Chapter 10

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Inhaling from my cigarette which situated between my middle and index finger, I walk up the stairs of the very clean apartment complex, avoiding the lift at all costs. My sight is still blurry due to the vodka still floating around my system. I exhale the smoke, watching it glide through the air creating beautiful shapes. I'm cut off from my thoughts as I hear footsteps walk down the stairs opposite from me.

"Excuse me young lady, you cannot smoke inside here." She says eyeing me with disgust. Her voice is annoyingly high pitch and it makes me cringe. She's wearing a nurses outfit and her blonde her is up in a high pony. She looks around her mid thirties.

Taking none of her attitude and still highly intoxicated, I reply back with a simple "Fuck off lady." She scoffs in response disgusted and carries on walking past me and down the stairs. I soon find myself on the 10th floor and in front of a overly large mahogany door holding the number 18.

God knows how I even remembered Harry's address, even in my state I was surprised at myself. Thinking about my accomplishment I stupidly pat myself on my back. I decide to finish of my cigarette before knocking, however I end up getting bored, forgetting how impatient I am. So soon enough I start banging on the door. After what feels like hours of repeatedly banging my fists on the door, its soon roughly pulled open and there stood Harry himself clad in a white robe, looking pissed off to a max. "Harry!" I exclaim happily throwing my hands in the air.

As soon as his Forrest green eyes land on me his expression changes to surprise, and then immediately to concern. "Nikita? What are you doing here? Are you okay?" He hurriedly asks.

I throw my cigarette to the floor stamping on it with the sole of my heels, before barging past him quietly. He stumbles back due to my odd strength by pushing him aside. He stares at me with a confused look as I walk around his open plan apartment stumbling when I reach the couch to sit on causing him to quickly shut the door and pace towards me.

"Are you okay?" He asks again this time I look up at him from my position on the couch. I pull at the sides of his robe and slam my lips to his, he kisses back just as quickly until he suddenly stops, pulling back he hovers over me leaning on his hands on the top of the couch, "You're drunk." He states with a disappointed sigh obviously tasting the vodka on my lips. I giggle in response.

He leans away heading towards the kitchen, I hear the tap running and soon my mind is elsewhere. I wonder what he was doing before I came barging in. Maybe he was sleeping, the thought of him sleeping puts a smile on my face, I can imagine him wrapped up in his white duvet, with his wavy hair scattered across the pillow, his pink lips slightly parted as he softly snores. My thoughts are suddenly disrupted and my eyes find the forrest green eyed man I was just thinking about.

"Drink up." He says holding up a pint glass of water in front of me. I take it gingerly with a grin still on my face.

"Thanks babes." I slur out, bringing the rim of the cup to my lips downing the water. Harry takes a seat next to me on the couch keeping his eyes locked on me watching my every move. Suddenly I feel abit emotional, and insecure thinking Harry was silently judging me. God he must think I'm such a child showing up at his door step drunk smelling of alcohol and cigarettes. I can never do anything right. Soon tears start sliding down my face and violent sobs leave my mouth. "I'm such an idiot!" I cry out.

Harry quickly jumps to action wrapping his arm over my shoulder bringing me to his chest. "Hey it's okay" he shushes me. "It's okay, please stop crying." He rubs my back reassuringly. "You're not an idiot. I promise."

At that I cry even more. "Don't make promises to me Harry." I cry out raising my head up to look into his eyes. He immediately reaches out wiping my tears away with the pads of his thumbs. He grabs my face softly between his large hands, his eyes gazing around every detail of my face.

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