Chapter 16: Fun and Games

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"No." Yuki glared, holding back the urge to kill the man standing in front of her, with that stupid smug look on his face. "It's my job to protect him, not kill him." She tried to remind herself, but the urge to snap his neck just a little bit to the right did not disappear.

"C'mon," Soo-Won started, "It's a mock battle. You'll enjoy it." He tried to persuade her into joining his team.

Yuki shook her head, frowning deeply at the thought of not being able to fight at full power if she were to fight in the mock battle. "I said no." She insisted, putting her hands behind her head.

Soo-Won took a step forward, the smug look never leaving his face. "Please?" He begged.

Yuki shrugged her shoulders again, shaking her head as well. "Nope. Never."

"Pleaseee?" Soo-Won whined, "I neeeedddd your helpppp!!!"

Yuki looked disgusted. Her king is on his knees in front of her, his hands clasped together, as if he were praying. "You disappoint me." She mumbled, her eyebrows frowning. She took a couple steps back, but Soo-Won just scooted on his knees towards her. "Stop. That's creepy!" She yelled and tried to run pass him, only for him to grab her ankle, causing her to faceplant on the floor.

Soo-Won laughed nervously as sweat quickly covered his face, while his life flashed before his eyes. "Yuki... I'm sorry." He stood up and backed away from the small girl slowly getting up.

"Your majesty..." Yuki seethed, storming towards him. Soo-Won backed into the wall as he held his hands up in defence. Yuki punched the wall beside his head, cracking the wall and glared at him, "How dare you do that?" She questioned, smiling innocently as blood started dripping from her nose.

"Y-Yuki..." He stuttered, his teeth chattering as his body started trembling from her bloodlust, "P-please... You are supposed to protect me... Not kill me!"

"Hmm?" She asked, tilting her head in question, a weird habit she has, "I don't remember having such a job..." She trailed off, looking innocent, "Do I have a job like that?"

"Yuki, please-" He tried to beg, but Yuki's anger took over, and Soo-Won's screams of pain echoed throughout the small town they were staying at before going to meet the General of the Earth Tribe: Lee Geun-Tae.

A few days later.

"Ah..." Yuki exhaled, feeling relaxed. "Isn't this great?" She asked, opening her right eye to glance at her companion, "Huh, Yun-Ho?"

"Yes!" Yun-Ho replied happily, clapping her hands together. "This battle will be amazing!"

Yuki chuckled, "Well, I sure do hope so."

Everybody watched the mock battle between the King's team and Lee Geun-Tae's team. In the end, the Earth Tribe's General won, only thanks to Soo-Won pretending to lose.

Yuki scoffed, "Seriously? That was boring... Hey, at least I got to see him somewhat fight..." She thought, pushing pass people to get down the stairs so she could meet up with Soo-Won. However, she ran into the Earth Tribe's General... Literally ran into him. "Ouch... I'm sorry- oh, it's just you." She deadpanned, "Get out of my way, you old fart." She tried to walk pass him, but he grabbed her arm and glared down at her.

"Excuse me? You little brat, how dare you say such things to your elders?" The older General seethed.

Yuki crossed her arms. "So you admit you're old? Okay then, move out of my way, you senile shit." She smiled.

The elderly General snapped. "Hey... Kid..." He said, shadows covering his face, "Just because you defeated me once doesn't mean you are better than me!" He declared. "Now show me some respect, brat!"

It was true, when Yuki was nine, a year before she became the General of the Wind tribe, she and Hak both fought against the man standing in front of her. In both of the separate battles, the siblings beat him, with little to no effort.

Yuki scoffed, "Show you respect? Seriously? All you do is sit back as your tribe slowly gets worst, not even caring about all of your citizens that are dying and suffering as you sit in your estate." To say that Geun-Tae was stunned would be an understatement. Yuki took a step past him, stopping as she stood beside him and glancing up at the man. She added, "If you wish to have my respect, then fix your tribe." She then left, searching for her King.


Soo-Won flinched when he heard clapping behind him. He spun around only to see Yuki standing in his tent, clapping her hands sarcastically.

"Wonderful job!" She sarcastically praised.

Soo-Won signed and turned back around. "What do you need so badly that made you enter my tent while dressing?" He asked, finishing putting his top piece of clothing on.

"I wanted to sneak a peek?" Yuki shrugged.

Soo-Won started coughing and blushing badly. "Wha?!" He screeched.

"I wanted to sneak a peek?" Yuki repeated, looking confused. "Are you really going deaf?"

Soo-Won turned to look at her with wide eyes. "You can't enter while I'm dressing!" Soo-Won yelled, blushing more.

Yuki looked into his eyes, completely confused. "Why? I've seen you naked before...?"

"Well... Wait, what?! When?!!!" He screamed. He then covered himself with a nearby blanket, even though he was already dressed.

"It is my duty to protect you, even while you bathe." She nodded, and crossed her arms.

"......... So......" He trailed off, breaking the silence after a good five minutes. He narrowed his eyes at her as he shifted nervously, ".... All.... All this time... You have been watching me bathe?"

His question was only answered by humorous laughter. His eyes widened for a second at the sight in front of him before they went back to normal. He watched Yuki laugh with gentle and loving eyes. He shouldn't believe it... That laugh that he missed so badly was finally heard again. It was music to his ears.

"I... I have never seen your face so red before!" Yuki exclaimed, pointing a finger at her King and best-friend. "I've never seen you naked before! You fool! I always made a male guard protect you when you bathed!!!" She laughed, holding her stomach from the pain of laughing so much. Soo-Won didn't respond. He simply watched her laugh with a fond smile. Yuki slowly calmed down and decided to explain her reason for being there, still chuckling a bit though, "I came here to guard you, as always."

Soo-Won ruffled her hair, still smiling sweetly at her. "Thank you." He said and walked out of the tent, leaving Yuki alone.

A small blush spread across Yuki's face as she held the top of her head; where Soo-Won had messed up her hair. "What was up with that smile...?"

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