Chapter 33 (Final chapter)

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"Hey do you know what I noticed?" Harry says looking up from his desk where he was sat marking our recent performance work.

"What?" I say subconsciously twirling my pen between my fingers as I sat at the front desk in his class room, the room empty with an exception of him and I. I was suppose to be in the library catching up with all the work I had missed from taking the three weeks off, my mothers words. But I ignored her knowing she just didn't feel comfortable with us being together on school grounds.

"You've stopped smoking." He says smiling. My fiddling comes to a sudden halt as my breath catches in my throat. Does he know? I've specifically moved back into my mothers house knowing if I stay Harry would realise why I wake up in the morning vomiting like crazy. But if he's noticed I've stopped smoking, surely he'd notice I haven't had my period either. "Don't look so shocked baby." He laughs setting his pen down before getting out of his chair and walking over to my desk. "I'm proud of you." He says softly leaning down to kiss my forehead.

I gulp heavily, the guilt rising. "Harry I-" I stop once my eyes meet his, swimming with nothing but admiration. "I-" Tell him. Tell him you're pregnant. Tell him now.

Soon concern crosses his face, "What? What's wrong?" He says kneeling down grabbing my hand.

I clear my throat silently thinking over telling him now, I'm the midst of our lunch break. Would he be happy? Sad? "I was going to ask if I can stay over tonight?" I say instead.

A sudden emotion flashes on his face unrecognisable, before it disappears and he breaths out in relief, "Was that it? You can stay when ever you want. You know that." He says softly.

I watch as he gently squeezes my hand before standing to walk back over to carry on grading the papers. His eyebrows furrowed, and grip tight on his pen. And then I knew that look he gave minutes ago.

He knows.

"Harry-" I'm interrupted by the door slamming open and Tasha rushing in with a tear stained face. "Tash what happened?!" I ask jumping out of my seat as she scurries to me.

"I'm so fat!" She sobs into my chest. I look over her shoulder at Harry who stares at us both with one eye brow raised a paper held mid air, I mouth for him to help me but he smirks and carries on grading. This very occurrence had become very common to us, since Tasha is already in her fourth month. The first day she saw her stomach she barged into my bedroom screaming not caring about Harry laying between my legs. This would be the seventh time she's done this. Yet she still refuses to tell Liam or her parents. So she's only had help from Harry, Mitch and I.

"Honey, you need to tell him." I sigh stroking her hair. 

She mumbles something and carries on crying while I stand quietly comforting her. It lasts until Harry finishes marking and he packs away his stationary before walking over and leaning on the table next to us.

"Do you want us to come with you to tell Liam?" He asks quietly. She quietly nods her head, before leaning back suddenly.

"Niks you're not far along from me!" She exclaims, my eyes go wide but I'm in too much shock to quickly stop her, "Our babies can be friends!" She laughs hugging me tightly. I'm stood in shock not able to move before I quickly snap my head to Harry who's now stood up straight with wide eyes. Tasha suddenly realises what she's done before quickly removing herself from me to step back and glance between Harry and I.

It's quiet for a long time.

"I fucking knew it!" Harry shouts in excitement, a smile adoring his face. He grabs my waist picking me up to spin me laughing. He drops me to my feet seconds later cupping my cheeks. "Why couldn't you just tell me sooner, fuck sake. It was so hard to keep in." He says kissing over my face. Tasha giggles taking a seat watching us.

"I-what?" I stutter still stunned. "You knew?"

"Oh course I knew. First the baby clothes Mary gave, that was a major give away, then you kept asking me to buy you pickles. You fucking hate pickles. So did Gemma but she craved them too when she was pregnant. Just- god I understand why you were scared to tell me but I'm so happy baby." He says pulling me into a tight embrace.

"You're not mad?" I whisper hugging him tighter.

"Never." I feel him press a kiss to the top of my head before Tasha sighs heavily breaking us out of our embrace.

"I think I need to tell Liam now." She says.

"Oh, he already knows." Harry grins wrapping an arm around my waist to pull me back into his chest, placing his overly large hand against my stomach.
Tasha gasps. "We both knew. Come on. Do you think we're both dumb? If there was an exam on both of you we'd pass with flying colours." He laughs.

"You're an asshole, I hope you know that." Tasha hisses picking up my pen to throw it his way. I quickly duck so it doesn't hit me.

"Ow! I'm not!" He shouts.

Tasha suddenly starts sobbing, "I'm sorry, you're not."

I sigh turning to Harry who watches uneasily, "I really hope you're nothing like that." He says keeping his eye on Tasha.


"We're pregnant!" Harry shouts.

Anne splutters out the champagne she was sipping while my mother chokes on her breath. Mitch and Gemma are sat with a shocked expression. It's been almost two months since Harry admitted to already knowing. We'd thought we should get the both of our family together to break the news. Anne and my mother had already grown fond of each other, we still aren't sure if it's a good thing or not. It was suppose to be over desert. But Harry being too excited about the whole thing obviously doesn't know what dessert is and he's just blurt it out five minutes into our dinner.

I groan aloud pinching the bridge of my nose. "Oh my god. Dessert Harry, dessert."

He sends me an apologetic smile, but before he could speak my mother interrupts. "A baby?"

"Urm yeah." I say already shying away into Harry's embrace. He wraps his arm tighter around my shoulder, grinning widely.

"I'm so happy for you both." Anne exclaims jumping up to hug us both. And that was the start of the congratulations. Apart from Mitch glaring at Harry secretly telling him he's not happy at all.

"Chill out." I whisper to him.

"You guys had sex." He mutters angrily.

I look at him stupidly, "We're married." I remind him bluntly.

"I know." He whines childishly before Gemma hands him Tommy to shut him up. 

"Hey, we'll be right back." Harry says once we finish eating. I look at him in confusion when he grabs my hand pulling me out of my chair and leading me out to the garden.

"What's going on." I smile once he sits on the bench and pulls me into his lap.

"Nothing I just wanted to have a bit of quiet time with you." I hum tucking my face into his neck. He exhales heavily rubbing my thigh soothingly, "I'm sorry I blurted it before dessert."

I giggle at his cuteness, "It's fine, as long as they know now."

"He's going to be such a ladies man. I can tell." He says his hand raising to rest on my small stomach. I didn't even need to look up to see he has a shit eating grin on his face.

"What makes you think that?" I ask.

"I'm hot, and your hot." He says

I snort, "You're an idiot, you should be so lucky i'm in love with you." I laugh leaning up to look at him.

"I'm your teacher, stop talking to me like that." He says cheekily.

"Sorry sir." I grin leaning in to kiss him.

~the end~

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