Chapter 22: Battlefield - Part 3 - Let's Play

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11 years ago

"C'mon Allan!" the girl yelled, pulling him along. "It's almost dark!"

"Stop pulling me! It hurts!" Allan ripped his wrist out of her grasp, rubbing it gently. He stared at the bruise forming on his wrist, "Why is she so strong?" he sweat dropped.

"Ah, um, I'm sorry," she sheepishly scratched her cheek as her eyes darted around the forest. The sun was going down fast, winter was coming after all. She hated the dark though. In the dark, it felt like there were a billion eyes locked onto her, watching her, hunting her even. "But Allan... C-can we please hurry?"

Allan took his eyes off his wrist, looking into the girl's pleading eyes. He sighed, "Yeah. But! No more pulling on me," he turned around, kneeling in front of her. "Get on. It will be faster this way-"

Allan and the girl's head snapped towards the sound of the explosion. They shared a look of panic as their childish brains started realizing what was happening.

"All-Allan," the girl choked out, eyes darting between Allan and the direction of the loud noise, "the... The village is that way, isn't it?"

Allan bit his lip. "Get on. Now," he demanded. The girl quickly got onto his back. As soon as she was on, he grabbed her thighs and took off at an inhuman speed. "Everyone, please... Be okay."


Back to the present.

Yuki stood tall in front of the village, waiting for the army to appear in her line of sight. She gripped her unsheathed Katanas, inching to get this over with. She stood there for a while, completely still, until she could feel her brain pounding against her skull. She clenched one eye shut, cursing for the horrible timing.

"Not now, not now," she chanted in her brain, wishing that the excruciating pain would cease soon. Both eyes slammed shut as a huge wave of pain passed through her. Her Katanas fell to the ground as her hands shot up to her head, clenching her hair between her fingers. She wobbled slightly on her feet, holding her head in pain.

"Koharu," there it was again, that name that was so familiar. The name that haunted her dreams. "Koharu," the rough and dry voice called out.

"Shut up!! Shut up!! Shut up!!" she shouted over and over again, shaking her head rapidly. "Not now!!" The sound of horse hoofs flooded her ears. Her head slowly rose to glare at the soldiers heading towards her. "Shut up," she mumbled to herself, grabbing her Katanas, preparing to fight.

"Get out of our way!!!" A soldier demanded, glaring at the slouching girl.

Her head hung low, breathing unsteady, heart beating uncontrollably and causing extreme pain.

"Just kill her!" A soldier shouted.


Darkness filled her vision as time around her stopped. Wet and slippery arms wrapped around her small body. Then, the wretched smell of blood turned her stomach inside out. She knew that smell so well... It was so familiar that she didn't need to see it to know what it was; the stench of blood was ingrained into her.

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