chapter thirty-eight

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"Can I take you somewhere?" I asked Ashton after the Hemmings had left.

"Yea sure" he said softly.

"I just have to get my things and then we can go. I think I've spoken to everyone that I had to." I said before going back to get my laptop and papers. I put them in my backpack again and walked back to Ashton. "Let's go"

"Where are you taking me?" He asked when I walked to the back door of the room.

"Just a walk around campus. I want to talk without you yelling at me and I know you can't do that when we're outside." I replied with a sigh. He closed the door behind him and we walked beside eachother. Both our heads down so we didn't have to face anyone or see the looks people give us.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you like that."

"It's not going to go back to what it used to be yet. Don't try to get that in your head." I said before looking at him. "I'm going to take the job."

"Believe me, I'm happy you will join us on tour." He replied with a small smile.

"You need to promise me one thing."

"What is it?" He asked as he looked back at me.

"Stop freaking yelling. Because the way you yell is getting worse every time. When you're in that mood you like to yell about every single thing you have discovered so far. In the beginning I had no problem with it because you had no clue who I was. But you're making it way too personal now." I said as I stopped walking to look at him. "Also, let me go when I want to leave. I added to the contract that I can leave at any moment I want. Because I have no clue if I can be around you at all times if you act like this."

"I didn't mean to say those things, I promise you that I won't."

"When you're sad, you change. What you said was honest at the moment, even if you regret it later. You've got absolutly no filter at moments like that. You need to learn to control that. You did the same thing when you yelled at me for my dad, 5 minutes later you were sorry. Get a filter or yell at someone else. I don't mind you yelling at me, but know what you can and can't say."

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry doesn't mean a thing. Change your actions and I will believe you. But for now, I'd like to be alone for the next few days untill we leave again. I want to sort some things out on my own." I started walking again with my head down

"Please let me make it up to you. Let me take you out and prove you I want to leave that part of me behind. I really do. I hate the things I say and the way I act when I feel like that."

"I'll see you at Luke's party in 2 days" I said with a small smile before I stopped beside my car. I got in and closed the door before he could say anything more.

I can't do this.

——— Ashton's POV ———

I watched her car drive away. I didn't really move after she got in her car. When she was out of sight I walked to my car aswell. I just stayed in the car for a little longer to calm myself down.

I had to let her go. If I couldn't get her out of my mind, how am I supposed to go on with this act? Because all this act is driving me insane. We didn't really have to do it now that we were home. But in 4 days we're back on the road, back to holding hands and huggs while we're outside. Back to being too close.

I can't do this.


"Have you seen her yet?" I asked Luke nervously. We were standing in his kitchen where it was more silent to refill our drinks.

"No, she's coming with Jason so the chance is big that they first went to another party." He said before taking a sip from his beer "She'll be here before midnight."

"So the chance that they're already wasted is big?" I asked. I somehow felt relieved to hear they were going to another party first. If she's wasted, I can't do it.

"Jason will probably be close to wasted, she won't be. She's always the driver on New Year. So that means a maximum of two beers, she's staying the night here so she will only start drinking more when she gets here." He said and suddenly, I was freaking out again. "Just do it. It's New Year, everyone will be doing it and then it will be less awkward on tour. Because one day people will start wondering why you never do it."

"I know. It's easier said then done." I said with a small smile. "She still has five minutes."

"She will be he-" Luke started but got interupted when the door got pushed open and the music became a lot louder. I was annoyed by it untill I could see her. She was holding Jason while they were both laughing like idiots.

"Luke! We need water!" Jason slurred whne he stood on his own feet again and walked to Luke to hug him.

"Correction, you need water. I can finally start drinking." She laughed as she watched her two friends before moving her eyes to me. "Hello stranger." She said as she still laughed.

"Hi" I simply said before taking a step to the side so she could get a drink. "Thought you wouldn't make it before midnight."

"Luke's beer is better. So we never stay long at other parties. And I really needed a drink." She replied with a smile before leaning against the table beside me. Our sides were touching and I just smiled at the feeling.

"I am the king of beer. Everyone loves my beer. It has a secret ingredient." Luke said before giving Alexis a wink.

"Oh just shut up. We all know it's only because you are rich so you can get the better beer. The other parties are college ones, that's the cheapest beer on the market." She said straightforward.

"You're mean." Luke said before looking at his watch. He looked at me with a smile before getting up and pulling Jason behind him to get closer to the music.

The countdown started at 15 after the door closed again. I looked at Alexis and she looked back at me with an innoncent smile.

"So how are you?" I asked nervously. She looked at me confused before laughing a little.

"Are you serious?" She said and as the crowd screamed 5 she placed one hand behind me neck to pull me down. "If you're going to do it, atleast don't be awkward about it."

She connected our lips right when they started yelling happy new year. But the whole house went silent when I felt her lips against mine.

It didn't take me long to wrap my arms around her to pull her closer to me. And neither of us was planning on letting this last just a second.



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