started crying as i shut my computer.
Just stop trying with life.
I cried harder as a got up and went to the bathroom.
Nobody wants you here, nobody wants a fag.
I frantically searched my drawers for my blade but it was gone.
Cut yourself you worthless fag.
I looked into the mirror and slowly started to see myself for what i really am.
God youre such a fucking fat and ugly faggot.
I ran to the garage because I knew Elton had to have some razor blades in there, or at least a boxcutter. The door was open so I just ran in there and looked through his toolbox. Bingo. The blades were in a boxlike package, i took three, and ran back up the stairs making sure to put the box how it was. When i got to the bathroom i quickly rolled up my sleeves and stared at my arms.
I hadnt done this in so so long, i thought i was done with it forever. But my thoughts, the voices in my head were too strong.
Do it. You worthless fag.
I picked up a blade slowly and started to drag it across my wrist, watching the blood run down my arms i did it five more times.
After i finished i threw my blade on the counter and slid to the floor crying even more than before if that was even possible.
After a half an hour of crying on the floor i turned on the sink and started cleaning my arms so i dont get infected.
When i went back in my room i saw that it was already eight o'clock.
"Shit," i opened my laptop to edit as quick as i can, knowing ill be up till at least one editing.
Sigh. I was so disapointed in myself. I never wanted to do that again, it makes me feel so weak, but so good at the same time. Whatever.
I continued editing until I was finished, which was 1:30am.
As i put my laptop away and layed down i started to cry again.
My thoughts like a lullaby singing me to sleep.
Just die already....
"No," I whispered crying myself to sleep.

Fackkkk im sorry that this is a sh*t story abd its really depressing so far but it will get better in the future I hope. Again sorry for this i just got the idea to write at work and i had to write it out a little. But now i have two stories to update so ill keep you posted on when ill post.

This is like days later but still cant figure it out.


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