Chapter 28

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It was currently twelve in the afternoon as I was stood outside our coach in Doncaster with the rest of my class as Harry stood in front of us with the art teacher Miss Edwards as he counted everyone making sure we were all present.

"I just really want to sleep." I groan linking arms with Tasha before leaning my head on her shoulder.

"It's your birthday." She whispers so know one hears, knowing I don't want anyone knowing I've turned 18 today. "You should be energetic and happy." She says laughing as I groan in reply.

"It's too fucking early for happy." I mutter.

To say it was hard for me to get up this morning would be an understatement. In fact I had been struggling to wake up in the mornings for over a week since Harry's birthday. The look on his face when I didn't say I love you back to him haunted me, keeping me awake.

I had just thought about ways to try and get him back, before I glanced over at him, watching him laugh at something Miss Edwards had said. She was undoubtedly very pretty. Definitely model material as she stands 5'6, mid twenties, skinny and blonde. I scuff watching her raise her hand to rest on Harry's bicep. He just smiles back, his cheeks turning pink.

"Ouch! Women you're going to cut off my blood circulation!" Tasha exclaims yanking her arm out of my grip.

I turn to her noticing I had been squeezing her arm out of anger while watching Harry's interaction.

"Sorry." I mumble.

"Jealousy isn't a good look on you." She laughs.

I look back over at Harry noticing Miss Edwards is walking into the entrance, I stare daggers at the back of her head, "I mean, why did he have to bring her." I scoff turning back around to face Tasha

"He didn't choose her, she volunteered. He wouldn't have been able to look after all twenty five of us on his own." She says.

I sigh knowing I'm over exaggerating. A little. "God-just-he's so annoying." I say in frustration.

"He's so in love with you." Tasha states nodding her head behind me. I turn around my eyes catching Harry's as he stares at me. Miss Edwards comes back and starts calling out pairs and handing out room keys. Harry's eyes stay on me even after my name is called out and I walk over to collect mine and Tashas key. I blatantly glare at her has I snatch the keys out of her hand. Harry chuckles from behind me.

Once we get to our room, we both start getting changed as we only have an hour until we have to regroup at the reception before we leave to watch the production.

"What shall I wear?" I ask holding up the two dresses I had packed.

"I don't get how you're wearing a dress in February." Tasha replies shaking her head before she chooses my thick burgundy dress.

"Even though I don't want to do anything for my birthday, I still have to look nice." I say. Turning to see her pull a familiar top over her head. "Is that Liam's top?" I ask.

She pauses, pursing her lips glancing at the top, before nodding. "Yup, he's left a couple of tops at my house."

I whistle lowly, "Things are getting pretty serious." I state.

"Problem?" She asks.

I stare at her in confusion. "Urh no?" I say more as a question.

"Well then." She says. "Hurry up so we can leave." I stay quiet while analysing her, trying to figure out why she's acting so weird.

Once we're finally changed we head down to reception seeing everyone already there as well as Harry who spots me straight away, his eyes stay on me. I stop, thinking everyone were all just waiting for me and Tasha. My thoughts are confirmed when Miss Edwards approaches us.

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