Chapter 8: Awa

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Author note: She wears dark grey pants, black boots, a tan belt that holds her two daggers, a black long sleeved shirt, a white mask that only has eyes holes, and a dark green cloak that covers her whole body. The hood part of the cloak covers the mask down to the eye holes. One more thing, she ties her hair back so that nobody will know it's her.

Anyways, recap of the last chapter;

A month had gone by since Soo-won was crowned king. He sent Yuki to the Earth Tribe to kill Kum-ji. On her way down the hill to the town, she starts to remember what happened before in the month that went by since Soo-won was crowned King.

Now, onto the story!

As she walked towards the port, she remembers what happened as her name was taken away;

Flash back

"You shall never use the surname of 'Son' again!" Mundok yelled, glaring down at Yuki. "Better yet... Don't even think of calling yourself 'Yuki'." Mundok spat and left the room as Yuki rolled over on her back.

She stared up at the ceiling, holding back tears. She covered her eyes with the back of her hands and smiled. "Good... Hate me..."

Two days later, after she made sure Tae-Yeon was alright and her paperwork was finished, she left the wind tribe, ignoring the colorful comments from Tae-woo and Han-dae. When she left, however, not a single person showed to say goodbye. Yes, it hurt, but she knew this would happen... After all, she was never really apart of Mundok's family.

She went back to the castle and told Soo-won she wanted to change her name. He was confused, but said she could if they made a deal... The 'job' was also for this.


Yuki let out a long sigh as she stepped onto her favorite boat.

The pirates readied their weapons and shouted, "Who are you?!!"

Yuki looked around, completely confused... "What was the name I used when I met Gi-Gan??" She started freaking out.

"Kyokkō." Gi-Gan said, wide eyed by seeing her old friend.

"Ah... Old woman." Yuki sheepishly scratched the back of her head. "Hiya!"

The pirates sweat dropped and lowered their weapons and went back to work, all thinking the same thing; "The captain is going to kill him for that nickname, so there's no need for us."

Gi-Gan put Yuki in a headlock and said, "I haven't seen you for years! What happened?" She completely ignored her nickname, which confused the pirates.

"Hehe. Sorry, old hag." The pirates got ready to clean up a dead body. "I didn't think you'd grow so old in only a few years." Yuki joked.

Jae-ha couldn't hold his laughter anymore and started rolling on the ground. "Hehehehe.... You got called a "old hag"!" Gi-gan punched Jae-ha, causing him to pout.

"Don't call me that. I'm still in the golden years of my life." Gi-gan said and let go of Yuki.

"How come he didn't get hit!!?" Jae-ha cried as he rubbed his head like a child.

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