chapter thirty-two

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"I'm going to miss the bus." I said with a sigh as I let myself fall on the couch. We were on our way to the airport after the very last European show.

"Me too. But I really can't wait for the other shows." Luke said before sitting down on the othet couch. Everyone was exhaused and we still had a long trip home.

"I will be glad to be home for two weeks. Spend time with our friends and families." Michael said.

"I can't wait to see the faces of our families once we walk out the door at the airport. That's the best feeling ever." Calum had this happy smile on his face as he thought about being home. They all had such crazy lives and spended a lot of time far away from their family. I was so happy for them that tomorrow they would be reunited.

"Alex, my mom asked if you would drive home with us? You can stay for dinner and then I can drop you off at your place." Luke said as he kept his eyes on me.

"That would be great." I replied with a small smile.

"We do have to discuss our christmas eve plan." Michael said "it's in a few days so we have to make sure everything is set."

"It will be at my place, everyone brings something to eat. I'll make sure the barbeque is ready and Calum would bring two extra tables." Luke said directly to Michael "I really thought everything was set."

"Yea except for decorations and secret santa." Michael said as if that should have been our first concern.

"We'll include Crystal and Alex in our secret santa. And we can pick cards on the plane." He said after thinking for a minute. "We can all get together in the morning to get everything set and decorated, we got enough of stuff to decorate our full house."

"You're good at these things Luke." Michael said with a happy smile now that he got his answer.

"You're just a bad listener because we had already went over decorations." He looked at Michael with a grin before looking back at us.

"We're going to make this Christmas fantastic." He said with a smile as he looked at me in particular. They were up to something, they have been weird around me for two days now and whenever I walk in on them talking they start talking about sports. It's funny because they have no clue what they're talking about and the mistakes I hear are hilarious.


"I'm so glad to see you again" and "I missed you so much" have been the only sentences I heard in the past 20 minutes. Add a lot of huggs and kisses and cameras going off to it and you got my situation.

I'm so happy for them but it's at moments like this that realisation hits me that I'm alone. I don't have a mom to hug and kiss me or a dad who gives the strongest hugs anymore. It's just me.

It's been like this for a while but I always was able to say 'my dad is home, couldn't make it.' When I got asked where my parents were. Now I got "they're both rotting underground, they couldn't make it." I don't think that can be said.

I got woken up from my thoughts when Ben and Jack walked up to me with a huge smile.

"Long time no see Thomas" Jack said before giving me a hug. He almost hugged the air out of me.

"Could say the same to you Hemmings." I looked at him with a huge smile when he let go. "For a moment I thought you forgot all about your one and only thunder buddy."

"Well, she's all grown up now and has blue hair but I would never forget my thunder buddy." He said as he laughed. God, I love this family.

"Yea, the blue is going to go away tomorrow, back to being normal. I have to get a job and they don't always respect having blue hair."

"I like the blue though, it suits you. It's just another reason to call you crazy." Ben said with a grin

"Hi Ben" I said before walking up to him and giving him a hug aswell.

"Hi little one" he said back. I never had any siblings but these guys always acted like my big brothers. They never gave up on me.

"Alexis, I'm so glad to see you again. Did you have anice trip?" Liz asked when she walked up to us aswell and hugged me. I think everyone was about to start leaving now.

"Hi Liz, the trip was amazing. I'm really glad that I decided to go with them for a while. How have you been?" I asked. We started walking towards the doors, Liz staying close to me.

"I've been good. But it's so good to have my son and you back in town." She said with a smile "so you and Ashton?"

"He's a great guy" I said with a smile. I wasn't sure what to say about him to her. We're not actually dating and we're sort of lying to everyone.

"Since the moment I met Ashton, I knew you and he would fit together. You're so alike yet so different. But I didn't want to force anything and as long as you and Luke stayed friends, I knew you would meet him one day."

"We are alike in ways that we weren't before. We just helped eachother get through the bad days."

"He's a good kid." She said before placing her hand on my shoulder.


I honestly didn't think christmas shopping was this hard untill I had to do it today. The only presents that would be given tomorrow evening are the secret santa ones but ofcourse, I decided that I wanted to do something special.

I got Crystal so I bought her present 2 hours ago but here I am still wandering around in the mall to find presents.

I wanted to get something small but meaningfull for the family that did so much for me and to thank the boys for the past months.

But lucky for me, the last shop had exactly what I didn't even know I needed.

A/N: well my competition was absolute shit and it proves once again how shitty I am doing with my horse. We went from jumping faultless 1m courses to messing up a 50cm course and doing worst out of all contestants while I had to compete to a few 12 year olds.

So right now, I just feel like absolute shit.

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