Chapter 5: Memories - Part 3

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"What do you mean she became Soo-won's bodyguard?" Hak asked with a worried look on his face.

"Huh? You two haven't heard?" King Il asked.

"No, we have not." Mundok replied and walked away. Hak followed close behind him, leaving the King alone.

"This isn't going to end well." The King muttered to himself as he sweat dropped.

"Yuki!" Hak and Mundok screamed, breaking down the door.

"Oh, hiya guys." Yuki said in a monotone voice.

"What's this about you being Soo-won's bodyguard?" They screamed again.

"...Um, he asked?" Yuki responded, completely confused. "I said, "why not" and so, I got a new job?"

Both Hak and Mundok fell into the ground muttering, "What's wrong with her...."

Hak jumped back up and yelled, "I won't allow this!"

Yuki set down her apple, stood up from her chair, and faced her older brother and Grandfather. "Since when do I need you to allow me to do something, huh? Big brother." She asked in a monotone voice again.

Hak went to take a step back from her icy glare, but instead, took a step forward. "You're my kid sister." He seethed.

Yuki's glare harden, "Do not forget, brother, I am your leader."

Hak crossed his arms and said, "Tsk, a little child like you? I will never follow you as my leader."

In a second, Yuki penned Hak to the floor, and calmly held a knife to his neck. Hak's and Mundok's eyes widened. "Do not forget, I beat you in the battle. You try to disobey me, your leader, the head of the wind tribe, the 5th general of Kouka Kingdom, and the bodyguard of Soo-won whom is the king's older brother's son; I could kill you and nobody would even question me. Remember that." She said, venom dripping from every word.

"How-..." Hak muttered as memories from when they were younger flashed through his mind, images of a younger Yuki smiling brightly... And now, here she is, holding a knife to his neck with eyes as cold as ice glaring down at him as if he were a bug. "How did you change so much, Yuki?" He asked, his voice was shaky as he held back tears. "Damn it, don't cry."

Pain ran through Yuki as she started to get off of Hak. All she wanted was for him to hate her, that way, it wouldn't hurt as much when she does what must be done soon. "I never changed. You just never had the time to get to know me." She looked up at Mundok, he looked as if his heart was breaking. She turned her head and walked back to her chair, not wanting to see their pain filled eyes any longer. "Now leave me be."

Mundok turned to leave while Hak, who was laying on the floor, jumped up and charged at Yuki with a sword.

"Hak!!" Mundok and Yona screamed in horror.

Yuki who didn't think her brother would do that, was frozen. Only for a moment through. The sword went through her shoulder as she glared at her older brother. "Even now, you can't kill me..." She raised her hand and touched his cheek, "...You missed, brother." She used her other hand and pulled the sword out. "You want to fight?" She asked as her hair shadowed her face. "Fine then!" She ran at Hak with inhuman speed, a dagger in her left hand ready to kill.

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