Chapter fifty-three

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——— Ashton's POV ———

"Are you ready to go?" I asked Alexis. She was sitting on the couch in our dressing room as she waited for us to come back from the showers. They had a few seperate showers so everyone went at the same time leaving her alone.

"Absolutly. I do want to stop at your place to get some other clothes because this aren't party clothes." She said as she looked down at her baggy shirt and jeans. "I need a short and thight dress. That has been a while ago." My eyes spread a little as her words left her mouth.

"We can stop there" I said quickly. I teased her so badly only ten minutes ago and to be honest, I think it was a bigger torture for myself to not touch her for longer then a second then it was for her. But it felt fucking great.

"Okay great, let's go" she stood beside me and took my hand in hers before stepping ahead of me.


"Is this alright?" She asked as she came back in the living room. She had curled her hair which made it the same length again as it was with christmas. I can tell she still regrets cutting it that short back then but there's no going back anymore. But damn she looked hot. Especially when my eyes finally moved down from her face. Strapless, short but not too tight.

"It's like I'm looking at the hottest girl alive." I said with a grin on my face. She smiled as she walked up to me, slowly. Just by the way she was walking closer I was losing it. I straightened my back as I leaned against the wall, not leaving her out of my sight for just a second.

"Hm I'm glad" she said when she took the final step to reach me. I placed my hands on her hips to pull her closer to my body. She placed one hand around my neck and the other on my chest and it was so clear that the game I started, was still going on.

"I like your hair." I said just to make sure we were saying something. I couldn't let her win thisone.

"Just shut up" she said laughing a little before placing her lips on mine. It didn't take her long for her to take the lead and deepen the kiss.

I didn't even care anymore about the game when I pulled away and moved my lips towards her jaw and leaving soft kisses towards her neck. I wanted her. More then anything else.

"Let's go" she said with a grin as she pushed herself away with the hand she was holding on my chest. "Don't want to arrive when the party is already finished."

"Let's just stay in" I replied, I grabbed her wrist lightly to pull her back to me.

"You're not getting laid, so let's just go." She said laughing a little.

"Damn it" I said laughing

"You're feeling good today, aren't you?" She said with a smile, she stood right infront of me, her hand in mine and smiles on both our faces.

"I'm feeling fantastic." I replied with a smile "I'm no longer considered as underweight and as of today, I'm above the ideal weight thanks to getting more muscles back."

"That's amazing" She replied with a huge smile "I'm so proud of you."

"Let's go do something else instead of partying." I said with a smile. I let go of her hand before walking to the kitchen to get my keys.

"No sex for you."

"I'm going to show you around the city and tell you why living here is pretty fantastic. Especially at night."

"How? Because your car is broken and we're not doing this with a taxi."

"I've got a bike" I said with a grin as I held up the little key. "I'll drive you around, get some excercise at the same time and it's warm enough."

"So in other words, I have to go change for the fourth time today?"

"You can come with those clothes, I just dont think it will be easy." I said with a smile.

"Fine." She came up to me with a smile to place a soft and quick kiss on my lips before disappearing in the hallway.

It only took her five minutes now to come back in jeans and a light blue 5sos shirt. "This is so much more comfortable"

"You look adorable" I said with a smile. It wasn't unusual for her to wear band merch of us when we went out. She used to hate being recognised on the street but now she couldn't care less. It came to a point that she cared so little that she started to wear band merch and she has one shirt saying 'yes I'm Alexis. Now go on with your life'. That's my favourite.

"You always say that when I wear something created by your band of idiots" She smiled before taking out her phone and replying to something quickly "Luke wants to know if we want to ride along to the interview tomorrow"

"As I have no clue where we will be, we'll get there ourself"

"Alright" she said with a smile before sending the text. She put her phone in er pocket again and looked up at me. "So where are we going first?"

"There's a pasta take away restaurant a few streets away so we can get something to eat before we start our tour."

"I'd kill for food right now."

"You'd kill for food at any time" I smiled before making my way to the door, letting her out first so I can lock the door behind us.

"That's mostly true but right now I'm really hungry."

"You're also always really hungry." I replied laughing, the embarassment on her face was so clear to see and it was adorable.

"Fine. I'm always hungry and I'd kill you if needed to get food."

"That's better" I smiled as I followed her down the stairs to get my bike. Atleast I hope that still works because it probably hasn't been used in a year.

"So which one is yours?" She asked as she opened the door of the basement. There were a few more bikes standing there.

"The one with a 5sos mark on. One like the tattoo I have" I said as I walked towards them to look for mine. Only 3 people live in this appartment but still there are like 10 bikes here.

"Thisone" Alexis said as she pushed the others to the side to reach mine.

When we finally got outside, it wasn't easy and probably hilarious to watch, she sat on the back and we left. And as she had her arms around me tightly while we drove through the busy streets, I just knew that she is the one I want to become old with.

A/N: I really like this chapter because it shows everyone again that Ashton is already much deeper into the 'relationship' then she is. Atleast then she tells us she is.

And I like that because she might have been open about her problems since the beginning, but if I'm right (correct me if I'm not) she has never talked about past relationships or anything like that to him. This is a difficult thing for her as being sad is more normal to her then being happy with someone. She's just scared to break everything.

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