chapter fifty-four

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IMPORTANT: I forgot to mention it in the last chapter, but they brought Ashton's guitar with them for their little road trip


"Do you miss home?" She said silently when we reached the top of the hill. It was a difficult road up with a second weight on the bike but I had to show her this.

"I miss it all the time. Especially the fact that I no longer can call my family at all times. Thanks to the fantastic invention of time zones it all gets harder." I said after putting the lock on my bike. I looked back at her and took the bag with our pasta from her "Do you miss it?"

"I miss Jason and my other friends but I don't mind being away. I like being on the road." She replied with a nod. "How far do we need to walk?"

"Not even a minute, it's right around the corner" I replied with a smile. I took her hand in my free one as we walked.

She stayed silent now, and when I looked at her, she looked as if she was in a complete different place as me. Her eyes were looking straight infront of her and her face didn't have any emotion. She was struggling with something after she brought up the subject of home. I knew it was so difficult for her so I was surprised she asked about it.

I didn't say anything though, she wouldn't tell me what's wrong anyway. She tells me a lot but only when she feels like telling it, which is often not the case when she looks like this.

When we turned around the corner a smile grew on her face, she was back in this world.

"It's beautiful here." She let go of my hand and walked towards the edge looking over at the wide awake city under us. You couldn't even see half of LA from here as we weren't high enough at all but the view of all the city lights beneath us was breathtaking.

"Let's eat" I said, she turned around with a smile and took a few quick steps towards me to give me a tight hug.

"Thank you for bringing me here." She said silently. "But now let's really eat because I'm starving and it smells so good"

I laughed a little and took the pasta out of the bag. We both sat down on the edge so we had the best view of the city. "What are you thinking about?" I asked when she was staring again like she did before, only this time there was a smile on her face.

"I was thinking about how I already feel happier here after not even 48 hours then I did at home the last few months before I met you guys."

"Then why don't you stay here after tour?" I asked. I wasn't planning on asking that at all but it just flew out.

"I don't know, I've got nothing to loose if I would move."

"And you have a lot to win if you do."

"Like what?" She asked with a smile as she looked up at me.

"Me" I smiled at her before placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I don't call that a lot" She said laughing. I just looked at her with a smile, she looked so happy and peacefull now.

"You get the other three idiotic band members aswell, Crystal, a nice appartment, me again and an amazing city plus we'd find you a permanent job so you can go on tours with us aswell."

"That might be considered as a lot" she said with a smile. I put my empty box of pasta away before taking the guitar we brought with us.

She smiled as she ate the last of her pasta while I played random songs singing along with them.

"Can I?" She asked gesturing to the guitar. I nodded quickly before handing it to her. "Okay so it had been a very very long time so no laughing, talking about it later or filming it."

"Am I finally going to hear the voice of an angel?" I asked with a smile, she sended me a glare immediatly. "That's how Luke calls your voice."

"Remind me to kill him"

"If I would remind you to do that every time you say it, he would have already died a thousand times."

"I know, that's why you don't remind me. I don't want to be a murderer." She laughed lighty as she let her fingers slide over the strings. She stayed silent for a while, just playing random chords untill she moved a little and took a deep breath.

I recognised the song quiet fast as Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol. It's an older song but I like it. Not the biggest fan but it's a great song.

But her version made me the biggest fan of it. Her voice came out so pure and vulnerable. I believed every word that left her mouth and she left me speechless.

——— Alexis' POV ———

I barely got the words out of my mouth as I sang. It turned out to be a million times harder then I expected. She learned me this song. I sang this song with my mom all the time, we joked about it. We joked about all the guys that would chase me like dogs chase cars. It was our song, but I want this to be something I can share with him. This song, this thing and the music.

We've been chasing eachother as subtle as possible for so long and I'm done. I don't want either of us to be a dog chasing a car. I want us. I finally know what I want, and I'm not letting it go now.

And if he's no longer chasing, then I'll become the dog chasing a car he can never get. But I won't stop.

Because I haven't felt this way since she was around. Ofcourse I've dated guys. But those three words are said too much and they're not enough.

"I love you" I said as I breathed out after the last words of the song left my mouth. "I fell inlove with the one person I told myself not to fall inlove with. I can't pretend that I'm not anymore." I was talking too fast for any human being to understand and I was fully aware of that. But I couldn't stop. I wanted to talk to him for hours about how I feel.

"I love you too Alexis" he said as he interrupted me. I looked up at him, only a small smile on his face as he looked at me. "I knew it from the second I saw you, I hated you for that. I hated you for being nice but most of all, I hated myself for liking you. I liked how optimistic you were. And I like how you aren't afraid to talk to me. I like how you smile when you go to sleep, I like the way you look at me when you think I'm not looking. I like that you laugh when I mess up. I like the way you look at people you love. I like you. Every single piece of you." He said before placing his hand against my cheeck softly, taking the guitar away with his other hand. "Will you please give me the honour to call you mine? Because I would love nothing more then to start a live with you."

"I can't imagine my life with anyone else anymore. I want to be yours, as long as your mine."

——— THE END ———

If you're reading this, you're reading the last authors note of the story. Which makes this the last chapter of the story.

You might not be happy with the way I end it, but I am. To be honest, it wasn't my original plan to even go this far with the story. The plan was to give it 25-30 chapters and end when he calls himself happy again the first time. But here I am, writing till chapter 54. But I loved every single part of it and I hate to end it.

But this feels right, even if I hate to end it here myself, this feels right. They're both truly happy again and they finally said it out loud. They faced their biggest fear, fear of rejection, to get to eachother.

I want to thank every single person for reading it but especially Fallenforanangel for the continuous support and votes/comments and everything. You gave me all the motivation needed to finish this.

Thank you.

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