Chapter 10: Strong Person...?

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Yuki sighed, crossing her arms over her crest, thinking over everything that happened a few days ago. Apparently, while greeny was out and about, he found his one true love. At least, that is what Yuki got from his long story. Tomorrow, Jae-ha was to find his true love. Running a hand through her short, white hair, Yuki watched as the sun peeked through the dark morning sky. Dawn was her least favorite time, but she had to admit that it was undoubtedly beautiful. The smell of the salty ocean water filled her nose as the wind blew past, causing the leaves in the tree she sat on to sway. She yawned before jumping from the tall tree, another sleepless night...

"I wonder what's Soo-Won is up to? Probably being kingly." Yuki nodded to herself, thinking it to be true.

She walked through the town, the sun light just barely lighting up the lifeless town. Yuki looked left then right, only to find herself alone. Nobody had gotten up yet. The stores were closed and so, deciding to go to the port, she jumped up on the buildings, a bored expression settled on her sightly tanned face as she ran across the roofs.

Upon reaching the port, she saw the ship she was looking for. However, it was out at sea. Letting out a depressed sigh, she looked up at the cliffs surrounding the port. She tilted her head... A person was on top of the cliff. She narrowed her eyes a little and saw more people, staring down at her. However, she couldn't tell their expressions.

"One... Two... Three... Four... Five. Five people." She counted and watched as they started to run the other way, towards the part that leads back to town. "They wouldn't be trying to come down here, right?" She questioned herself before deciding that she didn't want to find out. She ran into town, not wanting to meet those people... There was just something telling her to run from them.

Up on the cliff before Yuki ran.

Kija, Yoon, Shin-Ha, Hak, and Yona stood up on the cliff, staring down at a pirate ship.

"Is that a Pirate ship?" Yona asked.

"Seems so, princess." Hak answered, crossing his arms until something quick moved in the corner of his left eye. He turned to look at it and saw somebody wearing dark gray pants, a white mask, and a green cloak. Something about the person made him sad and a little angry... And a odd feeling. "Hmm?" Hak hummed, questioning his eyes. He poked Kija's shoulder, causing the white haired man to turn around angrily.

"What!?" Kija screeched.

Hak only responded by pointing towards the person and muttering, "Do you see that?" For some reason, seeing the cloaked figure made something tung at his heart, almost as if telling him, "Go. Go look. It's important."

"See what!?" Kija angrily questioned, looking to where Hak was pointing. Once he saw the cloaked figure, he got creeped out. "What is that?"

"A person." Hak sarcastically replied. By this time, everyone was looking at the cloaked figure, wondering what or who it was.

Kija ignored Hak and turned to Yona. "Yona, we should go down there." Yes, the thing creeped him out but like with Hak, something was telling him to go down there. Almost as if something was pulling him towards the cloaked person.

Shin-Ha nodded, agreeing.

"Why?" Yoon asked, confused as to why anybody would want to go close to that person.

"Because..." Yona spoke up, feeling the same thing as the others... Beside Yoon. "...There's something about that person... It's like something is pulling me closer to them." She finished. "Like with Yuki..." She angrily thought, remembering how Yuki just had something that pulled her closer to her... But she hated her. She helped Soo-Won kill her father... Who knows, Yuki might have made him.

"It's looking up here!!" Yoon screeched, horrified.

"Let's go!" Yona demanded, turning to run down the hill.

Time skip to the day Yona and Yoon goes to the building that Kum-ji uses to get the women.

Yuki was told the night before that Jae-Ha got the strong person and his group to join and that she had to meet them this morning. And so, she was on her way to the boat. Slowly walking towards the boat, she got ready to meet Jae-Ha's boyfriend. But... Once she got there, everything would change. At least, her plan will.

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