Chapter 1

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(A/N: the first few chapters might be shit but I promise it gets better)

Ticking. The maddening sound of ticking echoing the classroom from the godforsaken ugly brown clock which was hung up beside the white board. My leg rapidly bouncing up and down in a quick pace.

The deafening sound of silence rested upon us as Mrs O'Brian casually sat on the desk in front of the performing arts classroom. The faint sounds of pens scratching paper from around me. I couldn't sit still any longer, I quickly raise my hand shouting a quick 'miss'

"Yes Nikita," She sighs "How may I help?"

"I really need to goto the toilet." I rush out, however a look of uneasiness flashes across her face. "Pretty please with cherries on top. I'll come straight back I promise."

She stays quiet for a couple of seconds, silently contemplating. However I'm already rushing out of my seat and through the door by the time she finished saying I can.

I rush through the hallways still struggling to hold in my bladder. 'I knew I shouldn't have downed the stupid water bottle' I think to myself while rushing into the nearest toilets.

After handling my business. I step out of the cubical heading straight to the sink thinking it was in front of the cubical like every other girls bathroom is designed in this school. However I find a urinal in front of me instead. Looking around in confusion my eyes fall upon a boy in a leather jacket sat on the sinks counter in the corner smirking towards me. I groan aloud in realisation.

"Walking into the boys bathrooms again Miss Droit" he chuckles.

"I highly recommend you speak of this to no one or I'll cut your eyes out and feed them to you" I say while walking towards the sink and washing my hands, all the while glaring at him.

"I love it when you're feisty with me Nikita.
It turns me on." He jokes jumping off the counter to stand and face me.

I snort "What doesn't turn you on Mitch" I ask sarcastically with a roll of my eyes.

"The thought of cats" he quickly answers stopping me from turning around and walking out.

"What?" My eyebrows knit in confusion.

"The thought of cats is a major turn off. I fucking hate the animals, why do they even exist they just sit and stare or run off twenty four seve-" he rambles on before I stop him.

"Mitch shut up! I don't care you weirdo" I say as loud as I can without drawing attention to the toilets.

He just chuckles, "Oh Nikita, don't you want to get to class? Don't want to upset your mother now do you?"

Realising how long i've been gone and promising Mrs O'brian I'd be back, I proceed towards the door and exit but not without shouting a quick 'asshole' on the way out.

Getting back to lesson only to find an unknown man standing in front with Mrs O'Brian shocks me a little. He was Gorgeous. Slicked back dark brown wavey hair, beaming bright green eyes. He looked like he just walked out of vogue magazine, matter of fact he was staring right at me.

"Ah Nikita nice of you to finally return. Take a seat" she says, way too formally may I add.

Walking confidently towards my seat in the back with over 15 students eyes on me has never fazed me at all. It was those certain green eyes at the front burning holes at the back of my head which intimated me the most honestly, as I slowly take my seat.

"Right so as you all remember I spoke to you all about me leaving at the end of this week, however I received a very important call and it looks like this period is my last period of the year" she says weirdly excited. "So Mr Styles here is my replacement, and permanently your teacher for your last school year" she says while grabbing his arm and ushering him to introduce himself also.

He gazes around the classroom slowly "Morning to you all.." I zone out as soon as I hear his deep raspy voice flowing out between his lips. 'He's fucking hot! God help me please' I say silently in my head. I meet my best friends eyes from across the classroom, both of us thinking the same thing. 'He's hot' Tasha mouths, I nod repeatedly, agreeing.

"Right well we have time before the bell" he claps his hands bringing me back to earth, and I realise Mrs O'brian is no longer in the classroom. "How about we all go around like a bunch of year 3's and tell me your names and a fun fact about you." He says while receiving chuckles and exaggerated laughs from desperate girls.

I find myself attached to my phone while the whole class takes turns saying their names as I already know everyone's names, until I realise the whole class gets silent. I slowly look up and see everyone's eyes on me waiting for me to respond to Mr Styles.

"Do you not have a name?" Mr Styles says jokingly while he stares at me intensely.

"Nikita" I bluntly respond.

"Right. And a fact please"

Suddenly having an idea to try and sense his type of humour, I lean forward in my seat leaning my elbows on my table. "I really enjoy lingerie shopping. Red is my favourite underwear colour. Strapless bras are my favourite type," I smirk seeing his surprise reaction to my answer. "They're easier to take off." I finish off seductively.

His jaw is slacked staring at me immensely, not expecting whatever said to come out of my mouth. The rest of the class however just stare in amusement expecting exactly what was going to come out, being use to my behaviour.

A snort from Tasha breaks Mr Styles out of his frozen expression. Clearing his throat he replies with "Nikita you have a vile mouth. I will not accept this type of behaviour in my class. What you said is highly inappropriate and disgusting." He states confidently adjusting his tie.

"Oh you loved hearing that information. You're a man Mr Styles. You're all the same." I state.

"Well I may be a man, however I'm now also your teacher." He replied back harshly.

I chuckle "You didn't deny the fact you loved it. Is red also your favourite colour on a woman Mr Styles?" I say smirking.

He gulps noticeably.

"Right, thats it get out!" He shouts pointing towards the door. "Head straight to the principles office, and explain to her why you're no longer in my lesson for the rest of the day." He says smugly after witnessing my face drop.

Dramatically I shoot up out of my seat. The chair falling to the floor behind me. "Fine!" I hiss in anger "I'll have you know though Mr Styles you're new here. And teacher or not, I can make your first days here a living hell." I say while marching pass before storming out of the classroom, slamming the door closed behind me.

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