chapter thirty-three

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——— Ashton's POV ———

"I'm sorry I'm late! I have a perfect explanation!" I heard Alexis yell after the door opened. I heard her close the door again and kick off her shoes before she ran to the kitchen. I only saw a glimps of her but the blue hair was gone.

I just went on with putting the last decorations in the tree, she would come say hi later anyway.

"I'd love to hear your explanation" Luke said laughing from the other side of the room, closer to the kitchen. I could hear a lot of things moving around in the kitchen.

"Okay so, you're going to love the story but I woke up this morning and some idiot had messed my car up so I had to fix everything and then take a second shower because I looked awfull. Then I could have still been in time as I was planning on going somewhere before coming here but then ofcourse when I was just a few blocks away a cop asked me to go to the side and he asked all my papers and identity card and everything. I had no clue why. So I asked him why I had to pull over and he just said: 'your driving skills are bad, try to work on it.' The fucking idiot." She said, I could hear how annoyed she was.

"I wouldn't even believe that story if it was someone else. But the craziest things always happen to you." Luke said laughing loudly

"I didn't know you were such a bad driver." I said, "and how do you even know how to fix a car?"

"I'm the best driver in town but I was in a hurry so yes, I took a few sharp turns, pushed the brake a little too hard." She said, she was still busy in the kitchen "I used to fix cars to earn some money. I helped Jason's dad and he paid me a minimum amount for it but it was something."

"Any other amazing skills I don't know about yet?" I asked with a laugh.

"She can sing" Luke blurted out before it became dead silent in the kitchen.

"Wait what? You've told me that you are terrible at it." I asked confused.

"Hemmings, you're dead." I heard Alexis warn him.

"So it's true?" I asked. I saw Luke nod while Alexis stayed quiet.

"That's a closed chapter of my life, so I'd like it if we can drop that subject." She said calmly now. I looked confused at Luke and he looked back at me with a look I couldn't exactly understand. I could finally hear things close before she walked out of the kitchen. I had just finished the tree so I looked at her with a proud smile.

But my smile soon turned into a possible stare when I noticed her new look. She had dyed her hair back to brown but cut it pretty short. It was only half the length that it used to be and I think even close to the length of Luke's hair if Luke would straighten it.

She looked great with her crazy blue hair and I loved it. But she looked so hot with her hair like this. It looked all messy now from doing god knows what in the kitchen. Together with her pastel blue dress, she suddenly looked younger again aswell.

I really like this new look.

"Ashton?" Luke questioned as he pulled my attention back to reality.


"You weren't listening. If you're done with the tree, you can help Alex with the outside decorations. Calum should be back with the last table any minute so we will set the table up together. Michael and Crystal will only be here in half an hour so they can do the last things." Luke announced. I nodded and picked up the two boxes with decorations before walking towards the door where Alexis already left to the garden. "One thing, try not to stare." He said with a grin before I walked out, I shot him a glare as an answer.

"Okay, so I was thinking we could maybe do the long set of lights around the garden."

"Can I first say that I like this hair on you?" I said with a cheecky smile as I watched her.

"Ofcourse but can I ask you why the hell Arz isn't coming because I don't want to ask Luke."

"She broke up with him the day of the award show. He didn't want to tell you because you'd become worried about him if he did." I said with a sigh before taking the lights.

"I get why he didn't tell me" she silently said.

We went around the whole garden to hang up the lights and make sure everything is working for tonight.

I was so excited. It's been a while since we celebrated christmas eve together and to be able to do it with our parents and siblings makes it even better.

The only problem is, I still need to tell my family that Alexis and I aren't actually dating. And they will be disappointed that I went along with an act.

"I think we're done here." Alexis said with a smile as she looked at our work. "At what time is everyone coming because I still have to get home and change."

"At 7 I think, so you still have enough time." She nodded before going inside and I could hear her scream the second she walked in.

"Fucking hell Michael. Don't do that." I heard her yell. And soon the laughter of Michael and Calum filled my ears. Idiots.

"Everything is set so if you want, you can all go home now to get ready. Be here in time." Luke said. We all nodded and walked out of his place. I went to my car and got in.

I was last to drive away but I was so nervous to go see my family.


"Can we all talk before we leave?" I asked nervously as I scratched the back of my neck.

"Is something wrong?" My mom immediatly asked worried. I shook my head slightly and we all sat down at the kitchen table.

"It's about me and Alexis." I started silently.

"Did you guys break up?" Lauren asked.

"It's hard to break up with someone if you aren't dating." I silently said. It grew dead silent in the kitchen and both mom and Lauren were looking at me. Harry couldn't care less.

"What do you mean?" My mom finally asked

"We're only dating in public. We were seen outside a couple of times together and fans liked us together so management suggested us to keep that act up. We're great friends but we're not dating." I explained. I looked up at them and I could see my mom was a little disappointed.

"Please stop lying to yourself Ashton. I know you're a great liar about your depression and you were amazing in acting like you were fine, but I know you. And you can't lie about liking someone, you can't act that way. That's not how you are."


Also, be prepared because there will be drama again soon 🙃🙃

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