Chapter 8

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The next week went by awkwardly, having not spoken to Mr Styles since I left his apartment without notifying him. However I payed half my mind to it as I had an annoying teenage boy living under the same roof now constantly making snarky comments whenever he found necessary.

Although throughout the week Mr Styles has been trying to get me to stay behind classes to speak to me, however I always find a way to rush out with Tasha as soon as the bell rings. He'd also place notes on my desk without anyone else noticing, to which I throw in my bag and never open to read, or some days when we were still acting out our scenes he'd always intentionally make comments on my lines. Thus explained, I admit I have been avoiding him.

"Why are you avoiding him again?" Tasha ask's while we're eating at our usual spot in the back of the canteen. I had just updated her with the everything that has happened, resulting in a 10 minute lecture about being careful.

"Urh I don't even remember." I reply shoving a handful of chips into my mouth.

"So why not speak to him now?" She asks while picking at her salad.

I finish of my chips, then slurping on my Diet Pepsi. "No. I don't want to." I say knowing I'm being completely delusional, but not giving a second thought to it.

"Oh my god, why not? You're not making any sense" she asks grabbing at her brunette hair, genuinely confused.

I sigh wiping my mouth with my tissue and throwing it on the tray in front of me, "Tasha you don't know men. Once they realise they can get you to stay in their apartments on their own timed conditions, they automatically think they can get into your pants."

She looks over at me confused, "I thought that was what you wanted?"

"I do, but only under my terms." I smirk.

She sighs dropping her fork into her salad box. "This is like Liam all over again."

Liam was a guy I use to mess around with back when I was in year 11. We use to be neighbours and me being the hormonal teenager I am and him being the most gorgeous, and much older male I spoke to, one thing lead to another at one of his house parties, which then led to us having a friends with benefits relationship until he had to move away. However he had admitted he loved me after the second time we hooked up, but I wanted to make him wait so I had the upper hand in the relationship. Which obviously left me being heartbroken as he left before I could admit my feelings also. But I was way too young anyway.

"Definitely not. He came onto me first I never took that end of the stick." I reply.

"Right well on another note there's a party tonight and I kind of really want to go. Can you come with me?" She asks quietly.

"Who is he?" I immediately ask knowing her very well.

She looks down at the table smiling, "Just this guy I bumped into in the library the other day."

"Ooo. Then you definitely have to introduce me to your future man at this party. You can come to mine to get changed." I say getting up with her following me.

We walk towards the exit of the canteen, throwing our rubbish away. However before we can leave I bump into someone's solid chest.

Knowing who it was as I could smell his aftershave from miles away, I sheepishly look up towards his face. Green eyes meeting my hazel ones.

"Nikita, what a coincidence we happen to bump into each other, I was just thinking about you" he says formally.

"Oh really, why so?" I reply quickly getting a glimpse towards Tasha who is rushing out of the canteen throwing a thumbs up in my direction.

"I wanted to speak to you about your role. Do you have a minute to head into my office to converse?" He asks hopefully.

I nod. Silently giving into my own stubbornness and to actually speak to him.

I follow behind him as we walk towards his office. However as soon as I walk in first he locks the door behind him after entering.

I sit up on his desk, raising an eyebrow at him. Implicitly asking him why he locked the door.

"I watched this movie the other night." His voice has noticeably gotten deeper as he slowly edges his way closer to me. "It quoted something spectacular." He's still ending closer towards me, painfully sluggish. "It said The man who said "I'd rather be lucky than good" saw deeply into life. People are afraid to face how great a part of life is dependent on luck. It's scary to think so much is out of one's control." He pauses, suddenly standing in front of me, between my legs. Chest to chest. He breaths out heavily across my face. And then carries on.

"There are moments in a tennis match when the ball hits the top of the net. And for a split second, it can either go forward or fall back." He says brushing back my hair behind my ear. "With a little luck, it goes forward, and you win. Or maybe it doesn't, and you lose." He finishes resting his hand on the side of my face.

"Why are you telling me this?" I whisper, eyes darting down to his full pink lips which are dangerously close.

"Be my little luck Nikita. Let's win." He whispers.

Next thing, I lunge forward. Roughly kissing him as his hands grip my waist pulling me tightly against him. Eyes fluttering close at the softness of his lips pressed against mine. My hands traveling to grip his hair. My body flushing with heat once our tongues come in contact. The kiss was rough and quick, almost as if he was letting his anger out on me for the lack of attention I was giving him this week.

We pull away after a few minutes to catch our breaths. However he dives back in leaving wet forceful kisses down my neck. My hands find their own way under his shirt, caressing his abs.

"Fuck, I've been dreaming about this for days." He says while throwing his shirt over his head tossing it aside.

He grabs my face between both of his large hands slamming his lips back onto mine forcefully. I couldn't help but moan at the feeling. I start toeing my chucks of my feet as he reaches behind me swiping everything off his desk messily, then carefully laying me back onto it.

I grab him by his belt pulling him on top of me, as he carefully places his knees on either side of my waist leaning over me. I quickly start unbuckling his belt, until his hands reach out to stop me.

"Are you sure about this?" He asks breathlessly, looking into my eyes with concern.

"Yeah" I breath out biting my lip. And just at that he grabs onto my thighs, kissing me deeply again.

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