Chapter 24: Allan

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A/N: That's basically what Allan looks like, except he has crimson eyes. Also, happy day before Thanksgiving! Hopefully everyone has a fantastic holiday!

Sometimes in life, the most unexpected hit us right in the face and we're left speechless. Who would have guess that someone would come back from the dead? Yuki certainly didn't. Her mind was still hazy, but even through the haziness and confusion, she could feel the walls around her heart just crumble away. Relief washed over her like a wave, slowly ridding all of the darkness from her. The voices became muffled and her memories were clearing up.

"I..." She trailed off, reaching her hands out to touch Allan's face. She rubbed his face with her thumbs, completely dumbstruck. Allan's hand covered her's while he enjoyed being in her presence again, slowly tracing circles on her hand. The madness in both of them faded away the longer they were together. "I thought you were dead."

Allan smiled softly at her, "I could never leave you alone in this dirty world, my little Koharu."

Yuki gently pulled him into a hug, fearing he would break if she was too rough, but also feared he would disappear if she doesn't hold him close. Tears welled up in her eyes, "Allan-"

"I know," he whispered, running his fingers through her hair, memorized by the new color. He liked it better brown though. He missed her gray eyes, but they still held that light that calmed him as a child and melted away the insanity. Too bad he tainted her with this power. However, if he hadn't given her half of his powers, he wouldn't be holding her in his arms now. "I know."

Yuki buried her head in his shoulder, flavoring the warmth of her childhood friend. She begged the Gods to let her hold him forever, even if that seemed childish. She clenched her fists in his shirt, cursing everything that separated them.

Yuki pushed him back carefully, a sorrowful smile gracing her lips. "Allan, I would love to stay here with you and catch up, but I need to go. Soo-Won needs me-"

Allan gripped her wrist. A dark look settled on his face as he gritted his teeth, "No. He doesn't need you. Don't leave me again, please. Koharu, I need you. Don't leave– you can't leave me."

This took Yuki aback. The Allan she knew wasn't like this. He never showed that sort of face. Knots formed in her stomach and she forcefully yanked her hand away, "You're hurting me!" She backed away, holding her reddening wrist.

"Koharu, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to." He reached for her, only to have his heart broken when she flinched away. "Koharu... C'mon, you know I would never hurt you."

"I have to go back to the battle. Soo-Won is counting on me," she insisted.

There it was again. That name. Allan could feel his blood boil just hearing it. "He's just using you," Allan said, glaring at nothing in particular.

An unbearable silence filled the air. In the distance, Yuki could faintly hear the battle waging on. "I am his tool, Allan. He is my King and I his subordinate," there was a hint of proudness in her tone as she spoke. She served a kind King, so of course she was happy. But it was also Soo-Won and she would follow him through the harshest of fires.

Why was she so proud, Allan wondered. How could she be happy being a toy for someone as weak as that King? Soo-Won was their country's enemy now that he was King, yet Koharu works for him. The longer she stayed here, the more danger she will be forced to face. He couldn't allow her to continue being brainwashed by that monster either. It was time she came home, back to their home. Allan had finally found her again and he would be damned if she returns to that man's dirty clutches.

"No," he grabbed her roughly, "He's brainwashing you, Koharu-"

"My name is Yuki," she glared.

He lowed his eyes, a dark shadow covering his face. "Heh, is that what they told you? Koharu, that is your name. Not Yuki. Listen to me, you're being brainwashed. You're coming with me. We can't be apart... The voices are silent when we're together. And you will die if you try to take on that many soldiers."

His eyes were practically begging her to listen– to come with him. But she couldn't. She was the Wind Tribe's General and Soo-Won' bodyguard. No matter how much she loved Allan, she couldn't abandon her people.

"I need to go," she repeated.

Allan clenched his teeth and tightened his grip on her. "Don't make me do this," he begged. "I don't want to hurt you."

"I'm not the one who will be hurt," she threatened confidently. "Even if he was brainwashing me, I wouldn't mind. He is my friend, and I would gladly die on that battlefield for him."

A dark looked covered Allan's face, "Please," he repeated, a bit more demanding this time, "don't make me do this."

Yuki's eyes narrowed and her guard went up, waiting for any movement that might be a threat. "I'm not making you do anything," she said, ever so slowly reaching for her Katana.

There was no doubt in her mind that this man was her childhood friend, Allan, but after this many years, could he still be the same? Are they even friends? They fight on opposite sides now. If he poses a threat to her country, then as General she had a duty to eliminate him. At least, that is what she is supposed to do. However, knowing what you are supposed to do and actually being able to do it are two entirely different things.

"You leave me with no choice then," Allan lifted his head to meet Yuki's gaze. "Forgive me, Koharu. I never wanted it to come to this."

Yuki yanked her arm away, narrowly dodging a knife as a gash was left on her right cheek.

"Allan, stop this," said Yuki, almost begging. She didn't want to fight him, but she had a duty. "We can just go our separate ways. We don't need to fight," she tried to reason.

"You must come with me," Allan demanded, voice dull and hollow. His eyes were full of regret and sorrow as he swung his Katana at her. He never wanted to hurt her, but he would do it just this once if it meant he could protect her.

She skillfully dodged it, a slight scraping noise filling the air as Yuki unsheathed her black Katana.
"Damn it! Why is it always like this?! Why do I always have to fight the people I love?!" Yuki thought. Now wasn't the time for tears, Yuki kept reminding herself. No matter how badly this hurt her, she couldn't stop.

Both Katanas cut through the air, creating a whistling sound before they clashed together. They were face to face, fighting a battle neither of them wanted, both torn over their responsibilities and duties to their countries.

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