chapter twenty

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I was absolutly done with this shit and I didn't even care anymore about not making a big drama. I'm pretty sure that every friend of the family here has no clue I am his daughter, they probably don't even know that they have two daughters instead of one.

"That's not possible. Mr Thomas only has two kids, a son of 3 and a daughter of 6. Sammie and Lex." She said trying her best to stay calm and polite.

"Fucking hell." I said before turning around to see who walked up to us. It was one of his or her friends as I didn't see know him as someone of the family and I've met both of them. He looked pretty strong so probably only here to kick me out. "Don't even try kicking me out, I lived in this house for 18 years and know every single way to get in. I don't even want to say goodbye to him anymore, I just want to meet my freaking brother and sister who I have never met before or even know about. To be honest, nobody of the family even thought about telling me he passed. I had to find out from a friend of me."

"Miss, we're going to ask you to leave. You're being loud and interrupting the peace that we're trying to have here." The man spit in my face. I took out my wallet and handed him the two pictures I have and my passport.

"Believe me now?" I said as he looked down at the pictures. One of them was of my mom, Eric and I when I was 15. The other was more recent. I think I was around 19-20 and his girlfriend took it of us at the photoshoot. She sended it to me later. I saw the men take a deep breath before looking up at me and back at the pictures. "I'm not here to cause any drama, I was planning on just saying hi to everyone and sitting in the back during the ceremony. But now that I found out I have a brother and sister, I don't even know why I even wanted to show up here. I traveled over 12 hours to get here, just to be able to say goodbye. Then please let me." I had calmed down now so my voice got softer again and I got my pictures and passport back. The man nodded before looking at me.

"I'll introduce you to Sammie and Lex. The rest of the family has already went to the ceremony to say their goodbyes, we thought it was best to leave them here untill the actual ceremony." He looked at me in a disappointed way, I looked at him confused. "I've known Eric for 8 years, but I never knew about you and he never talked about you so I'm a bit disappointed now. If you still want to see him, you still got an hour. I can give you the adress."

"That's close after my mom passed. He was already with Sandra back then and building up a new life for when I would turn 18." I looked at him with a small smile "I want to meet them first, there's a big chance I'll never see them again after this."

He nodded before turning around so I could follow him. The boy was sitting at the tv, he probably had no clue what was happening. The girl sat at the table and was drawing in a book.

"Lex, Sammie. Can you come with me please?" The man said, they both jumped up and followed him to the kitchen. I followed them slowly while I looked around. This house doesn't exactly have good memories for me. Luckily they changed a lot so it wasn't like walking back in the past.

"Who's that uncle Ben?" The girl said as she hid behind him.

"This is .." he said starting off unsure of how to finish

"I'm Alexis. I loved your father a lot, he was like a father to me aswell a while ago. I know I have crazy hair, but I'm not mean or scary." I said as I bended down so I would be more on their hight.

"Your hair is cool" the girl said as she stepped away from Ben and towards me. "So are you like my sister?" She asked when she stood infront of me.

"You can see me like that."

"Where's daddy?" The little boy asked as he walked to his sister.

"He's to a better place, Sammie. He's a wild lion now like the ones we saw in Africa." She said as she hugged her brother. I loved the way she said it.

"Rawrrr" Sammie said laughing as he looked at me. It broke my hear to see them. They will grow up not knowing their father, I don't care how awfull he was to me after everything happened but he was good to them, I could see that by the pictures around the house.

"I want to have hair like you when I am older." Lex said with a smile on her face before she took a strand of my hair in her hands. "It's cool."

"When you're older you can do whatever you want. You can even paint it in crazier colours." I had a smile on my face while I talked to her, but every word she said made it harder for me not to cry.

"I want to show you my dolls! Maybe you can play with me tomorrow!" She said excited before taking my hand, she looked at her brother and took his hand aswell before pulling both of us behind her. I quickly looked at Dan and when he nodded I followed them.

Luckily, we didn't have to go past the guests to go up to her room.

I followed her up the stairs and trying not to freeze when we walked past the bathroom. She had gotten my room. We walk in and it was decorated completly different.

"This is my room, I'm so happy to finally have a sister!" She said as she looked at me. "Mommy says that I'm getting another brother, I always wanted a sister."

So three kids. Two brothers and a sister I never knew about and I wasn't going to find out if I didn't come here.

I came here to find closure, to end this chapter of my life. But all I can find is more and more things that make it impossible to end this chapter.

And I probably never will be able to end it if I want to keep seeing them.

A/N: here's the second update for today as I promised 🎉🎉

Someone please give me cool girl names bcs I need one or two. It can be your own name and you'll become someone cool in the story. I can't tell who you will be yet.

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