Chapter 11

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In the castle.

Soo-Won went through his paperwork, but he kept thinking about Yuki. "Why did she want to change her name? Is she okay? She just loss her brother..." Were the only things on his mind. Finishing up his paperwork, he stood and walked out of his office.

Once Soo-Won stepped out of his office, he noticed Kye-Sook walking towards him. Giving his adviser a small smile, he quicken his pace and stopped in front of Kye-Sook.

"What's wrong?" Soo-Won asked, seeing the odd expression Kye-Sook had.

"Your Majesty..." Kye-Sook started, staring at Soo-Won with hidden anger. "... Where's Lady Yuki?" He asked.

Soo-Won frowned. What did Kye-Sook need from Yuki? "She went to Awa to check on something important for me." Soo-Won answered, before walking past Kye-Sook.

"I see... I'm sorry for asking." Kye-Sook muttered, staring down at his feet as Soo-Won passed him. Once Kye-Sook was alone in the hallway, he smirked.



Yuki's jaw dropped when she stepped foot on the ship. Bright red hair and standing beside the person was none other than her older brother. Many emotions passed through her as she froze, and everything turned blank to her. There Hak was, alive and messing around with Yona. Tears started falling from Yuki's eyes, luckily for her that she wore her mask... Nobody had noticed her yet either. Quickly running from the ship, she went to the forest and hid behind some trees. Breathing heavily, she dropped to the ground.

"He's alive..." She weakly thought, bringing her hands to her masked mouth. "He's alive..." She chanted in her head over and over again before gulping. "That's impossible." She muttered.

"What's impossible?" A voice said from behind the tree Yuki was leaning against.

Yuki snapped her head around to the voice and saw Jae-Ha, standing there was a worried look on his face.

"What's wrong Ryo?" He asked, bending down next to Yuki. "Why did you run off?" He asked between pants. Well, apparently one person noticed. Yuki had ran pretty ran, too. Hence the reason they were both breathing a little oddly.

Yuki shot up and walked away from Jae-Ha. "Nothing." She seethed, trying to hide her emotions. "Damn it. I'm not this weak." She angrily thought. "So what if he's alive? He's now my enemy. He choose Yona's side and I choose Soo-Won's side." She thought, clenching her fists.

When she first found out that they died, she was, of course sad, but also relieved... If they died like that, then she wouldn't have to kill them herself. But things didn't turn out that way.

Jae-Ha grabbed her shoulder, stopping her. "Don't lie." He demanded.

Yuki glared over her shoulder at him, her bloody red eyes glaring holes in Jae-Ha. "Do not touch me." She commanded, shrugging his hand off her shoulder.

"Ryo," Jae-Ha started, a little taken aback by her glare, "...Let's go. Gi-Gan was worrying about you." He stated, walking ahead of Yuki, a little annoyed.

Yuki nodded to herself, she needed to face her brother in order to complete her mission. "He might be useful so I won't kill him right away." She thought, avoiding the battle she did not want to happen.

Stepping on to the ship once again, this time with Jae-Ha in front of her, all eyes turned towards them.

"I found him." Jae-Ha smirked, pointing at Yuki.

The group of five's jaw dropped. The creepy person was apart of the pirates' crew?

"Nice to meet you!" A voice chirped. The person held out their hand for Yuki to shake. "My name is Yona. What's your name?"

Yuki stared blankly at Yona's hand before glancing up at Hak and feeling a lump in her throat upon getting a closer look at her brother. The look Hak gave her was odd, but she ignored it and looked back to Yona.

Making her voice sound a little different, like she always does when she's on a mission, she took Yona's hand and said, "Ryo. The name's Ryo. It's a pleasure to meet you, Yona."

"I'm Yoon!" Yoon said, poking his head around Yona to get a better look at Yuki. "Creepy..." He thought, staring at her.

"My name is Kija." Kija smiled.

"...Shin-Ha..." Shin-Ha mumbled.

Yuki only nodded in response. She stared at Shin-Ha for a long time though, making him uncomfortable.

"Uh, may I ask..." She trailed off, ", why does he wear that creepy mask?" She asked, tilting her hand to the right and crossing her arms.

"Like he has any room to talk!"

"Are you serious!?"

"Your mask is creepier!"

"What the fuck!?"

"Have you taken a look in the mirror!?"

Were the thoughts of everybody who heard Yuki's question.

"Poor Ryo... Everybody is probably making fun of his mask..." Jae-Ha thought before wrapping his arms around Yuki. "Ryo Dear, your mask is the best!" He smiled.

Yuki glared at Jae-Ha for touching her, but remarked, "Of course it is, it is on this awesome face, after all."

Sweat drops were seen on everybody faces now.

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