Chapter 16

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The day went awfully slow, I hadn't seen Mitch since the morning. I had even stormed into the boys toilets again to see if he was at his usual place but left unsatisfied. After running around the school like a headless chicken I had decided he just wasn't at school at all anymore, so I had planned to talk to him once I get home. Harry had even offered to come back and talk to him with me, however I had to decline and tell him his dad would be home, to which then had him questioning me even more about if they're father like son and to ensure my bedroom door is always locked when I sleep. And at that I just laughed and teased him about being an idiot.

After waving goodbye to Tasha at the gates, I make my way towards my house taking very quick steps, turning the five minute walk into three minutes. Once I had reached my house however there was another black Mercedes parked next to Kyle's silver Audi. It was too clean to be old and belong to someone for a long time, so it was definitely new.

Once I enter, I hear shouting coming from the kitchen, as I walk through the door Mitch is standing in the middle of the room while Kyle is seated at the table. Smiles possessing their faces.

"Nikita! My dear, how was school?" Kyle asks with a big smile. The main thing I loved about Kyle was the fact that he was a naturally happy man. He shows no other emotion but pure happiness, and he constantly has a positive vibe floating around him, completely different to Mitch. It's also a lot more convenient for me as my mum always acted like she was high of weed whenever he was around. I'm happy for them both.

"It was splend-" My reply however was rudely cut off by the one and only idiot in the house at the moment.

"Yeah no one cares." Mitch says rudely while taking a few steps closer to me. "Have you seen my car? Beautiful isn't it?" He says smugly while folding his arms over his chest.

"Mitch behave." Kyle scowls.

He rolls his eyes in response to his fathers comment. "Want to go for a ride?" He asks with a smirk.

"Uh I actually hav-" however I don't finish my sentence as Mitch raises his eyebrows giving me the 'we should talk' look. "Yeah lets go."

Kyle gets up from the table walking us out, "Mitch I swear to god please do not ruin the car, drive safe. God knows how you passed your tests." He says watching us get in. Mitch starts the car and reverses out throwing a quick wave at Kyle.

"I want to take you somewhere." He states flatly. I look over at him, noticing he's not wearing his black leather jacket, making me notice his biceps a lot more in his short sleeve white top. I shift a little in my seat, seeing a slight smirk ghost his lips.

I clear my throat, "Where?"

"It's a surprise." He says glancing at me with a grin.

The rest of the ride went by in just silence, with the exception of the radio playing lowly. He drives out of town, and closer towards the woods, which sit just a couple miles away from town. I look over at him again, analysing the way he's relaxed in his seat as his hands sit gracefully upon the steering wheel. Eyes flutter shut for a second before he turns to glance at me. He smiles.

Soon enough the car comes to a stop in front of a small path leading into the woods, which is still slightly covered by shrubs and trees. Mitch climbs out before walking over to my side opening the door for me. I thank him silently.

"Follow me." He says walking towards the path. However I don't move from my spot, causing him to turn back around curiously.

"Is this where you kill me?" I ask sheepishly.

"Droit, trust me I would have killed you a long time ago if I wanted to." He says chuckling. "Now hurry up before the sun disappears."

He leads me on a path, which then leads up a hill. The closed up woods then opened up the higher we got, twigs still snapping under our feet. We came up to a clearing of a cliff, the view of the city flashing before my eyes. The sun slowly setting, showing the colour of mixtures of pink, orange and red floating in the sky, less than a few clouds clumped together. The view itself was effortlessly beautiful.

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