Chapter 22

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New Year's Eve flew as fast as Christmas had. Louis invited almost every single person he knew for a new year eve party, and by everyone I mean everyone. Practically the whole town was going. Harry had told me that he hired a gigantic Victorian hall wanting to go for a classical themed party. I thought it was a wonderful idea, especially when Liam had told us Niall wouldn't be coming, meaning there wouldn't be any sort of drama.

So here I was finishing up the last touches of my makeup in front of the mirror in Harry's hallway. I've been staying at his apartment for the past couple of days, we had grown even more closer as the days went past, although I still never attempted to ask him about Eleanor's visit. I had come to the conclusion that I had no right to question him about her, I needed trust him. I do trust him. It would be hypocritical not to after my mistake.

"Babe, are you read-" Harry walks out of his bedroom stopping mid sentence while carrying his bow tie in his hand. "Holy shit." He breaths eyes wide.

I grin at his reaction. "Do I look okay?" I was wearing a floor length black puffy gown, with my hair tied in a low elegant bun. Harry had purchase the dress for me as a surprise this morning, and it had just made me fall for him even more at his cuteness.

He walks over to me, eyes raking my body from head to toe, they spend a little too long lingering around my chest causing me to grab his chin averting his gaze as I repeat my question. "You look breathtakingly gorgeous baby." He whispers before leaning forward to connect his lips with mine.

I quickly pull back after a while, "Harry! My lipstick!" I exclaim turning around to check my reflection in the mirror again hearing his groan in annoyance behind me, to see my lipstick only had smudged a little bit. After a couple of minutes of fixing my makeup, cleaning Harry's face from my makeup, and tying his tie for him. We're both ready to leave as he calls a cab for us as we were both planning to drink, as everyone still believes I'm twenty one except Liam and Harry of course.

Once I step out of the cab as Harry holds the door open for me offering a hand, I had come to the conclusion that I must have been in a dream, and I was completely dreaming about the movie "The great gatsby."

The Victorian building looked marvellously elegant, scattered with lights, and various other people suited in long dresses and suits. The music blaring from inside could be heard from miles away.

"This looks amazing." I gawk at the sight in front of me.

Harry smiles at me as he placing his arm around my waist leading me towards the stairs, "Yeah Louis always goes all out for parties. You would have loved the uni parties he threw." 

"Oh I bet she would have." We look up spotting Louis stood on the top step, he greats us with a hug and sloppy kisses on our cheeks walking us in through the big open wooden doors. "Welcome to my amazing new year party, my lovely couple. Feel free to grab whatever you want. Drinks are on the house. And please if you want to get freaky, use the rooms upstairs not the garden." He rants. I laugh as I smell the scent of whiskey dripping from every word he says. I take my time to gaze around the venue, the dimly lit lighting set the mood as the soft melody of an unknown slow song blared through the speakers. What seemed like endless amounts of tables littered the room, covered with expensive cream silk table clothes, with lit candles and sparkly clean plates and cutlery. Partygoers were scattered numerously around the room, as glasses of champagne were heard clinking among with loud chatter. Soon my attention is upon the effortlessly beautiful chandelier which hung above the dance floor dripping with what seemed like the best cut diamonds. I gaze back down watching everyone gather in small group. Women among various ages scatter past, wearing beautiful dresses. I look down at my own noting next time to dress a lot more girly. Louis soon wishes us a fabulous evening and runs behind us to greet whoever just arrived.

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