Chapter 11

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"I need to start my driving lessons." I state casually picking at my pasta.

"Oh hey I can hook you up with this older guy I know. He taught my brother, he's pretty good." Nick says with his arm around Tasha as she cuddles deeper into him.

"You would be a life saver!" I exclaim with delight.

"Don't worry about it I'll give him a call for you at lunch." He says stealing a chip from Tasha's plate.

We're all currently seated at the back of the canteen on a Monday morning as we had all arrived school too early weirdly enough. Me and Tasha are in our usual spots with an exception of Nick joining our table. He's a very down to earth guy as I can tell so far. I can tell he makes Tasha happy, and I had already given him the best friend talk which had left him nervous and jumpy for the first couple of minutes we were seated until he had finally warmed up to me and my blunt attitude.

The weekend went by tremendously slow. After Harry had made breakfast Saturday morning I had asked if I could stay longer to which he was more then happy to agree to. We had stayed cuddled up on his sofa watching almost every Nicolas Spark film while having a few make out session here and there, until I had to get home, to which he offered to drive me home, and I couldn't say no. However we ended up arguing about his taste in music while in the car. He had cd's of Coldplay and the Rolling Stones. I mean they are good bands but they are definitely not car ride music. Once he dropped me off he suggested to swap numbers which I agreed to very quickly before I ran in hoping to talk to Mitch. However my mother told me he hadn't come home since he left for the party on Friday.

And he still hasn't come back.

Now if I wasn't a cold hearted bitch (with an exception to the people I love, or like, such as Harry) I would have dialled his number numerous times to find out if he was ok, but, I am a cold hearted bitch so I did nothing of the sort. And instead repeatedly sent messages back and forth to Harry. We had a two hour phone call last night, where we had spoken about the play Grease, both debating whether Danny was a pussy or not for trying to change his bad boy ways for Sandy. Harry had to be the good man he is and suggest he loved that Danny turned good for her. However I tried to get it into his head that he only wanted to change after seeing Sandy with another boy which totally meant she didn't deserve him at all. The debate then ended up with us both arguing and then him hanging up on me. Now this pissed me off and I couldn't get a single shut eye at all. But then I had woken up this morning only to then see a message from him apologising and promising to make it up to me. I refuse to give in.

The bell for first period rings abruptly. We all stand and start heading towards our classes. "Why did you choose to wear a mini skirt today again?" Tasha asks eyeing my bare legs as I walk beside her and Nick.

"To distract Harry, to show him not to fuck with me." I state bluntly. Nick knows nothing about Mr Styles so we keep his name strictly to Harry when talking about him. We described him to Nick as one of the students in our class that I have a crush on, when he first asked who we kept speaking of. So my plan was to initially ignore Harry. But then I realised that was way too easy and he would definitely be expecting that so I decided to tease him. There's nothing more painful for a man then blue balls.

"Righhttt" Nick says longing the word out, obviously not getting the actions of us girls. "You have fun torturing an innocent young boy," he says directly to me, then turning to Tasha, "And you, behave." He says placing a kiss to her lips and then walking back from where we came. Its cute that he walked her to lesson, I need a relationship like that.

"Ready?" Tasha asks. I nod my head gesturing for her to enter first as I follow behind. Deciding to dress as revealing as I could did have its consequences, such as having almost the whole entire male population in this school drool over you and it wasn't appealing if most of the boys in this school were jerks.

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