I cant remember the number

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(sad i know im boring & terrible;) )

Okay so this chapter will fit with both of the ways. So whichever one you liked the most will go with this. Just read whichever way you liked and then read this after.

*btw: i made a few adjustments to the first way so it would fit.

Now read.
*insert arrow pointing down*


I wiped my tears and got out of the car.

Sam was already here so I walked to the front door and slowly opened it.
Stepping in I could hear voices.

Entering the living room I cleared my throat. "Sup guys," my voice was really raspy and sounded wierd.

"Hey Colbs?" Aaron said while everyone stared at me in question.

I cant.
If they know they will be disgusted.

"Uhm," i could feel my chest tightening as my breath sped up a bit.

Panic attack.
I cant do it in front of anyone.

"Im going," i turned on heel and walked up the stairs. Footsteps followed me up, "Please just leave me right now," i choked out as I looked at him.

"Colby-" he started.

"No sam please," i walked into my room and closed the door.

Noone will like you.
They will think your disgusting.
Its your fault.
Guys cant get raped.
They can kick you out.
Your a fat ass slut.
You dont deserve anything.
Everyone hates you.

I gasped and fell onto my floor. My breath wouldnt slow down and my chest hurt. "S-sto-" I gasped again and curled into a ball.

My vision was blurring as black dots started to appear.

it hurts so much.

But they all hate you so it doesnt matter.

"No," I choked out before my vision went all black. 


I opened my eyes and looked around my room. The sun was coming through the curtains and everything else was the same.

Standing up I looked in the mirror. Slowly i pulled my sweatshirt off, examining the damage.

Look at those hickeys.
You slut.

And those handprints.

The handprint bruises on my hips were really noticable.

I sighed went to my closet and grabbed a new hoodie and some sweats.

After i put them on i checked the time. It was only 9am so i went into the hall and started down the stairs.

You whore.

Shutting my thoughts out i entered the kitchen and opened the fridge. I grabbed an apple and sat at the counter staring into space as i ate.

"Hey Colby," I looked up to Sam and noticed the whole house enter and stare at me.

I nodded and continued to sat my apple.

"Soo-," he looked at me.

"What," i asked knowing already.

"You have to talk," he said ignoring the stares, "And if your not ready to tell them I will."

I gasped and looked at him. "Why?"

"Because Colby," i couldn't read his expression. "This is serious."

"No its not," I mummbled as I looked down.

"Not serious," he sounded angrier. "YOU WERE RAPED COLBY." gasps were heard around the room.

"Guys cant be raped." I whispered and Devyn gasped from beside me, earning looks from everyone. "Its not that big of a deal." I looked up suprised to see tears pouring down his face.

"Yes Colby it is a big deal." He looked into my eyes, his full of hurt. "And thats not even the worst part." He looked to the table and his voice cracked as a sob escaped his mouth.

Everyone held there breath as they saw him have a miny breakdown.

Please. Dont say it. You told them im a whore. Dont make it an attention whore.

"The worst part," he looked up again. "The worst part was seeing you jump off that bridge." His tears were coming faster now. "And then i grabbed you before you could fall."

Tears i didnt even realize were there rolled down my cheeks.

"And you looked like you actually wanted to die." He put his head in his hands.

"I-" getting up from my chair i saw everyones tears and shocked expressions. "I did." His head shot up. "Why do you think I was on that bridge in the first place." I shook my head backing away a bit.

"But why?" He came around to table.

"Because," my voice cracked. "I cant deal with this pain anymore." I whispered quietly, but everyone had gone silent so they heard. "I just cant." My eyes met Sam's and i turned around and walked out the front door with my keys.





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