Chapter 14

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Today was the day. It was show day, and all morning Harry had us non-stop rehearsing, and it was driving me insane. We were all stressed and anxious however Harry's extra ability to keep pushing us to rehearse every second of every minute was draining and we were all close to just walking out. We being just me and Gerald, the rest of the class were able to stay calm, but I might have been because Harry wasn't pushing them like he was pushing Gerald and I.

Right now we are mid singing/dancing to 'summer nights' for the 18th time today, as Harry stands in front of the stage watching everything carefully with his posture straight and arms crossed over his chest. His stare is too intense and it scares Gerald a bit as he stutters on one lyric. I could physically see Harry's nostrils flare, however before he can make a comment the bell rings for the end of school hours. But for us performing arts students it just means we have to start taking everything to the performance hall.

"Right just," Harry pauses while pinching the bridge of his nose. "Everyone start taking everything over and set up. The show is in two and a half hours. If you all set up early I'll let you have a longer break." Once he's finished everyone starts rushing around to grab things then running out, while he speeds out of the classroom.

Of course I choose to follow him, as I take a look around to make sure no one notices me leaving empty handed and rushing out. I walk towards his office which the door is open to as I see him leaned back in his black leather chair with his eyes shut. I make sure no one sees me entering before closing the door behind me.

At the sound of the door clicking his eyes shoot open and his green eyes meet my brown ones. "Come here." He sighs holding his hand out.

Noticing his distressed expression, I keep my mouth shut about him pissing me off in class. Instead I silently walk towards him taking his hand and siting across his lap. He wraps his arms tightly around me leaning his forehead on my shoulder as I rest my head on top of his. We stay in the position, silently for a long while. Before I start stroking his hair a little.

"I love when you do that." He hums and by his tone I could sense a little smile across his face. "S'feels nice." He snuggles his face into my neck.

Giggling I say, "You're such a child."

He chuckles deeply, then he suddenly starts leaving wet kisses on my neck. "Distract me for a while baby." He demands lightly rather than asking. And me being me, I listen to what he says. I turn around in his hold straddling him while his hands find my butt gripping me. Our lips lock just as quickly, while I fist his hair and he moans into my mouth. Getting into our make out session, I start to grind my hips forward feeling him grow under me. His hand start fisting my top ready to pull it off. However I hear the door slam open instead.

"Harold! My man I- Oh shit! I'm so sorry!" And Irish accent exclaims through the air. I jump out of Harry's laps standing while quickly trying to fix myself as Harry jumps out of his seat standing straight and fixing his cream blazer.

After clearing his throat Harry speaks up breaking the awkward silence of us all just staring at each other. "Niall. What the fuck are you doing here so early?" He asks while walking around to shake the blonde lads hand.

"Well Gemma and Michal kicked me out, I think they wanted to get frisky. And I had nowhere else to wait so thought why not get here earlier." He says all in one breath before he quickly turns to me. "You must definitely be Nikita." He walks towards me shaking me hand, "Its nice to finally meet you. This dickhead won't shut up about you." Harry groans embarrassed as I giggle.

The three of us sit in Harry's office chatting. I learnt that Niall actually lives hours away from us and is staying at Harry's for a couple of days as well as he is single and is also a teacher at where Harry use to work. And he is also 28 years old. A year older then Harry.

Much to Harry's obvious distaste, Niall and I were getting along just perfectly. However it had come to a stop as a knock on the door was heard before Gerald's head popped in. "Urh sorry, Nikita we need you please." He says quickly. I say I quick 'see you both in a bit' before following Gerald out to go through final lines.

Soon enough we find ourselves all gathered back stage dressed in custom, gathered around Harry as he gives us a pep talk.

"I want you all to give your best out there. You all have family and friends out there watching so please make me at least look like a decent teacher." He chuckles nervously, "You'll all do great I have faith in you all. Hands in?" We all jump into a closer circle hands in the middle on top of each other, Gerald comes to stand right behind me to reach over and once Harry finished counting down we scream raising our hands up.

Before I walk to my position on the middle of the stage however, I feel my wrist being grabbed. As I turn around I spot Tasha behind me. "What's wrong?"

"Just keep watch, Mr Styles has been looking pissed each time you and Gerald even get close." She says quickly before running to the side of the stage. 

So that's why he's being pissy to just Gerald and I. He's a performing arts teacher, he should know what acting is!


"You did great sweetheart!" My mother came over to hug me.

"Thanks mum. I'm glad you stayed to watch." I say genuinely as this is one of my first performances she's actually watched in the past 17 years of my life.

"I'm glad I stayed too sweetheart. Do you want to head back with me now or are you going out to celebrate with Tasha?" She's asks. I look over her shoulder to spot Harry speaking to other parents. I shake my head planning to head back with Harry instead. "Okay message me." She says before hugging me goodbye before leaving.

On my way back to backstage to look for Tasha to stay with for a while, I bump into Niall instead. "Whoa watch where you're going sweetcheeks" he chuckles grabbing my shoulder to steady me. However once he notices it's me his hand quickly disappears. "Shit sorry" he chuckles, "Hopefully Harry won't chop my nuts off."

"What?" I laugh at his vulgarness. "We only bumped into each other Niall."

"Yeah well," he pauses hesitating "Harry is a...very... urh protective man, you know?" He says running his hand through his hair.

I cock my eyebrow at him silently questioning him. "What are you talking about?" I ask genuinely confused.

"Look never mind. Just be careful okay? I know you're a strong girl and all but careful we all have pasts." He says before walking off towards Harry. I stare after him confused.


Once we get to Harry's house Niall immediately jumps into the shower, leaving me and Harry in the kitchen by ourselves. Meaning I can bring up what Niall was telling me.

"Harry?" I ask silently from my seated position on the counter opposite to where he stands back towards me making tea. He hums in response. I hesitate before saying, "Niall accidentally bumped into me today and told me to be careful of you. Why?" I rush out.

A slow sigh leaves Harry's mouth as he places his spoon back into his mug. He rests his hands on the side of the counter gripping tightly, I could see his back muscles tensing under his shirt he hasn't changed out of yet. "Did he touch you?" He ask his voice deep.

"Well yeah, my shoulders, but it was an acciden-" I start before he cuts me off.

"I don't care!" He shouts turning to me. My eyes bulge out of my sockets at his risen tone and murderous eyes. "No other man is allowed to touch you." He points at me. So this is what Niall meant by possessive. I stare at him silently processing his reaction, while he does the same. Soon he breaths out heavily closing his eyes bringing his hands up to squeeze against his forehead. "Baby I'm sorry." He says looking up. He starts walking over to me then throwing his arms around me hugging me tightly. My arms stay limp by my side shocked even more by his sudden change of mood. We stay like that for a while, until I notice the bedroom door open and Niall walks out, stopping once he sees us. His eyes meet mine and it doesn't take him long to realise, I know.

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