Chapter 9

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"Why did you leave that morning?" He asks while buttoning up his shirt half way.

I look over at him from my spot on the chair, tying my laces, studying him again. I debated wether to just tell him I wanted nothing more but a physical relationship with him. However looking up at him now, I'm struggling to form coherent words. His hair was all messy and his forehead was covered in a thin layer of sweat. His cheeks were flushed bright pink. And his eyes were greener then ever. With his oddly hot fingers clad with silver rings moving effortlessly buttoning what seems to be his definition of the last button, he looks back up to me waiting for my answer.

"Had an emergency." Is all I say, before I jump out of the seat heading towards the door. However as expected my wrist is grabbed and I'm jerked backwards, my back to his chest as his tattooed arms slide around my torso.

"Why are you so hostile sweetheart. I want just the same thing you do." He whispers calmly into my ear.

"You seem to me, to be the kind to reciprocate your feelings expeditiously." I state turning out of his hold facing him. And the look on his face obviously had told me I was right. He's soft and a romantic.

"And how could you judge my character so fast without knowing me completely?" He states confidently with his head held high, his arms crossing over his chest, making his quarter buttoned shirt slide down revealing his tattooed chest. Do we have more time for round 2?

"Mr Styles I suggest when interacting with another sexually after knowing them for two weeks, you don't call them beautiful during the event. Nor do you touch them softly." I state with a smirk knowing I caught him out with my observant ways. "You handle them roughly unless told otherwise." I state.

He clears his throat, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. "Right. So I guess you can say I never do this type of thing." I nod my head keeping my eyes on him. "But you do something to me Nikita. It's certainly unexplainable at the moment. And student or not I always have the sudden urge to just touch you or just to even have you in my mere presence." He takes a minute to observe my reaction. But having not knowing how to react I stay neutral. "There is just something so enchanting about you."

As he confessed his thoughts, I suddenly started imagining the thought of me and him together. And not just in a physical relationship, but in an actual committed one. One where I would stay around his apartment lying on his sofa cuddled up to him with just his top on. Or where we would goto the cinema together and eat each others faces instead of actually paying mind to the movie in front of us, or throw popcorn at each other disrupting everyone around us with our childish antics. The mere thought of it had butterflies fluttering around in my stomach. God he's unintentionally changing me bit by bit and its dangerous how I haven't noticed it until only after hooking up with him.

"Harry, I'm just going to pretend I saw lust coat your eyes just then and not admiration." I move back towards the door opening it. Choosing to run away from this situation just like I do with all of my past situations.

"How did you find out my name?" He asks instead confused.

"I saw your letters on your desk." I state smugly while shutting the door behind me. Thinking back to how I helped him clean up his office from the mess we made, coming across many letters with the name addressed to Mr Harry E Styles. I must admit I wasn't expecting the name Harry, to me he looked more like a James. But I like the name Harry it sounds good.


The school's rooftop is where I always hide out on when it came to thinking or just ignoring running into teachers while I bunk off lessons. Which I'm currently doing.

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