chapter seven

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——— Ashton's POV ———

"Important question, am I allowed to go do things on my own?" Alexis asked why she laid on the couch upside down. Her legs were stretched out in the air while her hair was touching the ground. She's so weird.

"You are but you have to watch out for fans and you can't get lost." Luke said before sitting down next to her. "Comfortable?"

"I'm going out tomorrow. You guys have interviews all day so I'm going to explore Antwerp and maybe do some shopping." She said with a smile. "And yes, I'm comfortable. I like having all of my blood in my head."

"You can go with one of our staff members. Maybe it's more fun to go with another girl." Calum said before he sat down in the exact same position. "This is indeed nice. But not for too long."

"Who can you miss tomorrow?" She asked, you could see her head getting more red by the second but she didn't want to give up.

"Good question. We need our dressing room team but you can ask Angie. The photographer." Calum replied before sitting back up again as a normal person. "She's in the staff bus if you want to ask."

"Oh yea, she's cool. I'm going to ask her." She said before standing up. Her head was getting less red quickly before she took her coat and got out of the bus. It was pouring rain outside and we still had an hour before we had to get ready. But I loved it. Just sitting here and watching the rain, nobody that talks to me and Alexis is starting to leave me alone more.

I'm not feeling any better though. She did remove every single sharp thing in the bathroom and I'm only allowed to shave if I ask her and leave the door open.

She's acting like my mom and I absolutly hate her for that.

"Luke, I'm going to ask you a serious question and I am asking you to please not get mad." Calum said catching my attention. Luke nodded and Calum took a deep breath, as if he was building up all the possible courage. "Does Alex have a boyfriend?"

I think both Michael and I almost chocked when he asked that. I never really saw the possibility of Alexis dating one of us. Mainly because both Luke and Michael are already in a relationship, which reminds me that Crystal is coming soon. So that leaves Calum as the only possibility and I don't exactly see them together.

"She doesn't. But don't even bother asking her, she doesn't date. Unless ofcourse she changed her mind now but I don't think she would say yes." Luke said with a small smile.

"Why?" Calum asked looking a bit sad

"It's nothing personal, I just know that she doesn't wants to screw up the tour with something like that if it doesn't works out and I kinda made her promise me not to date you or Ashton. Just get to know her better as a friend, maybe she'll change her mind."

"Alright, thanks for being honest." He said before he got up and took the game consoles.


Alexis: can you come outside please, I just got a great idea.
Ashton: are you fucking crazy? It's pouring rain.
Alexis: i know, that's the point. Just don't be a chicken and come.

"I'll be back in a bit, just need some fresh air." I said before getting up and taking my raincoat.

"So you're not a chicken" Alexis said with a grin when I came outside. "It's going to take us a lot of stairs to get there but we'll be back in time so you can get dry before the show again."

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