Chapter 21

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"You look kind of young." Elenor says to me. But it wasn't rude as I thought it would be.

"Elenor what are you doing here? How did you get in my apartment?" Harry questions taking steps towards her. I couldn't tell whether he was angry or just confused.

"Liam helped me in. I wanted to talk to you." She says softly.

"About what? It's been years El." He says.

I stand to the side awkwardly, not knowing whether to leave or not. I go for the first option and start heading quietly towards the door. Silently slipping out without them noticing or taking my bag with me.

Why would she go through so much trouble just to speak to him? He even still called her El, how revolting. However she seemed way too kind for me to hate her.

I take my time walking home, even taking the long route back. Ignoring how my phone buzzes in my pocket. During the time, I drown myself in thoughts of what Harry and Elenor are talking about right now. Is she asking for him back? Would he even take her back? Doubting my love for us seems sort of silly after our week at his family home, but I never thought I'd cheat. Shit happens. But Harry seems too pure for that, he's boyfriend material.

"Droit sit down, you can't keep avoiding me." I hear as soon as I shut the front door behind me.

I turn to see Mitch just walking out of the kitchen. "Where is my mum and Kyle?" I ask moving to the living room to lay on the couch.

"They're still at my nan's" he says taking a seat on the arm chair opposite me. "I decided to come back early." He leans forward to rest his forearms on his knees.

"Right well. What's up?" I cringe inwardly at my awkward attempt to start a conversation.

"Stop beating around the bush." He says sternly.

I groan while sitting up, "I don't know what else to say!" I exclaim. "Okay we had sex, so what? It was meaningless and it was a mistake. It shouldn't have happened. At all."

Mitch's face falls to disappointment. "A mistake? You thought it was a mistake?"

"Yes it was a mistake" I admit.

He scoffs standing up to stand in front of me. "Then why did you let it carry it on?! You could have stopped me once I kissed you?" He says accusingly. "You wanted it just as much as I did!"

"I did not!" I shout standing up, poking his chest. "I didn't know what I was doing okay!" I says pacing in front of him. "I love Harry, I fucking love him so much!"

"Mr Styles? Oh okay, so did you still love him while I was inside you?" He asks sarcastically.

I glare at him, "Fuck you."

"No you know I'm right." He spits. "Who's name were you calling Nikita? It wasn't Harry's, it was mine!" This was the first ever time he had actually mentioned me by my actual name and not by 'Droit' "I fucking love you!" He shouts.

It's deathly quiet for minutes.

He suddenly grabs my face and leans forward, his lips aiming for mine. However I quickly dodge him and duck under his arm to move to the other side on the couch away from him.

"Stop." I say when I see him take steps towards me.

"Nikita, I promise you now. He can't treat you the way I could." He pleads. "He's your fucking teacher! Do you know how sick that is?" He exclaims.

"It's not!" I shout back. I refuse to cry in front of him. I can't.

"He's probably ten years older then you!" He maliciously laughs. "You can't go out in public. You can't kiss in school. But we can do that Niks. Me and you!"

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