chapter twenty-four

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I watched her as she walked inside with Crystal. They were both smiling at the cameras and at eachother. Laughing because of something Crystal said.

"Focus now" Michael said with a grin as he got my attention again. We all stood beside eachother and got our pictures taken. Before going after the girls. They were already sitting down besides eachother. I was glad they put them next to eachother, it's the first time at a place like this for both of them so now they don't have to do it alone. Michael told me Crystal was very nervous aswell, and so was he. I think we were all just a bunch of nervous idiots.

"Do you know who will be sitting around us?" Alexis asked with a happy smile when I sat down beside her. I shook my head with a smile before looking at her. "Ed freaking Sheeran is going to be sitting infront of me."

"Really?" I asked, I let out a small laugh before looking at the name plates around me. Turns out all of One Direction is attending tonight and they're sitting behind us, Ashley is already sitting a few seats away from us and Ed Sheeran will be infront of us.

I already know she's going to have a great time.

"How did I even end up here?" She said as she looked around before taking my hand in hers. "Thank you for taking me with you tonight."

"I'm glad you wanted to come" I said with a smile as I looked down at our hands. "Look at your left and don't freak out." I whispered before looking at the person aswell.

"Hey dude" Niall said excited while he walked to his seat behind me. "Long time no see"

"It's great to see you again" I said as I stood up to give him a hug. I could see Alexis' eyes grow while she just watched us. "How are you doing?"

"I'm good, glad I could make it to come here tonight. It's great to see you guys again. How's the new tour going?" He asked with a smile. I saw him looking over at Alexis before looking back at me.

"It's going great, it's good to be on the road again." I said with a smile before looking beside me, "This is Alexis, she's on the road with us." I said and she quickly stood up with a smile

"Your girlfriend right?" Niall said as he gave me a wink.

"You could say that" I said laughing a little

"I'm Alexis, nice to meet you." She said as she held out her hand politely. Niall just laughed before giving her a hug aswell.

Without having to see her face, I know her mind is going crazy now.

"It's great to meet you aswell" he said when he let go of the hug. My hand found Alexis' and I gave her a small squeeze. She looked at me with a smile quickly before looking back at him.

"I must admit that I'm a big fan of your music." She said with a soft laugh.

"Niall, she used to have your faces on her walls." Luke said from beside me laughing.

"Shut up Hemmings" Alexis replied laughing. Niall was laughing aswell now.

"So you've known eachother for a long time already?" He asked looking between Alexis and Luke

"Since we were little kids. We lived near eachother and I was in the same class as his brother. Plus our parents got along well so we were around eachother almost all the time." She replied with a smile.

"And now you're dating his bandmate" Niall replied laughing

"Indeed" she replied before the other guys that made their way to their chairs caught her attention.

"We will talk more after the show" I said with a smile before sitting down. Alexis sat down aswell and looked down at her hands before looking at me. She leaned closer to me so only I could hear her talking.

"What the hell just happened" she said before sitting up again. I started laughing as I looked at her still shocked face. I followed her gaze to see the red headed artist make his way to the chairs infront of us.

"Hey guys" Ed said as he looked at us with a smile before sitting down.

I looked at Alexis to see her in complete shock. This was a hilarious view.

"Tell Alexis that Ashley loves the dress she's wearing." Luke said from my other side. He has been talking with Ashley untill the people that were supposed to sit beside him showed up. "She's losing her mind."

"Will she survive if I tell her that?" I asked with a grin as I looked at him.

"Probably not but it will be funny."

"Hey Alexis, Luke has been talking with Ashley and she absolutly loves your dress. She looks forward to meeting you later." I said silently. She looked past me and to Ashley before looking at me again.

"This isn't even funny anymore." She simply said as she kept her eyes on me.

"It's true." I said with a smile, she was holding my hand even tighter then she was before and the look on her face was just fantastic.

"I'm glad I'm tired enough to stay calm." She said before taking in a deep breath and looking infront of her. The show was about to start so the fan 'space' has been filled now aswell and everyone was getting ready to start.

"You do look good in that dress" I said another time before the lights went darker. She looked at me with a small smile before looking infront of her.

You could just see how insecure she got every time someone mentioned the dress. It wasn't something she liked, and that made her insecure. It was pretty short and not too tight so it would occasionally slip up a bit. It drove her crazy.

She watched the stage happily when they started. A smile on her face the whole time.

She turned to Crystal a few times to make a comment on the show. And when she turned at me, her eyes were bright and full of life. She looked happy and her mind seemed to be at peace now.

She's going to have to talk about what happened some day, but right now I want her to enjoy today.

A/N: I love fangirl Alexis hahahaha

There's possibly coming 2 more updates in the next 4 hours lol

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