Chapter 27

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"Nikita wake up." I feel myself being shaken awake. I mumble nonsense ignoring whoever it is that is ruining my sleep, turning away from them. "Niks." I hear them sigh.

I peel my eyes open noticing I'm still in the back of Harry's car. I look towards the front seat seeing Niall's seat is now empty.

"I dropped him off home." I hear Harry say from the side of me where he stands with the back door open. "Come on, you're staying with me tonight."

I don't reply feeling way too tired and lazy, so instead I just quietly stick my hands out to him gesturing for him to pick me up and carry me. I see a smile grace his face before he chuckles leaning forward to lift me up before slamming the door close, locking it before walking into his apartment building, his grip tight on me.

Once we get into his apartment he carries me to his bedroom lightly placing me on his bed. I keep my eyes close, snuggling deeply into his soft bed sheet. I can hear him shuffling around his room, opening and closing draws, before I hear him speak him next to me. "Niks, I'm gunna change you okay?" He says softly.

I quietly sit up lifting my arms up giving him permission to change me. He changes me into a baggy black top of his before he helps me under the covers. I feel him place a kiss on my forehead, before he moves to leave. But I stop him grabbing his wrist. "Stay." I say quickly. "Please."

He watches me, eyes flicking from eye to eye, before he climbs into the bed next to me still clothed. I snuggle into his chest sighing in content. He wraps his arms tightly around me holding me close to him. "I love you so much Nikita." He sighs deeply into my hair, before placing a soft kiss on top of my head.

"I know." I reply.

"Why did you leave me?" He asks softly.

I move my head up his chest so I'm able to look up at him. His eyes stay up at the ceiling. "It's for the best." I reply.

"But it's not for the best is it?" He questions, gazing down at me. "Look at us. You went out to get drunk, obviously I was still on your mind. And here I am wallowing in self pity because I got rejected and dumped by the love of my life."

My heart races at his mention of me being the love of his life. Had I have known I made such a huge impact on him as I had thought.

"The love of my life?" I question him, ignoring the fact that he knew I only got drunk because of him.

A smile ghosts his face, "The love of my life." He repeats. "And I know I'm yours. Look at us. We fight, and we argue like a goddamn married couple, yet we always somehow find our way back together."

"Like there's a magnetic force." I say softly.

"Exactly." He replies brushing my hair back away from my face. He cups my face before leaning down and placing a soft kiss upon my lips. "I'm entirely devoted to you, I hope you know that." I stay quiet, closing my eyes and snuggling deeper into his chest.

Harry slowly falls into deep sleep, as I stay awake. My thoughts flooded with the pros and cons of taking Harry back. After tonight I can see how much he really loves me. I feel as though he loves me way more then I love him, and I can't give him all he needs. And I know I'll just end up hurting him again and again. He'll always be much better without me.


"Happy birthday sir." I hear Gerald say once we walk into class together.

Harry looks up from his desk seeing us walk in, he gives Gerald a tight sarcastic smile, he still doesn't like him, "Thank you Gerald." He looks over to me with hopeful eyes. But I stay silent and head to my seat in the back.

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