Chapter 20

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Christmas morning had come way quicker then we had all expected. Waking up to pure white snow covering the ground with beautiful snowflakes scattering down from the sky with a breathtaking view from Anne's windows was the best thing I could ever see. With an exception of seeing Harry wake up looking cute and sleepy. Harry hadn't mentioned what he was speaking about the following morning of the gathering. Gemma would constantly ask me if he had said anything else along the lines of what I had told her about in the flower garden. However how could I tell her anything if Harry never brought anything up.

Harry had been a lot more clingy ever since that night though, I thought it was just because he was so pleased I was getting along with his family and he was just overjoyed.

Right now it's nine in the morning, Harry, Moira and Anne are cooking breakfast while I sit in Harry's room on the phone to my mother.

"I hope you enjoy your Christmas mum, really." I say genuinely. I'm not even going to deny the fact that I actually miss her, a lot and it's been a week and a couple of days since I've last seen her.

"Oh sweetheart, it's fairly decent. Kyle's family are wonderful honestly. I wish you were here to meet them all with me and not spend Christmas alone." She says.

"Awh don't worry. If it makes you feel better I'm at Tasha's house, her family invited me over to celebrate with them." I lie.

"Ah that's great honey!" She exclaims. "Oh I also left you present under your bed!"

"Oh mum, you didn't have to get me anything." I groan. But secretly grateful.

"Oh hush child. You'll like it I thi-"

"Breakfast is made Niks." Harry barges into the room, making my eyes bulge out of my sockets as I shush him. "What?" He shrugs not noticing my phone laying on his bed.

"Who is that?" My mothers voice echoes out of my phones speakers. Harry freezes, his facial expression matching mine. "Nikita is that a boy?!" She exclaims.

Harry motions to my phone gesturing for me to do something. "Urh, yeah it's Tasha's brother." I quickly say hoping she'll believe me.

And she does. "Oh. I don't remember you telling me she has a brother. Is he older?"

I laugh awkwardly, "Urh yeh well now you know." I say. "Actually mother I have to go, breakfast is made. Love you!" I say.

"Love you too honey, and Merry Christmas." She exclaims before I hang up the phone.

I reach for the pillow next to me throwing it at Harry.

"I didn't know!" He exclaims laughing. He walks over to the bed and jumps on top of me making me groan. "Sorry baby. It was a good save though."

I laugh, "I know, I'm not in acting for no reason." I state tapping his cheek.

"Come on. Lets go eat." He smiles getting up and lifting me up with him.

We walk into the kitchen and I see plates and plates of various foods ranging from toasts, to omelettes.

Anne notices my shocked face and laughs. "Take a seat dear, we always go out on Christmas morning." She states.

I take a seat next to Harry at the table as Anne take the seat at the end on Harry's right. We all tuck in to our breakfast as Gemma comes barging in.

"Tommy should be here in a few. We can all open our own presents before then." She says taking a seat opposite me.

"Ah! My little man can't wait to see him I feel like it's been ages." Harry says.

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