chapter fourty-four

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"Do you still remember anything from last night?" Ashton asked. We were both lying in his bed again, I was wearing his shirt and he was shirtless.

"I remember it." I said as I stared at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry for taking advantage of you after a few drinks." He slowly said, I looked at him and he was also staring at the ceiling.

"Ash, I didn't even finish my first beer. I was the most sober in the room."

"What? But you asked for a few more beers."

"I always swapped mine with Luke's. That's why he was a little lightheaded." I said with a laugh, he looked at me with a smile.

"Then I have absolutly no regrets." He looked straight into my eyes. I knew things in my head were changing but I didn't expect them to change this fast. We went on two dates and that's it. But by seeing him in this different way, happier and finally more like the guy at the start of this band, the feeling that I had back in Europe started to come back. Even after trying to block them away after the break, I can't.

"Neither do I." I finally replied with a small smile, his smile only got wider as he heard my words. "But we can't tell the guys we kissed again. But most of all, we can't tell them that we both liked it."

"When is our first night off?" He asked silently before moving closer to me.

"Tomorrow, we're flying to the us today, tonight you've got an interview so tomorrow it will be our first night off. Why?"

"I love that you know our shedule better then we do" He said with a smile before placing a kiss on my forehead. "I'm going to take you out on a real date. Away from the public, just the two of us."

"I'd like that." I replied with a smile.

I still don't know what changed. Maybe it was that he decided to take the first step last night. Maybe my way of looking at him changed before that already, but I just denied it. But last night, as soon as the guys left and we were both left shirtless in his room, things changed. It wasn't the alcohol, as Ashton didn't even had a sip and I never finished my first beer.

Something about the fact he would rather take his shirt off then give me a lap dance made the difference for me. I knew he still felt something for me, but I also know how much he hates to show his marks to the guys. They're going to heal even more in the next months but he hates it when people see them. So to know that he would rather take his shirt off then take advantage of the game surprised me.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked as he looked at me.

"Are we being crazy? Mostly, am I being crazy? Two days ago I still didn't want to date you and yesterday we were kissing while both shirtless and now we're talking about actually dating." I said with a sigh before looking away from him.

"We can take this slow. To the public we're dating anyway so we can figure this out, go on a few actual dates before we decide anything. There's no rush and we can take this as slow as you want. We can do this." He said with a smile. I looked back at him and smiled a little aswell.



Alex: Luke I need advice
Luke: you can also just come up to me and talk, you know that?
Alex: nobody can know we had this conversation so delete it as soon as we're done.
Luke: and suddenly it was 10times more serious.
Luke: what's wrong?
Alex: I kissed Ash. Well, he walked up to me, I just closed the last gap between us.
Luke: wait
Luke: what
Luke: when?
Alex: last night, after you guys left.
Luke: you were staring at Ash once he took his shirt off and he couldn't keep his eyes of you for the rest of the game. We had a bet going on, calum was the only one who expected you to sleep in your own bed.
Alex: rude.
Alex: stop making bets about what I do
Alex: its not funny anymore
Alex: but I'm so confused right now
Alex: pls help me.
Luke: what are you confused about?
Alex: Two days ago I felt nothing at all when he kissed me while we were walking around in town and yesterday it was like fireworks going off.
Alex: what if I actually like him?
Alex: I don't want to date him.
Luke: you can't stop your feelings. They can come all of a sudden, I had that with Arz aswell. Just take your time to discover what this is.
Luke: you and ashton are so cute together. if you want to admit that or not, it's true. If it wouldn't be, not a fan would have believed you guys.
Luke: somehow your two messed up minds make a great mind together. You guys just work somehow, you had to realise that one day, so I'm glad you realised it now.
Alex: so you think I should just take the shot? Jump in the deep and see what happens?
Luke: absolutly.
Luke: you're my two best friends and out of all the guys we both know, I can only picture you with him.
Luke: ash wont hurt you, I know he won't.
Alex: thank you.
Luke: now go to sleep so your jetlag won't be too bad.
Alex: night Luke
Luke: night Alex

I deleted the conversation before putting my phone away again. Ashton had decided to use my lap as a pillow to sleep. Absolutly fantastic when you have to use the bathroom.

"Ashton. Wake up." I said silently as I shook his shoulder slightly. He groaned before sitting up and looking at me, he looked so sleepy and adorable.

"What?" He asked while he stretched his legs

"I had to get up, you weren't making that possible." I said with a laugh before standing up.

When I got back from the toilet he had taken my window seat and was resting against the side of the plane, looking at me with a smile as soon as I came into his sight. I sat down beside him and let my body rest against his. He wrapped his arm around me before placing a kiss on the side of my head. I smile and looked up at him.

"Rest a little now, alright?" He said with a smile.

"You too, you need to be wide awake when we arrive." I replied as I kept my eyes on him, He gave me a last smile before closing his eyes. I did the same and I don't think I have ever drifted off that easily on a plane before.

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