Chapter 23: Those Long Forgotten

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11 years ago

They watched quietly, frozen in fear as their village was devoured by flames. Agonizing screaming filled their ears. But their feet wouldn't move. They had to move- they had to save them, but they couldn't move an inch.

Time stood still as Koharu's hand was snatched away from Allan's hand, followed by an ear piercing scream. She begged and screamed for Allan to save her, but he was too terrified to move. Although his village and Koharu needed him, he couldn't bring himself to move.

His body trembled, eyes wide as he watched everything get destroyed. Three men surrounded him, one holding the screaming Koharu up by her hair. She was crying for Allan to save her, so why couldn't he move? Why couldn't he save her?

Allan's blood red eyes filled with tears. His body refused to move, his mind was blank. Run or fight? Save his people or himself? Too late.

Present time:

Yona's pleads for Hak to stop fell on deaf ears. His blood was boiling. His little sister, the girl he found, killed their king, Yona's father. Everything was taken from Yona, the girl he loved since childhood, by Yuki. He had trusted her, loved her, helped raise her. They had their fights, as all siblings do, but they always made up. However, this time Hak knew there was no making up. She crossed a line that could have never been crossed, and it couldn't be repaired. She destroyed it all.

While Yuki was fighting off Kai Empire's soldiers, Hak raised his spear, getting ready to kill her as her back was turned to him. It was the perfect opportunity. Finally, after all these months, he could rid himself of this pain.

"Big brother! Look! Look! I made this... Thingy!" Yuki exclaimed, pointing towards a misformed snowman.

Hak suppress a laugh at the poor snowman. Yuki pouted, staring up at her brother. "What, do you hate it?"

"No... No! Of course not! But um, the eyes should be on the head, not the stomach..." He laughed.

She blushed and kicked his shin. "SHUT IT! It's pretty just the way it is!"

Hak hesitated for a split second. And that nearly cost him his life. Standing in front of him, was a Kai's soldier, easily blocking his spear with a Katana. But what shocked Hak wasn't the fact that somebody was able to block his spear, or that the man was an enemy soldier protecting his sister; no, what shocked him was the man's white hair and blood red eyes. They looked exactly like Yuki's, but more dangerous... If that were possible.

The man wore odd clothing for battle, but he was undoubtedly a Kai Empire soldier. His pants and shirt were all black, and looked like rags. He looked like a homeless man. Oddly enough, the man's lower face was hidden behind a red scarf. From what Hak could tell, the man had no armor and only one Katana. No other weapons.

"Who are you?" Hak glared. "Why are you protecting her?

The man glanced over his shoulder at Yuki. "It's been so long... You're not doing well, are you? Koharu." He looked back at Hak. "That is none of your concern."

"Hak?" Yuki mumbled in disbelief. "Is that... Is that you?"

Hak glared at her, wishing for nothing other than to fight her. His blood boiled just by seeing her face.

"You," Hak seethed.

Yuki whimpered, balling her fists in her hair. Electric pain formed behind her eyes as a wave of nausea hit. She wanted to stab her ears to drown out the deafening screaming in her mind that sent shivers down her spine. The voices wouldn't stop. They wanted blood, and the longer it took to give them what they wanted, the greater the pain.

"Koharu, listen to my voice," the man said, pushing Hak back, and snapping Yuki away from her thoughts. She stared at his back, trying to figure out why he seemed so familiar. The two men faced each other, both giving off an threatening aura. "I know it hurts and it's loud, but block it out."

"Who-!" Yuki screamed, dropping to her knees.

Hak looked taken aback, watching as blood poured out of Yuki's eyes. Now was the perfect opportunity. He could kill her easily right now.

"Sorry pal, I can't let you hurt her," the man said, standing protectively in front of Yuki.

"You have the wrong person. That is Yuki, not Koharu," Hak glared. "Now, get out of my way before I kill you."

The man smirked, "I would recognize Koharu anywhere. I don't know what name she goes by now, but this is Koharu."

Hak narrowed his eyes, "What's your connection to her?" Hak knew Yuki had many people working under her, but he didn't expect that she had men even in Kai working for her.

"That's none of your concern," the man threw a smoke bomb, ignoring Hak's yells.

By the time the smoke cleared, both Yuki and the mysterious man were nowhere in sight. Hak bit the inside of his cheek, drawing blood. Again, she slipped right through his finger tips.


Yuki took a few steps back from the man, hands holding her throbbing head. "What- who are- Ugh!!!" She gritted her teeth.

"Oh, c'mon Koharu, you must remember me!" The man cackled, leaning uncomfortably close to Yuki's face.

They stared into each other's eyes for what felt like forever. Both of their eyes held so much pain within, so many memories forgotten. Yuki didn't feel uneasy around this man, even though bloodlust and insanity danced around in his crimson eyes. Yuki blinked owlishly. Then, a name rolled off her tongue effortlessly, "Allan."

The man grinned, showing his slightly sharp canines. "I've missed you, my little Koharu."


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