chapter thirty-four

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——— Alexis' POV ———

"Hi" Ashton said silently when he walked up to me. I was standing at the side as I watched all the families greet eachother again and I watched their proud looks when they looked at their son.

"Hi" I said back with a small smile.

"You look great tonight." He said before placing a kiss on my cheeck.

"Thank you, you look pretty good aswell. Finally starting to look like a human again instead of a skeleton." I laughed a little when I looked at him. He indeed looked good. His skinny jeans are skinny again and he was wearing a nice button up shirt. It was the first time I saw him wearing something like that.

"I'm trying my best to leave the skeleton days behind again. But being home isn't as good as I thought it would be." He said with a sigh

"The thing is, being home might never be the same again. When you're away and traveling it's so easy to leave the things behind that you get face with daily while being home." I replied. I looked infront of us and saw Ashton's mom looking at us. "Does she know about us?"

"I told her before we left." He replied silently. I just smiled at his mom before looking back at Ashton. "She wasn't really happy with it."

"It's good that you told her."

"She still wants to meet you, even if you and I aren't a thing. She knows you're the one who changed me."

"I didn't change you, I just learned you to see the good in things and believe in yourself." I looked at him with a smile before walking away towards his family.

When I got closer his mom got on her feet pretty quick to give me a hug. "Thank you for giving us my son back." She silently said. When she pulled away I could see she was close to tears.

"Do you want to go inside to talk?" I asked silently and she nodded. We both walked inside and got a confused look from Ashton. But when I closed the door behind us, I could see the tears rolling down her cheecks.

"I really thought I was going to lose him." She said as the tears started to come faster. I took a step towards her and hugged her again.

"You weren't going to loose him, he didn't want to do it." I said silently.

"When he left on tour, I was so scared. I had prepared myself that that day might have been the last time I saw him. He was fighting himself so badly and nobody could help him. On the first week, Luke called me to ask if I wanted to be there on tour. Be with him at all times. I couldn't do it. It's so hard to see your son go down that path."

"I don't think anyone would have been strong enough to do that."

"You did it."

"Ashton was a complete stranger to me, not my son or even a close friend. And I'm not a stranger to psychology. Luke asked for help and I had to get away. I couldn't have done it if it would have been Luke instead of Ashton." I honestly said.

"I'm just so glad that he has you now. Even if it's just as close friends, he smile gets brighter and his eyes shine again when he's with you." She said as she looked me in the eyes "I don't think I can ever pay you back for what you did for us."

"He helped me more then you'd think. And I got a great friend aswell now. I don't think I need anything else." I said with a small smile.

"Thank you." She said before taking a tissue to try to make it look like she didn't cry. When she was done she smiled at me and we both walked outside again.

She sat down between Ashton and Lauren again and I sat down next to Lauren as Harry already took my seat next to Ashton.

"Your hair looks so good like this. I loved the blue but this is better." She said when she looked at me.

"Thank you, I loved the blue too but coming home also means getting serious again and I don't think I would get hired with blue hair." I said with a laugh

"We should hang out sometime while you are home. Just a girls day while the guys are being idiots." She said with a sweet smile.

"We absolutly should."


"ITS SECRET SANTA TIME" Luked yelled through the house as he picked up the box with the presents. We had just finished dinner and Luke has been begging us to do secret santa presents since we all arrived.

"I'm curious aswell now so let's do it." Michael said as he walked up to Luke to help him. They handed all the presents to the rightfull reciever and then sat down again aswell.

"I'm starting" Luke said with a laugh, if we would let him go last I'd think it would be human meat as dessert.

"Fine. But I'm going next."

Everyone seemed to be happy with what they got. I was able to figure some things out thanks to the interesting choice of presents. Calum had to get Luke one, Luke got one for Ashton and Crystal got one for Michael. So it was either Ashton or Michael that got one for me. I couldn't figure out who got the one for Calum.

I opened my gift slowly while all eyes were on me. It was a thin methal bracelet with a plate in the middle. When I saw the word 'hope' written on it, I looked up to see Ashton already smiling at me. I showed it to the others before putting it on with a smile. Mouthing a thank you to Ashton when the others weren't looking.

Calum was last to open and that present was clearly from Michael. A special spray for smelling feet. I don't think any of us could hold back a laugh.

"Okay so now that everyone has gotten their secret santa present, we still have a present for Alex. From all four of us." Luke said before walking to the tree and picking up a box.

"I'm suddenly so happy that I got you all something extra aswell." I said laughing when Luke placed the box infront of me.

"You didn't have to get us anything" Calum said from beside me. "But now open up."

Every single pair of eyes was on me and, believe me, there were a lot pairs. I ripped the paper of it and inside the box was a probably pretty expensive camera.

"Guys, what did we say about keeping everything low budget?" I said as I looked at them.

"Open the box." Luke demanded. I opened the box and on top of the camera, a neat bundle of papers was placed.

I wasn't sure what it was untill my eyes found the sticky note on it.

'1 year contract to come work with us
on tour and after tour.

x Luke, Calum, Ashton and Michael'


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